Chapter Ninety-Eight

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Ninety-Eight


"Cullen! Grab Crowley and meet me in my office," barked Garrett. I nodded, walking into the bathroom. Tyler was working on cleaning the showers with Quil as per the chore wheel. I knew that Garrett wanted to high-tail Laurent out of our department. We had gone out on a call earlier this morning and he made some stupid mistakes, almost wanting to injure my crew. Not to mention, he made Leah's life a living hell.

"Crowley, I need you for a minute. Come with me to the Chief's office," I said when I found him scrubbing the shitter.

"Sure, Lieutenant," Crowley replied gruffly, getting up from his knees. He washed his hands and we walked to Garrett's office. "Congratulations, sir, on the Severide Award for Valor and Heroism. Everyone is so proud of you, sir."

"Thank you, Tyler," I answered. "And thank you for the kind words you said on the video montage."

"You've been like a big brother to me and I really respect you," Tyler smiled. "I would have never made it past the candidate training if it weren't for your help, sir."


"Yes, sir?"

"Don't call me sir. I'm four years older than you. Please, call me Edward. Sir is my dad," I quipped. Tyler chuckled as we walked into Garrett's office. "Now, have a seat, Tyler."

"Am I in trouble?" he asked, his brow furrowing.

"Quite the opposite," Garrett answered, leaning back in his chair. "Lieutenant Cullen and I were discussing a change in the crews. I'm transferring Laurent off of Squad and there is an open position. We were both wondering if you wanted it?"

"I would love to join Squad," Tyler beamed. "But, I'm not certified."

"I've taken the liberty of enrolling you in some courses at the academy," I said, handing him a course catalogue. "These are the basics you need to have in order to join my team. Both classes start next weekend and last for a month. Your new position will start the following shift. Additionally, you will have to work with me and the rest of the Squad to gel together like a cohesive unit. We're not there with the current configuration." My nose wrinkled and my anger spiked.

"Why is Laurent acting like that? Doesn't he know that what he does impacts the crew?" Tyler muttered.

"Yes and we don't know why his behavior is becoming troublesome," Garrett nodded. "At the Black and White Ball, he said some things that made all of us at the table feel distinctly uncomfortable. Leah is the most at risk, though. Laurent doesn't feel that she deserves a place in the firehouse because she's a woman. Just barefoot, pregnant and baking cookies. And don't forget his problem with glaring at your girl, Cullen."

My ire sizzled. Barely containing my voice, I narrowed my eyes. "This is true but that has no bearing on his job. We don't trust him. Plain and simple."

"If one of my lieutenants doesn't trust someone, I don't trust them. When he was hired, Laurent was quiet and didn't say boo. Now? He makes his opinions known and he's making stupid mistakes. Mistakes that could kill people and I refuse to lose anyone from my house from injury or, heaven forbid, death," Garrett growled. "No one is dying on my watch! If Laurent stuck around, someone would. Hell! Something almost happened today at that car accident."

"Chief, don't," I argued, shaking my head.

"Right," he grumbled. "Do you want to join Edward's team, Tyler?"

"Yes, sir," Tyler nodded, sitting even taller.

"Well, starting for the rest of the shift today and from now on, you are going to shadowing the Squad. Essentially be their bitch," Garrett smirked. "If Edward feels you can handle a task, he will assign it and you will do it. Ignore commands from Laurent. His intentions are suspect."

"Understood, sir," Tyler replied.

"Now, go out with Jacob and have familiarize you with the truck," I said. "He's expecting you and is very excited that you're joining our team." Tyler got up and he nearly skipped out of the office. We called Emmett inside to discuss switching someone to join his crew since he was left with an open spot. Upon further investigation, we found that Riley Biers from second shift wanted to join our team. We filled out the paperwork and starting on our next shift, Riley would begin working with Emmett's team of firefighters.

"I suppose we have to tell Laurent," Garrett grumbled. He gave both Emmett and me a wicked grin. "I'll give you both the next two shifts off if you do it for me!"

"No, Garrett," we deadpanned.

"Please?" he wheedled.

"Garrett, you're the boss. You get paid the big bucks to deal with this," Emmett said softly, like soothing a child.

"Damn it," Garrett growled.

A/N: For those of you who need a reminder of who is what squad...I know I do...

Edward's Crew (Rescue Squad)

Jacob Black
Laurent St. Michel (being transferred)
Ben Cheney
Tyler Crowley (trainee)
Seth Clearwater

Emmett's Crew (Fire Truck)

Quil Embry
Paul Lahote
Leah Clearwater
Riley Biers (transfer from second shift)


Angela Weber
Jessica Stanley

Battalion Chief

Garrett Peterson

Leave me some lovin!! I need it! ;-)

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