Chapter One Hundred Seven

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter 107


Driving to my parents' place, I parked in the driveway. Letting myself in through the garage, I saw my mom's car inside. She was probably working from home. "Mom?!" I called, tossing my keys onto the granite counter top.

"How does it never cease to amaze me that your mother always has freshly baked cookies at your house?" Emmett mumbled, his mouth full of an oatmeal raisin cookie. "These are delicious."

"Put that away, Emmett," I barked, giving my friend a stern look. "Mom just likes the smell of freshly baked goods permeating the house." I swiped the plastic container from him, stuffing it back into the pantry. "You are such a bottomless pit."

"You eat nearly as much as me," Emmett snickered, poking my stomach.

"I don't think so," I snorted, removing my leather jacket. "You eat more than all of the house combined." Point a finger at him, I issued a warning. "Don't eat my parents out of house and home."

"Yes, Edward," he muttered dejectedly.

Shooting him another look, I darted upstairs to my mother's office. I found my mom on the phone, her fingers flying over the computer keys. She saw me, waving me into the office with a warm smile. "We'll finalize everything after Christmas, Diana. Demolition and renovations will begin after the first of the year...Thank you. Merry Christmas to you, too!" She hung up the phone, turning to face me. "I heard you bellow, Edward Anthony."

"Sorry," I snickered. "I didn't realize you were on the phone, Mom."

"That's okay. Diana just called, confirming dates and such for her renovations of her new condo. It's in your building," Mom explained. "Now, what's got you in a tizzy?"

"I was shopping earlier today..." I began.

"Is Alice rubbing off on you?" Mom laughed.

"No. I still hate shopping with a passion. Today solidifies my hatred of the chore," I grumbled. Mom arched a brow, gesturing me to continue. "I'm looking at engagement rings for Bella." My mother let out a squeal that would have made dog's ears bleed. Covering my own ears, I let her clap and squeal happily. Removing my hands, I looked up at my mom. "Are you done?"

"Edward, I'm so happy," she gushed. "Bella is such an amazing, sweet, lovable girl. So much better than Irina. Have you found anything?"

"That's the problem. I haven't. All of the rings just aren't her," I frowned. "Bella is not into huge diamonds and ostentatious jewelry. She has elegant, simple tastes. None of those rings have a story. I want something unique, just like Bella. Not contrived and mass produced. I love her, Mom. She's it for me."

Mom gave me an innocent little smirk. "Come with me. I need your help," she giggled. Arching a brow, I followed her into her bedroom. "Help me remove this picture, Edward. What you need is behind it."

"Oooookay," I said, laying the abstract painting onto the bed. Nestled behind it was a safe. I knew they had a safe, but this was the first time I'd seen it. Mom opened it and pulled out a large box. "Do you want me to carry that?"

"Yes, dear. Back to my office. The lighting's better," she nodded. I took the box from her hands, following her back into her office. She pointed to the cocktail table. I placed it on there. Opening it up, she rummaged through it before she found what she was looking for. "When I got married, my mother was not pleased. You know this. She felt I married beneath my station when I said yes to your father. My grandmother disagreed. She loved Carlisle. In fact, she gave him her engagement ring to propose to me. Little did she know that Carlisle had already purchased a ring. He tried to give it back, but Nana refused to accept it. She told him to keep it and perhaps one of our children could use it. She died before Carlisle proposed, so he kept the ring, only telling me that story after Alice was born.

"Your father wanted to give this to Alice's intended, but we both know that her style is very modern and she wouldn't appreciate an older-looking ring. After meeting Bella, I think this is more suited to her tastes," Mom smiled, handing me a tiny navy blue jewelry box.

"Won't Dad be upset? He wanted it for Alice," I said.

"Carlisle agrees with me and he wants you to have it, if you think that Bella would cherish it," Mom beamed, unsnapping the top. Licking my lips, I opened the box and nestled inside was exactly what I pictured Bella would want.


"It's yours, my sweet boy," she said, kissing my temple. "When are you planning on proposing?"

"I don't know. Christmas is too clichéd. So is New Year's," I shrugged.

"Why not the benefit? You and Bella are both invited since you are the star of the calendar and Bella is the photographer," Mom suggested. "It's before Christmas and therefore, not clichéd."

"Mom, I don't know if I tell you this enough, but I love you," I said, hugging her tightly.

"You show me every day," she laughed, rubbing my back. "Now, let's take this to our jeweler and get it cleaned up. I want nothing but the best for my newest daughter!"

A/N: Ya'll still don't get to see what it looks like. When the benefit happens, that's when you'll see it. And that's coming up soon. Like, perhaps starting the next chapter. Oh and to give you a time frame, we're around mid-December. The Benefit is happening December 20th.

Leave me some!

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