Chapter One Hundred Forty-One

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 141


I flew out of bed, frantically searching for my cell phone. I found it under my bed, kicked underneath my nightstand. I dialed Alice's number. She didn't pick up. It went to voicemail. "Alice! It's a trap. Don't go to your store. Please!" I sobbed. "Please, come back to the brownstone."

I sat down on the floor, fear washing over me like a tidal wave. Alice was now a victim. She was in James' sights. He was not going to stop. I had to protect her. I had to protect them. I heaved my body off the ground, tossing a hoodie on over my t-shirt. My stomach revolted. I ran to the bathroom, throwing up the Chinese I had had for dinner last night. I sobbed all the while, hating how lost I felt and how sick this made me. I calmed down, brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth out.

Shakily, I went downstairs and went to my car. I eased it out of the garage, driving to Alice's store. When I arrived, I was shocked to see Edward's company at the scene with Alice speaking to the Sergeant Voight and Detective Halsted. I parked my car, running over to Alice and hugging her tightly. "What happened?" I asked.

"Bella," she sniffled, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

"What is it? Tell me!" I demanded. Alice threw her arms around my body, crushing me tightly. She was trembling and her tears were soaking my shoulder.

"Miss Swan, why don't you come with me?" Detective Halsted murmured, guiding me to the ambulance just behind Edward's rig. "Lieutenant Cullen was injured in the fire."

"WHAT?!" I screamed, looking at the detective and gripping his leather jacket. "Is he alright? Please, tell me he's alright. I can't ... I need him. I need him to forgive me. I need to tell him ..."

"He's unconscious at the moment," he said, pulling me into a tight hug. I hysterically sobbed against this virtual stranger, so afraid that the man that I loved and that I pushed away was going to die before I could make amends. Before I could tell him that he was going to be a daddy. "The paramedics will explain more."

I nodded against his shoulder. Detective Halsted helped me, walking me to the ambulance. Angela was working on my fiancé. He was covered in soot, his face dirty and red from burns. He was intubated. His shirt was cut open and there was a large knife sticking out of his chest, buffered by two rolls of cotton. "Angela," I whispered, tears falling freely. "What happened?"

"We'll talk more on the way to hospital. Get in," Angela said brusquely.

Detective Halsted helped me into the rig and I sat down next to Edward. Once inside, I could see the extent of his burns. They were all along his right side. His left side was bruised and his hands were cut up from fighting. "Can I touch him?"

"Be careful," Angela said. "That knife is dangerously close to his heart and with one move, he could bleed out in moments." I gasped, trying to keep my cool but I cried freely. "I'm sorry, Bella. Edward is the brother I've never had and I don't want to lose him. You can hold his hand, okay?"

I picked up his hand, threading my fingers through his. Angela banged on the door and the ambulance pulled away from the scene. We flew through the pre-dawn streets of Chicago, driving to Northwestern Memorial. The sun was just peaking over the horizon when Jessica parked the ambulance. They carefully removed the gurney and rolled it into the emergency room. The doctors, with Jasper taking lead, took him to a trauma room. I went to follow them, but Jasper stopped me. "Bella, you have to stay out here," he said, giving me a concerned look.

"I need to be with him," I whispered, tightening my hold on his hand.

"Once we get him stabilized, you can come back. For now, why don't you call Esme?" he said, rubbing my back. I sniffled, stepping back and releasing Edward's limp hand. "We're going to do everything we can. He will be fine."

"Promise," I choked out, looking at Alice's fiancé.

"Promise," he smiled, hugging me briefly before darting into the trauma room.

I stumbled back to the wall and slid down, clutching my chest. My heart was stammering against my ribs. I began whimpering, losing all control. Angela and Jessica came out of the trauma room, helping me to my feet. Angela wrapped her arm around my waist, hugging me tightly. "Come on, Bella. Let's get you settled in the waiting room."

"He's going to die. James has managed to finally break me," I sobbed, gripping Angela's jacket.

"Edward is strong. He's not going to die," Angela soothed.

"But, he's in here because of me," I cried as she led me to the waiting area. "James did this, didn't he? He wanted me to feel that emptiness from losing someone you love. Why? Why couldn't he leave me alone? WHY?"

"Bella, you have to calm down," Jessica said, sitting me on the stiff chair, crouching down in front of me. "Do you want anything? Tranquilizer?"

"No, I can't," I sniffled, taking a breath and trying to quell my hysteria. "I have a condition where I can't take those type of medications." I tugged on my hair. "I'll calm down. I have to. For Edward."And my baby. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"We got called to Alice's store. Edward and Ben went inside," Jessica described. "Over the radio, we heard a door slam and that Ben was separated from Edward. The door was blocked. Edward's radio went dead shortly after that. Then, the guys went around to the back and that door was blocked as well. It took nearly a half hour to get inside. The back storeroom was engulfed in flames. There was one victim tied in a chair, completely burnt to a crisp and Edward was unconscious near Alice's drafting table."

"Was there anyone else?" I asked. "Any other victims?"

"No, Bella," Angela said, taking my hand. "It was just the unidentified victim and Edward."

"And James?" I gasped.

"It appears he got away," Jessica replied. "I'm so ..."

I didn't hear her. I just slumped, my fear and anxiety finally forcing me into the safety of my own mind.

A/N: What do you think happened to James? Leave me some loving and don't throw sharp objects at me. Pretty, please? ;-)

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