Chapter Nineteen

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Nineteen


"Come and get it!" Alice shouted. Begrudgingly, I covered the cookies and walked to the dining room, my glass of wine in hand. Alice had given us place cards and I was seated next to Bella. I was kind of happy about that because the brief conversation I'd had with her over the cookies was probably the best I'd had in ages with another woman, my mom and sister notwithstanding.

We all took our seats. I could feel Bella's warmth as she sat next to me, giving me a shy smile. Alice beamed, holding up her own wine glass. "I'd like to propose a toast," she chirped. "To new friends and cherishing relationships." Alice winked at Bella, who ducked behind her wild curls. Rose scoffed, but held up her glass. Emmett was not happy with her at all, based on the distance between him and his girlfriend.

"To new friends," I said, clinking my glass with Bella's. She blushed and nodded. We finished our toast and began filling our plates.

"So, Bella, what do you do?" Emmett asked as he made himself three huge gyros.

"I'm a graphic designer, photographer and web designer," Bella answered, nibbling on her salad. "I do a lot of work for various companies, maintaining their websites. My biggest client is Summit movie studio. Every new movie they create, I make the site."

"Wow, that's awesome," Jasper breathed. "Have you met anyone famous?"

"I did meet up with the werewolf guy from that vampire movie. He was flirting with me, but I politely declined his advances. He was like six years younger than me and couldn't buy alcohol," Bella chuckled. "I really don't interact with the talent, just the publicity crew. They give me the photos they want on the sites and I build it up."

"You're also a photographer?" I asked.

"Yep. When I got started with my business, I had to make some supplemental income. I made a killing as a wedding photographer. I still do it on occasion, or a photo shoot for a family, but it's rare. I just do the photography as a hobby, something to decorate my home with," she answered. "What about all of you? I know about Alice..."

"Well, I'm the hottest lieutenant at Firehouse Eighteen," Emmett beamed, puffing out his chest. "I also do some contracting work on the side. Edward helps me, but he's been slacking."

"Eh," I shrugged. "I've been working my ass off at the station."

"Didn't you work a double, Edward?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah. I'm cool with it. I got to work with someone other than this knucklehead," I snickered, tossing an olive at Emmett's head. He caught it, giving me a thumbs up. "I'm shocked that you're off, Jas."

"Me, too. Ever since I became an attending, I've been working insane hours," he grumbled. "I love my job and the challenges of being an ER doc, but damn it, I want to spend time with my girl." He leaned over and kissed Alice sweetly on the lips. "It should improve in the fall, when we get a new round of med students and residents, but for now, it's a time of transition."

"What about you, Rosalie?" Bella asked politely, sipping her wine.

"I'm a nurse."

Chirp...chirp. Chirp...chirp...

Well...okay, then.

Bella blushed and she looked at her meal, feeling admonished. Emmett's face was red with anger as he glared at Rose. From Bella's pocket, her phone rang. She jumped, her fork clattering onto the table. Pulling her cell phone out, she looked at the caller ID and she frowned. "Excuse me," she whispered. She got up and walked to the patio, slipping outside.

"Can you be more of a bitch, Rose?" Alice snapped.

"What? I don't like her," Rosalie answered. "She's flirting with Edward."

"So?" I growled. "In case you forgot, your slut best friend was fucking three guys in my bed. I'm single."

"Well, maybe if you knew how to please a woman, she wouldn't have fucked three guys," Rosalie snapped back.

"Rose, we've talked about this," Emmett said calmly. "If you can't get over the fact that your friend hurt mine, then I don't know what future we have."

"You're going to choose him over me?" Rose asked, her voice hysterical.

"Yeah. Because he's rational. His decision to end things with Irina..." Emmett began.

"Voldemort," Alice and I chimed in.

"Voldemort," Emmett chuckled, "was what I would have done. Hell, based off your actions, I'm not sure if you're being faithful. If you think that what Voldemort did is appropriate..."

"Fine, Emmett," Rosalie snarled. "You choose your loser boyfriend over me. You people are the most boring lot I've ever met. Perhaps, I'll give Irina a call." She shot up and stomped out of the dining room and out of the condo, slamming the door shut.

"So, can I have seconds?" Emmett asked, reaching for some more gyro meat.

"You're not upset about what happened with Rosalie?" Jasper asked.

"It was a long time coming. Ever since Irina decided to be a hoebag, she turned into that," Emmett replied, taking a huge bite of his fourth gyro.

"Emmett, I hate to burst your bubble, Rosalie was always that," Alice spat, sipping her wine. "Irina at least put on a façade of being friendly. We were pretty close until she..."

"Still don't need a reminder," I grumbled, downing the rest of my wine. I went to get more when I heard a shriek on the balcony of the condo. Something flew across the patio and shattered against the wall. Running outside, I found Bella curled up in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably.

What happened?

A/N: Hopefully, you're still with me. Rose...she's a piece of work...she'll be back eventually. And we will be finding out something about Bella's past. Leave me some!

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