Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 134


"It explains so much," Alice said as we drove back to Seattle the following morning. I was flying home to Chicago with her. I had been a zombie ever since Alice tossed the pregnancy test onto the bedding. I was in a state of shock, utter shock, when I saw the results.

A little plus sign was so innocent-looking, but it had given me so much hope.

"Bella, you have to go to the doctor once you get back to Chicago. I've already taken the liberty in making an appointment with the obstetrician at my gynecologist's office. The appointment is for five tonight," Alice prattled on. "She's really good, especially in high-risk pregnancies."

I didn't answer her. I just pressed my hand over my belly and rubbed it gently. I was pregnant. I was carrying Edward's baby. It did make sense. I had been feeling off since New Year's. My emotions were erratic. My appetite was voracious for both food and my fiancé. Why didn't I notice it before?

"You are lost in your old world, Bella," Alice said, snapping her fingers in front of my face. I blushed, giving her a sheepish look. "Thinking about the baby?"

"Yeah," I answered, rubbing my still-flat tummy. "And Edward, too. I haven't spoken to him since ..."

"I have. He knows where you are and that I came to get you," Alice said, shooting me a glare. "And no, he doesn't know about the baby. That's your news. He's on shift tonight, filling in for one of the guys who has the flu and should be back tomorrow morning. You can tell Edward about the bun in your oven when he gets home."

"Shouldn't Edward be at the doctor's appointment?" I asked. "Don't you think that it's important for him to be there?"

"He'll be at the next one. With your history, it's probably best that you get in as soon as possible," Alice explained. "I want my future niece or nephew to get the best care." She reached across, patting my stomach. "Edward will be so over-the-moon happy when he finds out." She turned into the car rental, handing the keys to the attendant. We clambered with our bags into the shuttle. Waiting a few moments, we took off for SeaTac. Our flight was on time and we would make it back to Chicago just before three. Alice chattered the entire time we were in the airport about new designs, her own wedding to Jasper and about nonsensical things. I heard her, but I didn't really listen. I was trying to keep my lunch in my stomach and replaying how to tell Edward in my mind.

Would he be happy?

Is he upset with me because I left without telling him?

Does he still want to get married?

Would he take my baby away if he didn't want me anymore?

That last question made my heart clench and tears spill onto my cheeks. "Bella? What is it?" Alice asked, gripping my hands.

"Nothing," I whispered, getting up and walking to the bathroom. I shut the door, sitting down on the tiny toilet. I gripped my hair, crying irrationally at something that I knew Edward wouldn't do. It wasn't until there was a quiet knock on the door that I moved from my perch on the toilet. I washed my hands, dabbing my face and exiting the lavatory. An angry flight attendant glared at me as I stumbled back to my seat. Alice looked at me as I slunk into my aisle seat.

"Bella, I don't know what you were thinking, but whatever it was, it won't happen," she said soothingly. "Can you tell me?"

"It's just my imagination running away with me. It's really stupid," I snorted humorlessly. "Look, I'm tired. We've got another couple of hours on this flight. Do you mind if I take a nap?"

"Of course not," Alice said quietly, tucking my hair back behind my ear. "Edward is not mad at you, if that's what you're concerned about. He knows that this is all too much. He was just very, very worried. He loves you so much."

I nodded, leaning my head back. A few rogue tears tumbled down my cheeks. Alice asked one of the flight attendants for a blanket and a pillow. She tucked me in and I managed to slip into a fitful slumber, only waking up when the plane touched down in Chicago. A cloud of foreboding settled over me. Something more was coming and it wasn't Edward's ire about my running away or Alice's frustrating in me being pregnant for my wedding. It was deeper than that.

And it scared the shit out of me.

A/N: Up next will be the doctor's appointment. We'll find out how pregnant Bella is and the elusive more is going to be hinted at the end of the chapter. Leave me some!

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