Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Five

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

*Now, some of you are liking the intensity, but others are not a fan of the amount of angst. My goal is to have the climax happen by chapter 140. And for those of you who know me, I always promise a HEA. There is enough sadness in the world without having it in the fictional realm. Stick with me. I promise, promise, it'll be good.*

Chapter 125


"Bella, try this one on," Alice said, handing me a long black sweater dress. "This might be cute for your engagement photo shoot. With a pair of leggings?" She gave me a look, arching a brow. I rolled my eyes, slipping back into the dressing room. "Though, I'd rather be having you try on wedding dresses."

"Not yet, Alice," I snickered. "I want to get past all of this craziness with James, Renee and all of the fires."

"What if it's not? Bella, you and Edward picked a date in October. If you want me to create a dress for you, it will take time!" she argued. "I want you to have everything you ever dreamed of for your wedding."

"What if I want to wear sweat pants and flip flops?" I snorted, smoothing the dress over my body. Alice pulled open the curtain, glaring at me. "What? It's possible. For all you know, Edward and I are already married. We went to the courthouse and I'm Mrs. Edward Cullen."

"You can't be serious," Alice deadpanned.

"I'm not," I giggled, looking at her. "Look, we will figure out a dress, but just not now."

"Would you mind if I create some sketches?" Alice asked, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Go ahead," I answered. "What about this? How is this?"

"Add this on top and I think you'll be really cute," she replied, handing me an adorable jacket. I beamed at my reflection, feeling sexy, sassy and ready for my engagement photo shoot. Alice's phone rang and she darted away.

I needed this distraction. I hadn't been sleeping well and my mind was constantly on the go, imagining what could happen if James and Renee succeeded in their plans. I made an appointment with my psychiatrist and my therapist, upping my dosage of my anxiety pills and increasing my therapy sessions. Edward had been with me, holding me tightly when I woke up from nightmares. When he wasn't at his condo, overseeing the renovations, he was at work with me.

Skipping back, Alice beamed happily. "Come on, Bella. Mom wants to meet us for lunch."

"I have to get back to work," I frowned. Another distraction.

"No, you don't. Peter said you've been doing too much. You have the afternoon off," Alice giggled. "Change back into your clothes and we'll meet up with my mom. She wants to mother you a bit. Edward's been blabbing to Mom and to me."

"I'm going to kick his ass," I snorted. They all knew I was struggling with what happened to Edward's condo, but only my fiancée knew how badly it impacted me.

"Don't. He's just worried. He said that you've been fighting a battle in your dreams against your mom. So, my mom is going to love up on you," Alice said, hugging me tightly. I wanted to put up more of a fight, but I knew that I needed to see Esme. She had been a source of strength for me. When Edward was unavailable or I felt like I was bothering him – which was often, in my mind – I'd contact her. She always had a kind word, a warm hug and unending support. Granted, I suppressed a great deal of my pain. I didn't want to burden her, either.

I didn't want to burden anyone, really. And that's all I seemed to do lately.


I changed back into my black dress pants and green sweater set. Adjusting my hair, I exited from the dressing room. Esme was standing in Alice's store. She was chatting with Alice and one of the salesgirls. When Esme saw me, she walked over to me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad that you have the afternoon off, Bella. I want to have lunch with my daughters. There's this adorable Indian restaurant nearby that I want to try. It'll be a perfect location to begin planning your wedding, Bella."

"I've been craving some mango lassi and butter chicken," I smiled.

We went to India House, settling into the large booth. We ordered our meals, enjoying a pitcher of mango lassi. Alice began chattering about my upcoming nuptials and I glazed over with her conversation. I was excited to be getting married, but I didn't want my life to be inundated with wedding details.

"Alice, why don't you take a breath, sweetie?" Esme snickered.

"Sorry. I can't wait for my own wedding and helping you plan yours, Bella, it's distracting me from the fact that I'm not engaged," Alice shrugged. She smiled, sipping her drink.

"What's taking Jasper so long?" I asked.

"I know he's going to propose. We love each other and we've talked about it. Jasper wants to be done with his residency and begin his fellowship. He's been placed at Northwestern and will begin the fellowship next fall." Her phone chirped from her purse. "Speaking of which ..." She hopped out of the booth and began speaking to Jasper.

Watching her walk away, Esme turned back to me and grasped my hand. "Edward spoke to me earlier this morning while he was waiting on an appliance delivery. He said that you had another nightmare, and that they are getting worse."

"My imagination is running away with me," I sighed. I closed my eyes, pinching my nose. "I just hate that James and my mother, they have this hold over me. I hope that no one else will be hurt. I can't lose anyone. Not you, Alice, Carlisle, Edward ..."

"Sweetheart, we aren't going anywhere," Esme smoothed.

"You don't know that. James is out there and he's probably strategizing how he can get us, ending my happiness," I sniffled. "I've already lost so much."

Esme moved to sit next to me, wrapping me into a hug. "Bella, you are a part of our family. We will always support and protect you. We love very much."

"And I love you, too," I said. "For the first time since my grandmother's death, I feel like I belong. My relationship with my father is being rebuilt. I have close friendships with Leah, Seth, Jacob and Emmett. Alice is my best friend and she helped me through a difficult time, allowing me to heal so I can be with Edward. And then there's Edward. He's been amazing. I never knew what it would be like to be in a relationship based on love, respect and happiness."

"No matter what happens, we will be here for you," Esme murmured. She hugged me again, moving back to the other side of the booth.

Alice came back, her face flushed and her body vibrating. "Jasper has Valentine's weekend off. He said he has plans."

"Perhaps we'll be planning two weddings," I said, clinking my glass with hers. Alice squealed, nodding excitedly.

A/N: Transitional chapter ... Okay, the good news is coming next chapter. And we're switching points of view. We will also get some photos for this upcoming chapter as well. Leave me some!

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