Chapter Nine

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who wantsx to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, andgo at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Nine


Alice left my condo and I went to change into something to work out in. I had slept while I was on my shift, but it wasn't restful. Bella kept invading my dreams. The two brief conversations with her really seared her into my mind. Or was it her blatant rejection? Pursing my lips, I changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, hoping that a great workout would exhaust me so I could sleep unhindered.

I ran five miles and then went to the workout room in my building, doing an hour's worth of strength training. When I was done, I was dripping in sweat. Going upstairs, I showered, changed into a pair of shorts and made myself an early dinner so I could just veg out in front of my flat screen. I was sitting, channel surfing when my buzzer went off by the door. "Nooooo!" I whined, dragging my body off the couch. Scowling at the buzzer, that was going off like crazy, I pressed the button to answer the obnoxious ringer. "Emmett, so help me God..."

"How did you know it was me?" he laughed.

"You were buzzing the rhythm of 'Who Let the Dogs Out,'" I replied flatly.

"It's a great song. Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who? Sooooo, You going to let me in? I've got Stella," he sang.

I was really looking forward to just hanging out, on my own. But, Stella sounded really good and I didn't have any in my fridge. "Come on up," I said, holding the button to open the front door. I cracked open my door and put on a shirt. When I was walking out from my bedroom, Emmett was in my place, opening up two beers. He held one out for me, which I gratefully took. "No date with your girl?" I asked.

"Nope. She's working the overnight shift at Northwestern," Emmett said, rummaging through my cabinets for something to eat. "Don't you have any guy food?"

"Guy food?" I snorted.

"Yeah, guy food. Chips, processed meats and cheeses, sweets?" Emmett grumbled, taking out a bag of trail mix. "My mom eats this shit."

"One of these days, Emmett, you are going to balloon to be three hundred pounds," I quipped.

"We work off some serious calories while we fight fires, Eddo," Emmett said, grabbing a bag of pita chips. "And the amount of working out we do? We're going to be ripped until we're like eighty."

"You are a moron," I snickered, walking back to the couch, plopping down.

"I am what I am," Emmett retorted, popping some chips into his mouth. "So, what did you think about the brunette hottie who bought our food? You must have made an impression for her to foot the bill for our hungry asses."

"I'm shocked beyond all recognition, Em," I said, sipping my beer. "I've read stories and seen newscasts of that type of thing, but never imagined it happening to us."

"Bullshit! It happened to you. That woman was sweet on you, Cullen. She was undressing you with her eyes," he said, laughing. "She wanted to ride your baloney pony."

"Emmett, I will throw you over the balcony," I said, tossing my bottle cap at him. "She did not think that. I asked if I could take her out for dinner as a thank you and she bolted out of there."

"You asked her out?" Emmett squeaked, some pita chips landing on his chest.

"Only to thank her for buying the house shit ton of food. It wasn't like a date. Buying her dinner was the least I could since sheoutfitted our house for a week, maybe more," I said.

"Edward, you like her," Emmett sang, waggling his fingers. "He wants to date her."

"What? No! She was pretty, but I don't know her well enough to like or dislike her," I said. "Besides, she freaked out. We probably won't see her again."

"I doubt it, Edward. Mark my words, we will see that brunette hottie again and you two will be bumping uglies," Emmett snickered. He thrust his hips, moaning like a porn star. "Bella...right there, baby. Ride my cock. Yes! Yes!"

I covered my face, groaning loudly. I'm surrounded by idiots.

A/N: Emmett is an immature goofball. He's going to be our comic relief. You know? One more chapter with Edward and then back to Bella. Leave me some!

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