Chapter Forty-Five

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Forty-Five


I was sitting in Edward's car, fidgeting. I couldn't sleep last night and had backed a ton of cookies and new white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. They were sitting in the backseat of Edward's car. I twisted my bracelet on my wrist, nervous, anxious and almost sick to my stomach. James never introduced me to his parents. They were always out of town. It was probably a good thing. I assumed they were just as sadistic as he was.

"Sweet girl, calm down," Edward soothed, threading his fingers with mine. "My parents are going to love you."

"You think?" I squeaked, my low self-esteem pouring off of me in waves.

"Baby," Edward cooed, pulling over and parking his car in a church parking lot. "We don't have to do this."

"I'm just...I'm afraid that your family will think that I'm not good for you," I whispered, a lone tear streaking down my cheek. Edward's thumb caresses my skin and he gently moves my face so I am looking at him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Bella," Edward murmured. "You're working on a lot of things, one of which is rebuilding your feeling of self-worth and self-esteem. I get it. Are you seeing your therapist person?"

"Yeah, tomorrow," I said. "Therapist person? She has a name," I giggled quietly.

"I'm having a brain fart," he retorted, kissing my lips. "Sue? Rebecca?"

"Pam," I smiled against his mouth. I kissed him again, sitting back in the warm, black leather seats. He pulled our joined hands up to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to my fingers before turning back onto the streets. His parents lived closed to theNorthwestern campus. In addition to his doctor duties, Carlisle also taught at Northwestern University Medical School, gross anatomy or something like that. Twenty minutes after my mini-breakdown, Edward pulled up to a larger home. It was gorgeous but understated. It reminded me a lot of my brownstone, but on a much grander scale. "Whoa..."

"Don't pay attention to the house. My parents have it as a show place due to their respective positions, but they're simply Carl and Essie to everyone that they love," Edward smiled, giving me a wink. "Or Mom and Dad." He parked the car on the driveway. He leaned across the console, kissing my lips gently before getting out of the car. I did the same, grabbing my dessert for dinner. Edward took the bags, wrapping his large hand around my waist. He gently squeezed my hip. "You look beautiful. I'm so happy you're here with me."

"Despite my freak out, so am I," I blushed, leaning against him. He was dressed somewhat casually with a pair of khakis and a plaid button down with a coordinating shirt underneath. We walked up the steps and he let himself in. He called out and within seconds, the most attractive couple appeared from the back of the building.

"Mom, Dad? This is my girlfriend, Bella Swan," Edward said softly, nuzzling my cheek. "Bella, these are my parents, Dr. Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen."

"It's nice to meet you," I said, holding out my hand, balancing the desserts in my other hand. Edward took the food as his mother danced over to me, wrapping me in a hug. She was tiny, like Alice, and incredibly strong. "Oh!"

"I've heard so much about you," Esme gushed, rubbing her hands on my back. "From both Alice and Edward." Pulling back,she took my hands. Her eyes were a pale green, very similar to Edward's. Her hair was a honeyed caramel, framing her heart-shaped face in soft waves. She looked very young and ethereal, but still exuded the warmth of a mom. "You're absolutely lovely."

I blushed. "Thank you, Mrs. Cullen."

"Pssh, don't call me that. Call me Essie or Mom," she tittered, hugging me again.

"Stop hogging her, Es," said Edward's father. He was tall like my boyfriend, with dark blonde hair, with gray mixed in. Framing his eyes, were a pair of sleek glasses. Edward looked like his father with a sharp jaw and keen eyes, but had his mother's coloring. "I'm Carl. We're so happy you're here, Bella."

"I appreciate it," I blushed, taking his hand. Carl gave me a brief hug, his eyes crinkling at the edges from his smile, which was deliciously crooked, like Edward's. "I brought some dessert."

"Dessert?" Carl asked, his steel colored eyes twinkling.

"I told you he had a bigger sweet tooth than mine," Edward chortled. Carl nodded, taking the desserts from his son. "Where is everyone?"

"Alice and Jasper were running late and Emmett is on his way," Essie replied. "You're the first to make it." She looped her armwith mine, smiling brightly. "Let me give you the tour."

"Have fun," Edward chuckled.

A/N: Pictures of Carl and Essie's place are on my blog and tumblr. Links for both are on my profile. It's an older home with modern touches inside. We're switching gears to Edward's POV next chapter. We'll probably have two chapters with the Cullens and then another fire moment or two. Leave me some!

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