Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Eight

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 158


Emmett left a few hours later when Garrett called him in. There was an extra alarm fire. I wanted to help, but obviously I couldn't. I missed working at the firehouse. Helping out Leah, Seth and Jacob for the new and improved Clear Waters was rewarding, but not the same as working to save people. I wanted to help people.

"Edward? I'm home," Bella called, putting her bag onto the couch "Did you and Emmett finish the baby's room?" She waddled slowly into the entertainment room, smiling when she saw me. "Are you okay, Edward?" She pressed a hand to my forehead. "You're still warm."

"I'm fine," I said, taking her hand, kissing her palm. "Just tired. I did a little too much. Plus, I just got out of the shower. The water was really hot." She sat down, cuddling next to me. I wrapped my arms around her body, resting them on her belly. "How was your day at the office?"

"It was uneventful. Peter and Jacob are taking excellent care of the office. I just wanted to see how everything was going and do some work on that client's website that I acquired in Florida. I couldn't get the website to work just right at home since I didn't have the font I needed on my home laptop," she explained. "You seem a little distracted, Edward. What's up?"

"I don't know," I sighed, kissing her hair. She turned and looked at me, her eyes questioning. "Emmett was called into the firehouse and I miss it. I miss being able to help people. Plus, I'm stressing about the fact that James is still out there. And I hate the fact that I'm so helpless."

She face me, her brow furrowed. "Okay, let's break this down, starting first with the helpless part. You are not helpless. You nearly died, Edward. You suffered from horrific injuries and it's going to take time for you to get better. And this setback with the infection is a small bump in the road."

"I hate that we haven't been able to ..." I frowned, trailing my finger down her soft cheek. "I'm afraid that you'll be afraid of my scars."

"We both have scars, Edward. Yours are physical while mine will continue to be emotional," she whispered. "Nothing will ever scare me about you, Edward. I will love you, scars or not." She kissed me sweetly. "Now, missing the firehouse. How long were you a firefighter?"

"Eight years," I answered. "Plus, I was a paramedic and EMT in college. I never imagined doing anything other than being a firefighter. I'm excited to help Leah, Jacob and Seth, but I want to do more. I want to help people." I pressed my lips to her temple. "I know I said that I didn't want to go to med school, but I think that I can get that feeling of helping people by practicing medicine."

"Whatever you decide, Edward, you know I'll support you," Bella murmured. "Seeing you in scrubs would be worth it, Dr. Cullen."

"Even if it's four years of schooling and another four years of residency?" I asked, smiling timidly. "I'm twenty-eight, going to be twenty-nine. I'll be thirty-six before our lives will have sense of normalcy."

"When have we ever been normal?" she quipped, kissing my jaw.

"This is true," I snickered, putting my arms back around her waist and running my hands over her belly. Marie kicked at me causing Bella to groan. "Be nice to your Mommy, little one. I don't want to have to deliver my own child."

"Yeah, that ain't happening. Edward, I love you more than you know, but I want drugs, doctors, nurses and did I mention drugs?" she laughed. "Lots and lots of drugs. I am not a fan of pain."

"No one really is a fan of pain," I deadpanned. She lightly swatted my arm. "But, just to let you know, I can deliver a baby. I've delivered five."

"Good to know, but you're not delivering Marie," she giggled. She picked up my hand and kissed my palm, snuggling into my arms. I massaged her belly, just relishing our quiet time knowing that in a few months, this would not be possible. We would have a newborn and preparing for our wedding. "Edward, I know that you're freaking about James. I am, too. Whatever happens, we'll be okay. I promise you."

"You don't know that," I whispered, leaning my cheek against her soft hair. "I just want this nightmare to end. My fiancée and unborn child are in danger because of this monster. I can't do anything about it since I'm a helpless, weak asshole due to the injuries that I sustained from ..." I closed my eyes, tears sliding down my cheeks. "I can't lose you. I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm sorry about being such a jerk. I'm sorry about being so weak. I'm ..."

"Edward," she muttered. She brushed my hair away from my face. "Don't apologize, please? It's not your fault. If anything, it's mine."

"It's not yours. Please, don't think that it is. James is the sick one," I said quietly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we sat intertwined until Bella's stomach snarled. "It's time to feed my two favorite girls." She pouted adorably as I helped her to her feet and made us dinner. As I set the plate down in front of my beautiful fiancée, I sat down, staring into her eyes. "No more apologies, Bella. After tonight, no more apologies for what James did or what he might do."

"And no more apologies for things beyond our control," Bella argued. "It's normal for couples to fight, Edward. It's normal for us to get sick of each other. All I know for certain is that I love you with all that I am. Our love created our miracle."

"It did," I smiled crookedly, pressing my hand to Bella's stomach. She laid her hand on top of mine. "I love you and I love our baby. We will get our fairy tale ending. James be damned." She grinned softly, leaning forward and pressing her mouth to mine. I really wanted to believe my promise, my words, but the fear of the unknown made that hard to believe.

When will this end?

A/N: To answer Edward's question? Soon. Very, very soon. Leave me some!

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