Chapter Eighty-Nine

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Eighty-Nine


It had been a week since Bella's opening. I had stayed with her that weekend, but she insisted that I go back to my own condo once I got back from my shift. She was worried that her nightmares were keeping me awake and ruining my sleep cycle. Yes, her nightmares were horrific and they woke both of us up, but I wanted nothing more than to hold her tight, proving to her that I wasn't going anywhere.

Her tone indicated that she was not going to take no for an answer. When I was done with my shift, I went back to my cold, lonely condo when all I wanted to do was curl up around my girl.

My Bella.

When I woke up on Saturday, after a grueling thirty-six hour shift, I was sore, cranky and missing my girlfriend. But, then I remembered that today was the photo shoot for the fireman's calendar. I was excited since Bella was shooting it, but freaking out since I didn't want to be a greased-up sex symbol. I reminded myself it was for a good cause. It was for the children's wing at Northwestern Memorial. Showering, I dressed in a pair of jeans and one of my firehouse polo shirts. On top, I wore a firehouse fleece. I ate a quick breakfast before darting down to my car and to the house where we'd be using that as a backdrop for our shoot. Bella also made arrangements to use the training facility just outside of the city for some 'action shots.'

When I arrived at the house, I was shocked at how much it had changed. There were lights surrounding my rig along with a tarp hitched above it. Outside of the firehouse, there were a couple of 'sets' assembled with fire hoses, a Dalmatian and fake fire hydrant. Peter was standing with a clipboard, talking with a petite woman with bright purple hair. He looked up, smiling at me. "Here's the last model. Jet, this is Edward Cullen. Edward, this is your makeup artist, Jet," Peter said.

"Makeup?" I squeaked.

"Not a whole lot. Just enough to even out your skin tone and give you a natural flush," Jet explained, waving her hand dismissively. "Perhaps some fake soot on your cheeks and torso." Indicating inside of the house, she led me toward the kitchen. "You have two outfits, Mr. Cullen. Put the pants on first. We're doing the group shot in front of the rig, then we'll address the individual shots along with the action shots, too." She handed me a hanger with the pants. They were similar to my gear, but brighter with artistic scuffs added here and there. Also, there was a pair Calvin Klein underwear and a black wife-beater. "When you're done, meet me in the bunk area. That's our 'salon.'"

I went into the locker room, changing into my outfit. It was much tighter than my usual turnout gear. Probably due the fact that I wasn't wearing my usual clothing underneath it. Once I was finished getting dressed, I sat down at the mirror that had my name labeled on top. Emmett was sitting next to me, enjoying some facial massage thing with his makeup artist. "I hope that we don't get a call," I said, looking all around me.

"We're 'off' until eight tonight," Emmett answered. "Bella really covered her bases. I told her about how the shoot last year was interrupted due to that four alarm warehouse fire. She went and spoke with the fire commissioner, explaining what was happening today. He gave her from six in the morning until eight at night to get things done. She's been here since the ass-crack of dawn."

Jet walked over, first attacking my head with a pair of scissors. After my haircut, she artfully styled it using some pomade and hairspray. My hair was disheveled but looked stylish. With a light, deft touch, she applied some makeup. I didn't look like a clown, as I'd feared, but more like a better version of myself. Bella walked in, wearing a pair of black cargo pants and black sweater. Her hair was braided, hanging over her shoulder. "Is everyone ready?" Bella asked, her voice all business, no play.

"Just putting the finishing touches on Mr. Cullen," Jet called, fluffing my hair again. Bella caught my eye, giving me a seductive grin. With a nod, Bella turned on her heel and walked out of the bunk area.

We all clambered out to the rig and Bella began barking out instructions. We were arranged in front of the rig. Jacob, not being at all shy, whipped off his shirt. A number of guys did the same, showing off their physiques. Jacob elbowed me. "Come on, Edward. It's for a good cause. The more skin we show, the better the proceeds will be for children's wing." With a sigh, I removed my shirt and flexed my muscles. Bella began taking photos, encouraging us to 'work it' and to think of the kids. She put us at ease with her professional demeanor. The photographer last year made me feel like I was a stripper, always wanting to touch my body.

A half hour later, the group shot was done. Bella wanted a few more photos with Emmett, Garrett and myself, the leaders of the firehouse. Garrett sauntered over, proud of his body and his tattoos showing. Emmett and I rolled our eyes as Garrett began flexing like he was a weight lifter. Bella was taking photos, giggling behind her massive camera. She deemed us finished and told us to change into our second outfit, which was a variation of our full uniform, but we were shirtless underneath or wearing a white wife beater.

Emmett posed with the dog, laughing happily as the Dalmatian, named Sadie, attacked his face with doggie kisses. Jacob and Seth posed together with the fire hose, which Bella would add water in the editing program. Garrett was being silly and he was doused with real water from four of us, pouring buckets onto his body. When he was done, his lips were blue and he was shivering. The weather was not conducive for water and being half naked.

I was one of the last guys to go. My set was at the training facility. Bella was taking my photo as I was climbing a ladder. She was on a separate ladder, tethered to the edge as she hovered above me. Over my shoulder, I carried a coiled fire hose and my hatchet. With a shudder, Bella said that it was a wrap and she handed her camera to Peter. Shakily, she tried to walk down the ladder, but she was beginning to panic. "Bella, are you alright?" I asked, handing my props to Emmett.

"This is awfully high," she squeaked, clinging to the ladder. "How can you do this every day?"

We were close enough that I was able to jump across to her ladder, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Turn around, love," I encouraged. She pried her fingers off the ladder and put a strangle hold on my neck. "Just hold on. I'll get you down." She nodded as I lifted her carefully and guiding her down the steps. Once we were on the roof of the rig, I sat down, holding her tightly. "You're on the truck, Bella. You're safe." She opened her eyes, looking around and let out a sigh of relief. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I was so focused on the shot that I forgot that we were nearly thirty feet off the ground," she grumbled, glowering at the retracting ladders.

"More like ten, but that's okay," I chuckled. "I got to rescue you." She blushed, hiding her face into my shoulder. "Don't be embarrassed, Bella. I'm proud of you."

"Kay," she whispered. She looked up at me, her eye brown eyes hooded. "Will you come over tonight? Seeing you all..." she trailed off, licking her lips.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, sweet girl," I said, pressing my mouth to hers. "Do you need help cleaning up?"

"Jet and her crew were working on the house and Peter and I will handle the training facility. I should be done in like an hour or so," Bella answered. "Thank you for rescuing me."

"Thank you for not treating me like a piece of man meat," I chuckled. I got up and helped Bella onto the ground.

"You are a piece of man meat. My man meat," she laughed, smacking my ass. "Meet me at my place?"

"It's a date, Ms. Swan," I smirked.

A/N: Who wants some citrusy action? Also, pictures that inspired me for the calendar shoot are on my blogs and tumblr. Leave me some!

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