Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Fifty-Eight


I parked on the street near my sister's shop. Walking the short distance to her shop, I slipped inside of AliCe Designs. Bella was thumbing through some of my sister's newest designs while Alice chattered like a monkey in a tree. One of Alice's assistants ambled over to me. "Welcome to AliCe Designs. I'm Yvette. Can I help you?" she batted her eyelashes and pressed her hand to my bicep.

"I'm good," I smirked, walking past her and to Bella, wrapping my arms around her waist. She jumped slightly but relaxed in my arms. "Buying some new clothes, baby? Something slinky and sexy for me?"

"Maybe," Bella sang, threading her fingers through mine. Yvette huffed quietly, stomping away. "If she could have, she would have stripped off her clothes and lay down on the floor, begging you to fuck her."

"Well, I don't want her. I want you," I said, kissing Bella's neck. She sighed contentedly, angling her head so I could move my mouth further down her smooth skin.

"Stop dry humping in my store," Alice chuckled as she finished up with a sale. Her customer laughed, carrying her bag out the door. "Yvette has had a crush on you for as long as you can remember, Edward."

"Well, Yvette is a nice girl, but not my girl," I retorted, letting go of Bella so she could resuming her shopping. Bella winked, swiping a short sexy dress and handed it to Alice. "For me?"

"Oh, yes," Bella giggled, walking to the cash register. "And Alice do your thing with that, too."

"Got it," Alice said, bouncing away.

"Her thing?" I asked.

"I can usually find one item but matching it to others? Not my strong suit. So, I pick what I want as the base of an outfit and Alice decks me out in accessories, shoes, jewelry and such. It's a pretty fancy dress, Cullen," Bella purred.

"I'll have to find an occasion for you to wear it," I replied, kissing her soft pink lips. Alice matched Bella's dress with several items from the store. Ringing them up, Bella paid for them as the door opened again. A red-headed woman strode in.

"Victoria!" squealed my sister, running to the woman. They hugged and smiled fondly at each other. "Thank you for coming."

"My pleasure," Victoria said, her voice husky. "This place has been on the market for as long as you've owned the shop. I'm surprised that no one has expressed interest."

"It's pretty small," Alice said. "This is my best friend, Bella Swan. Next to her is my brother and Bella's boyfriend, Edward Cullen."

"Nice to meet you both," Victoria said, shaking our hands. "Bella, are you the one interested in the travel agency?"

"Yes," Bella replied. "Though, I won't use it for that. I'm thinking more along the lines of graphic and web design with some photography."

"Sounds intriguing," Victoria said. "Come, let me show you the place." Alice smiled, waving us out of her store. Victoria used her key to unlock the travel agency and we followed her inside. "Now, this is reception area. The floors are wood, obviously in need of some repair. The furniture comes with the place, but it's older than my grandmother." Walking past the decrepit desk,she opened a door. "The back is far bigger than the reception area. You could tear down this wall and make the whole thing so much larger. With what you have in mind that may be your best bet." Behind the door, there were five desks and posters all around, displaying tropical locales. From like the seventies. Feathered hair went out of style years ago.

"How much is this place?" I asked.

"$150,000," Victoria replied. "It also includes parking in the back. It's nice because it's the end unit of the mall, which means you could add windows to this side. Plus, Alice is an amazing neighbor."

"This place does need a lot of work," Bella said. "It's small, too. What about $100,000?"

"I'd have to call the family. The woman who owned this place died unexpectedly. The price has come down significantly. It was listed at over $300,000," Victoria cringed. "I'll let you know?" Bella smiled, nodding slightly. "I can try them now while you explore. I'll be right back." We wandered around the office. Bella was making mental notes of what needed to be changed and what would stay the same. Twenty minutes later, Victoria came back. "I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that they accepted your offer."

"And the bad news?" Bella questioned.

"They want to close next week," Victoria frowned. "I don't know how you'll be able to secure a loan..."

"I don't need a loan. I'll take it," Bella said sternly. Victoria gasped. "Do they need earnest money?"

"Um, no. Just the full amount on the day of closing," Victoria said. "I'll send you a contract."

"Here's my email address. Please, send it to me that way. I'll sign it and email it back to you," Bella smiled, handing Victoria her card. "Thank you for all of your help."

"It was a pleasure, Bella," Victoria said, shaking Bella's hand. "The contract will be sent to you by the end of business today."

A/N: Bella got the travel agency. Or rather the space. She'll have another location for her lucrative business. And who was following Edward or was it all in his mind? Leave me some!

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