Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Three

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 133


I slept a long time. A very long time. When I woke up, it was dim in my bedroom. I was in a pair of pajamas and a loose-fitting tank top. Sitting in the rickety rocking chair in my bedroom was Alice. She looked disheveled and very, very angry. Behind her angry stare, there was a great deal of concern behind her being here. "You look like shit, Bella."

"Thanks. I feel like shit," I answered, sitting up stiffly. "What day is it?"

"You've been asleep for over two days. Your dad got your stuff from the rental car and he saw the numerous text messages and voicemails from me, my mom, and your fiancé. Charlie called me. I hopped on the first flight since my schedule is a little more flexible," Alice answered, leaning forward. "Edward had a shift and he couldn't get out of it. A couple of the guys have the flu."

"He must hate me," I muttered, drawing my legs to my chest.

"He doesn't hate you. Edward loves you more than words can describe. He's worried about you. And frankly, so am I," Alice said, crawling into the bed. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, hugging me tightly. "Bella, I know that you're scared."

"Scared is an understatement," I sniffled miserably. "How bad is Peter?"

"He's fine. Flirting with the nurses at the hospital. He's got one wrapped around his finger. Her name is Charlotte," Alice snorted. She kept her arms around me, leaning us back against the rickety headboard. "He'll be released the day after tomorrow. I'm certain that Peter would like to see his friend and my brother would like to see his fiancée."

"I'm not worth it," I whispered. I got up out of the bed, the distant memories of James' taunts coming to the forefront of my brain. For the first time in nearly a year, his angry face assaults my thoughts. His hateful words were playing on repeat and every ounce self-esteem and growth that I had worked, toiled for had disappeared.

"Isabella Marie Swan, if I ever hear you say that bullshit again, I will kick your ass," Alice snarled, jumping in front of me and glaring directly into my eyes. "I know that you are dealing with the ghosts of your past. Everything is up in the air, but you are so worth it. I love you like a sister and soon, you will be my sister."

"Alice, all of this is because of me. If I stay away ..."

"You'll break my brother's heart," Alice frowned, tears welling in her eyes. Seeing her tears, it made my stomach churn and I pulled back from her. I sprinted to the bathroom, emptying my already empty stomach into the toilet. Alice followed me, holding my hair back as I retched into the toilet. I sobbed brokenly, clinging to the toilet. With another round of dry heaving, I collapsed onto the ground and leaned heavily against the cold porcelain of the bathtub. "Bella, I'm worried about you. Something in you has just given up. You're stronger than this ..." Her eyes got as big as saucers. "I'll be right back."

I watched in shock as she scrambled up off the floor and she darted out of the bathroom. I didn't move for a few moments, only getting up to brush my teeth. I knew my breath was foul. I stumbled back to my bedroom, curling up under the covers. Alice came back a half hour later, holding a plastic bag from the Thrifway. She plopped it on the bed. "I think I know why you're an emotional, hormonal mess." She plucked a pregnancy test out of the bag and arched a brow.

"Alice, I can't get pregnant. Or rather, the possibility of me getting pregnant is slim to none," I argued. "I haven't had a normal period since James decided to use my stomach as a punching bag."

"Bullshit," she said, thrusting the bag into my hands. "Bella, you and I both know that you wouldn't have pulled this irrational running away nonsense if your brain wasn't addled with hormones. Not to mention, the throwing up?"

"Me throwing up doesn't make me pregnant, Alice," I spat. "Let it go. I'm not pregnant." I crossed my arms indignantly, surprised that she would even bring it up.

"If you're so sure, what's the harm in taking a test?" she goaded. She opened a box, waving a stick under my nose. "Though, if you're preggo, that's going to put a hamper on my design for your wedding dress."

"I'm not pregnant, Alice," I said, taking the stick and stomping to the bathroom. I was going to take the damn test just to prove her wrong. I carefully peed on the stick, setting it on the counter and washing my hands. I stomped back into the bedroom, crawling back into the safety of my bed. "It's on the counter. It's not positive. I know it."

"You are as stubborn as a mule, Bella," Alice chided, getting up. I rolled my eyes as she made a big deal at checking the pregnancy test in the bathroom. I ignored her, knowing the results would be negative. A few moments later, Alice came back, tossing the test onto the pink comforter. I picked it up, arching a brow at the results.

A/N: Is she or isn't she? Leave me some!

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