Chapter One Hundred Forty-Two

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 142


I woke up, laying on a gurney with an IV attached to my arm. Emmett was sitting next to me, his hand gripping mine. "Emmett?" I choked out, sitting up.

"Hey, Bella," he said quietly, brushing his hand over my cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired and nauseous," I replied. "Wait! Where's Edward? Did someone get a hold of Esme? Carlisle?" I started to get up from the gurney, needing to get in touch with Edward's parents.

"Shhhh," Emmett soothed, pushing me back into the bed. "They're both here. Edward is in surgery to repair the damage that the knife caused. They won't tell us much since we're not family. They may be more forthcoming since you're engaged to him. But, you took a nasty spill. You collapsed and hit your head. You've got some stitches." He gently pressed his fingers to a gauze pad on my temple.

"I've got to get up and get to Edward and his family," I said, trying to pull out the IV.

"Bella, stop. You need to relax," Emmett urged. "You're going to get sick and Edward needs you."

I collapsed against the pillows, wiping my cheeks and feeling so lost and torn. Jasper walked in, holding a chart and a concerned look in his eyes. "Hey, Bella," he said, sitting down on the stool. "How's your head?"

"It hurts," I answered, curling up under the covers. "In fact, everything hurts. My head, my heart, my soul ..." I looked up at him, tears filling my eyes. "How is he?"

"We've got the best surgeon working on him. The stab wound nicked the pericardial sack and it filled with blood. We were afraid that the knife hit the heart itself, but when they opened up his chest, it was just the pericardial sack," Jasper explained.

"You opened his chest?" I squeaked, my own heart clenching. "Jasper, please, will he be okay? Will he make a complete recovery? What about the burns?"

"Bella, you have to calm down," Jasper murmured, taking my hands. "Emmett, why don't you go to the nurse's station and get some water for Bella? Okay?"

"Sure," Emmett answered, kissing my cheek and leaving me with Jasper.

"Bella, I'm saying this as your doctor and as your friend, you have remain calm. It's not good for you or for the baby," he whispered. My eyes widened. How did he know? I just found out! "When you fell, I had you admitted and ran a blood test, which is standard procedure. Alice came in with Esme and Carlisle. I was walking back to your room when I saw her. She checked on you, spilling the beans and verifying what the blood test had told me. Dr. Popper checked you out while you were unconscious and said that you need take it easy."

"You can't tell anyone, Jasper," I choked out. "Only you and Alice know. Edward doesn't. I just found out while I was in Washington."

"I can't tell anyone. You're my patient and it would violate HIPAA," he smirked, rubbing my arm.

"Didn't you violate HIPAA in telling me about Edward?" I asked.

"He named you as next of kin on his emergency paperwork from the firehouse," Jasper replied, squeezing my hand. "Now, let me check you out so I can release you. Follow the light with your eyes." He did a complete examination, deeming that I was okay to be released. He removed the IV and said that the stitches could come out in a week. He'd take them out during some down time when he was on shift. I thanked him for his kindness and discretion. He hugged me and released me from the hospital.

With the help of Emmett, we went up to the surgical floor and we waited for news about Edward. Everyone from the station was also in the waiting room along with Esme, Carlisle and Alice. I was hesitant to show my face since I was terrified that they'd hate me. Esme jumped up, hugging me tightly and forcing me to sit next to her. "Bella, we're so glad you're feeling better," she said.

That's relative, I thought bitterly. "I'm sorry, Esme. So sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, sweet girl," she soothed, taking my hand. "This is not your fault." She forced me to look at her, her hand holding my chin. "Do not blame yourself, please. I can see that you are upset and that you think this all happened because ..."

"It did," I whispered. My eyes fluttered shut and tears trickled down my cheeks.

"Isabella Marie Swan, you need to realize that this is not your fault. We went over this in Washington. James and Renee, they are the evil ones. Not you," Alice growled. "Now, we need you. Edward, your fiancé, needs you. Everyone needs you." Her eyes cut to my stomach and she arched a brow angrily.

My baby needs me and I need to be strong for my Edward. I can do this. I have to do this.

"Edward is a strong man and he will not give up on you," Esme murmured. She threaded her fingers with mine, holding my hand close to her heart. She quietly prayed and I joined her, hoping that my prayers would go answered. That Edward would fully recover and that he would still love me once he woke up.

A/N: Leave me some, please?

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