Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Eight

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 138


Garrett managed to get all of us one day off. I wanted to kiss that man. Sleeping in a fire station that now smelled like a gym locker was not my ideal location to get some quality shut-eye. Not that I was sleeping much anyway. Ever since Bella left, I had not been sleeping well. I was also spending a great deal of time with Peter in the hospital, sleeping on the uncomfortable plastic recliner.

In fact, it was Peter's release that got me some time off. Emmett was still working, but would be given his day off when I returned early tomorrow morning. With all that was happening, I had contacted my parents to see if Peter could stay with them. My mother was more than willing, as was my father. I left the station and went back to Bella's brownstone. I took a two hour nap before I drove to the hospital to pick up Peter. He was sitting in the recliner, dressed in a pair of hospital scrubs, eating some tapioca pudding. "That looks like snot," I teased.

"Shut the fuck up. It's good. Charlotte brought from home. She made it from scratch," Peter snorted, displaying his mouth filled with tapioca. "Better than the slop they try to pass off as food." He swallowed, putting a lid on his pudding. "Have you heard from Bella? Is she okay with me staying?"

"I haven't heard from her. I know that she's in Forks, Washington, and spending time with her father," I said. "My sister flew out there yesterday. In regards to where you're recovering, it's been decided that you're going to stay with my parents. My mom misses having me and my sister at home and my dad is a well-known doctor. He can take care of you if you need any help."

"Oh," Peter said, his brow furrowing.

"Look, with Bella being gone and everything so in a state of ..." I trailed off. "Once we get things settled, I'm certain that Bella will insist that you be at her place. Honestly, though, I think she's blaming herself for what happened to you."

"It's not her fault," he growled, looking down at his bandaged right arm. "It was James. Yes, he has a sick, twisted perversion against your fiancée, but it's not her fault that he set my townhouse on fire or that he tried to use me as human kindling."

"Try telling her that," I grumbled. "I'm sorry, Peter."

"Don't apologize. I appreciate your parents in helping me out. It's not like I can get my credit card and check into a hotel. Everything I ever had was in that townhouse and now it's gone," he said, shifting in the recliner. "I'm meeting with an insurance agent next week and I should be getting money for the loss of my home. And once I get settled, I can call my bank to have a new credit card and such sent to me. Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine."

"You sure?"

"Edward, I'm alive and will have some interesting scars. But, I survived," he smiled. "Besides, Charlotte thinks that the scars will make me even sexier."

"You are so pussy whipped," I laughed. "Have you asked her out?"

"I have and once I have cash, a car and some clothes that are not hospital scrubs, I will be taking her out on a proper date," Peter smirked. "Any suggestions on where?"

"Not a movie. You want to be able to talk with your date," I snickered.

"But, you can make out at a movie," he retorted.

"You can also do that on her couch," I replied. Peter's eyes widened and he nodded eagerly. "While we're waiting for the doctor, is there anything that you need?"

"Some clothes, honestly," he answered, plucking at his sea foam green scrubs. "The clothes I was wearing when I was brought in were cut off and everything else is now ashes. I'll pay you back."

I waved him off. "Nonsense. We're friends, bordering on family. I want to help."

"You are in the same boat, Edward. You just lost everything in your own fire," Peter murmured, his eyes wide.

"I'm a little better off, Peter. With the insurance payments and what not," I soothed. Not to mention my trust fund. "We'll get you some basics and then make our way over to my parent's place once you get sprung from this place."

"The sooner the better. I'm happy that I met Charlotte, but I would give my left nut for some real food. A cheeseburger, fries, beer," he laughed. "Not to mention, underwear."

"I did not need to know that, Peter," I deadpanned.

A/N: You know the drill ... please, leave me some! ;-)

PS ~ I'm dealing with pretty substantial badness in RL. My mom is incredibly sick. As a result, my writing time has been cut down, significantly. Not mention, my muse has left the building since I'm worried that my mom is not going to survive until the end of the year. I'd appreciate prayers sent my way for my mom since we need as much positive thoughts and healing prayers as possible. I'm not usually one to air out my personal problems on social media, but I've had several reviews that warranted this announcement.

Thank you ...

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