Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Four

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

*Now, some of you are liking the intensity, but others are not a fan of the amount of angst. My goal is to have the climax happen by chapter 140. And for those of you who know me, I always promise a HEA. There is enough sadness in the world without having it in the fictional realm. Stick with me. I promise, promise, it'll be good.*

Chapter 124


I was an anxious, nervous mess when I got home from work. Edward was making dinner and the scent of potato soup he was cooking made my stomach turn. The combination of fear from what had happened in the past and the apprehension for Peter tied my belly in knots. Edward looked at me, his face pulled into a look of concern. "Are you alright, sweet girl?"

"We got a troublesome phone call today at the office. Some guy called Peter, asking for a series of photographs of burning buildings," I shuddered. "When Peter said that it was highly illegal, the person hung up. I called Sergeant Voight, informing him of the phone call. They said they were going to investigate it, but I'm worried about my friend. What if James gets him? Renee?"

"Peter will be fine and I'm certain that he told you that," Edward soothed. "He's a big guy and ..."

"He may be, but James is diabolic, wicked smart and unwavering in his own sick way. Renee, she'd finagle a way for him to fuck her," I spat. "I asked him to call me once he got back from his photo shoot. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him or anyone else. I can't take this anymore."

"I don't blame you, love," Edward said, cupping my cheek and caressing my skin.

I leaned against his hand, allowing myself some solace in his presence. From my workbag, my cell phone rang shrilly. I jumped, stumbling to pick up my phone. Looking at the view screen, I let out a breath when I saw Peter's name. "Hello?"

"I told you I was fine, Bella. The engagement shoot went perfectly and there was nothing out of the ordinary," Peter said dryly. "I know that you're on edge because of what happened with Edward's condo, but maybe James has left and given up."

"Unlikely, but thank you for calling me, Peter. You also have the number of the Intelligence Unit. If you see anything weird or get another phone call from that prospective client, call them immediately," I said, leaning against the counter.

"I will. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. I have an appointment at Northwestern Memorial to do several baby shoots. I'll call you if anything changes," Peter said. "Oh, and we need to schedule your engagement shoot, too. Think about it and good night, Bella." I replied in kind, chuckling and hanging up the phone. I collapsed onto a nearby chair and pressed my head into hands. Edward sat next to me, rubbing my back and whispered words of comfort.

"Did I overreact?" I asked.

"Probably, but I think you have a good reason to overreact. Now, what had you laughing?" he questioned.

"Our engagement shoot," I replied, smirking at him. "Peter said that he wanted to take our photos for the engagement announcement. We need to do it soon, really. Alice and Esme want to run the story soon. We need some good news with all of this going on."

"Call Peter back. Let's see when he's free and we'll get it done soon. Where do you want it done, love?"

"I don't know. I'm happy with a picture of us from the benefit," I snorted. "You look extremely sexy in a tux."

"And you look like a walking sin in that dress," Edward purred, moving to stand next to me. He gently pulled me to my feet, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me so deeply that I felt it in my toes. When he broke the kiss, I whimpered slightly, missing his lips against my own. "But, I'd like to have a special engagement shoot with you, my love. I want to announce to the world that I'm yours and that you're mine."

My brain was so scrambled that I just nodded, agreeing to whatever he had said. Edward chuckled lightly, urging me to sit down and finished putting the meal on the table. We ate a delicious, but hearty meal of potato soup with some crusty bread and a huge salad. After dinner, we called Peter and made arrangements for the following weekend to do our engagement photos. In a way, I was glad that we were doing it because we were living our lives and not letting James or Renee control our movements. Peter was thrilled and was chattering about all of the different locations he wanted to use. We let him prattle on, but as soon as we had the photos, I wanted to announce it to the world.

I was Edward's and he was mine.

No one was going to take my happiness away.

No one.

I was going to live my life to the fullest with my husband.

James be damned.

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