Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Three

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 123


Edward and I had been living together for over a month now. I honestly loved it. The warmth of having someone to share my life with and to dote after. Though, he'd been doing most of the doting. When he wasn't constantly visiting me at my job, he was making minor repairs to my house, doing little, sweet things for me and just being so Edward. I could tell that he was anxious about James, Renee and all of that bullshit. Hell, so was I. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, but knowing Edward was close by and that we had some extra protection helped.

I had hired a security firm. I didn't have a beefy body guard with me at all times, but we had someone watching over our properties and extra security precautions installed in our cars, my new office, Alice's store and even Carlisle and Esme's home as well. I wanted to make sure that my friends and family were not hurt anymore by James and Renee. I even arranged for Charlie to get an expensive state-of-the-art security system in Forks. He said that he was a police chief and didn't need it, but for my state of mind, I had to insist on it.

I'd already lost one parent. I didn't want to lose the other.

Edward received a large payment for the damage to his condo. He used that money to renovate it before he could sell it. The repairs and renovations were just beginning and would be done, hopefully, by the end of April. Esme had connections with her interior design firm that made the work go by quickly, but there was a delay in the permits and a backorder of the bathtub he had ordered for the master suite.

Edward did have money left over and that was used to replenish his fairly depleted wardrobe, purchase a new sound system for our house since mine was lacking, a new computer, iPod and iPad. Out of everything he lost, those things caused him the most distress. He had a lot of information on his computer and since it was melted, he lost it all. He also lost unique photos and priceless artwork. I was working with Esme, Emmett and Garrett to try and get the missing photos. The artwork was for ever gone, unfortunately.

I was working in my office when Peter walked in. He leaned against the door jamb, his brow furrowed. "I just got off the phone with the weirdest potential client."

"Did they want you to do a glamour shoot for their Pekinese?" I quipped, saving my work on the website for Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

"I wish," he snorted, sitting down across from me. He was holding a pad of paper. He glanced at it, seemingly to look at his notes. "This client wanted me to take photos of buildings that were on fire. He said that fire is gorgeous and he wanted a set of specific photos. He even gave me addresses of the buildings. He'd make arrangements."

"What?" I squeaked, my eyes widening.

"Like I said, it was weird. I told him that what he was proposing was arson and highly illegal. I did explain that I could take photos of the buildings and superimpose flames over the top, but he promptly hung up on me," Peter said.

I held up a finger, dialing the phone number for Sergeant Voight. He picked up and I told him about Peter's client. Peter spoke with Voight, giving him the information he had, but it didn't include a name. Though, we did have a tap on all of the phones in the office. We gave him the phone number and Voight said he'd dump the phone, hoping that we'd get some information about this elusive client.

"Do you really think that the person who called was your ex?" Peter asked after we got off the call with Voight.

"That sounds like him," I growled. "He is a sadistic, nasty monster who is just fucking with us." I leaned forward, rubbing my temples. "I hate him, Peter. I want him to just go away."

"You're not the only one. I see what he's doing to you, Bella," Peter answered, his lips curling down into a deep frown.

"Well, I want you to be safe, too. If that weird client calls again, just hang up and ignore any further calls from that number," I sighed.

"It was blocked. I couldn't access the number."

I let out a shuddered breath, clenching my hands into tight fists. "Peter, please be extra aware. I know you have a client this afternoon. Can you call me as soon as you get home? Please?"

"Sure, Bella. I'll be fine. The engagement shoot is at the Lincoln Conservatory and then I'll be heading home to do some editing of the photos," Peter replied, smiling softly. I didn't want to let him go to the shoot. The phone call he received rattled me. It could honestly be nothing, but in my mind, I knew it was James. He was toying with me. After the fire in Edward's condo, he disappeared, supposedly. Though, according to the cops, he hadn't left the city unless he drove to Florida. "Bella, I know that you're worried, but don't be."

"It's hard, Peter. All of my friends and my family have been affected by all of this. I don't want to be the cause of anyone else's pain," I sniffled. I wiped a few tears away, looking up at him. "Please, please be careful. Please?"

"I will. I promise."

Though, the pit in my stomach did not assuage my fears. Something was going to happen.

A/N: What will happen to Peter? Leave me some!

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