Chapter Eleven

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who wantsx to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, andgo at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Eleven


I worked nonstop until my eyes couldn't stay open anymore. My reaction to Edward's innocent invitation was insane. Overreaction, really. I couldn't stop thinking about him, even though I was exhausted and had a headache from working for nearly fourteen hours straight in front of a computer screen. Eventually, I crashed around four in the morning and slept until nearly two the next day.

I showered and decided to make a concerted effort to look nice. I was going out with my new friend, Alice. She had gifted me the outfit I had tried on in her store. I had to go out despite the fact that I was freaking out about going to bar. Okay, just going out in public freaks me out, but what can you do. I can't stay holed up in my house for the rest of my life. I had to live for today and focus on the future. I'm trying, Grams. Give me some help, please?

I ate an early dinner/late lunch so I wouldn't get hammered at the bar. I curled my hair and dressed in my new outfit. I put on some simple makeup, making my eyes a little smoky but everything else was just polished. Alice texted me, saying that she was on her way to the bar. With a flip of my hair, I walked out of my brownstone and to my car. I knew I wasn't going to get completely drunk. I didn't trust the cab drivers. Not yet.

However, driving to the bar wasn't as smart as I had hoped. I couldn't find a parking spot close to the bar. I ended up driving back home and hailing a cab, my fears be damned. I was wearing stilettos for the first time in nearly a year and I could alreadyfeel my feet barking. After a short cab ride, I arrived at the bar and went inside. It was dimly lit with curtains and very high backed chairs all around the club. The music playing was some jazz, reminiscent of the twenties.

"Bella!" Alice waved from her spot by a table. She had two martinis in front of her. "Have a seat!"

"This place is pretty cool," I said, teetering to her table.

Alice slid the other martini to me and held it up. "To new friendships," she beamed.

"New friendships," I replied, clinking my glass with hers.

"The outfit looks great on you, Bella," Alice smiled.

"Thanks. It's been awhile since I've dressed in something other than yoga pants or jeans," I blushed. "With my grandmother passing and my move? I've been living in clothes designed for comfort."

"Well, now you're a hot tamale," Alice giggled.

"You are, too," I said, gesturing to her outfit. "Is this an AliCe original?"

"The skirt, yes. The shirt? I got it on sale at Target," she snickered. "Oh, and the shoes. I don't do shoes. I splurge on shoes. These are new and I love them. They have the cuteness of a sandal, but the sex appeal of a bootie and the height of a stiletto."

"Ankle busters," I chuckled. "I've forgotten how to walk in heels. If I don't break anything, it'll be a miracle."

"You'll get used to it," Alice said, slamming back the rest of her martini. She beckoned to server, ordering another one. "So, tell me about yourself, Bella."

"Well, I was born in a small town called Forks, Washington. It's a tiny town about an hour away from Port Angeles and three hours from Seattle. My parents were never married, but tried to make it work because I was a bit of a surprise. After five years, my mom packed us up and we drove to Phoenix, leaving my father behind."

"Do you still talk to your dad?" Alice asked.

"Every couple of months. We're not close. He's a bitter man, upset that he didn't get a chance to fix whatever was wrong with the relationship with my mom and not having a say in what happened to me," I shrugged. "Charlie was content to stay in Forksand wouldn't change his life. He's my birth father. I bear his last name, Swan, but I don't really talk to him outside of my birthday or Christmas."

"When is your birthday?"

"September thirteenth. I'll be twenty-seven in a couple of months," I said, sipping my drink. "What about you? What's yourdeal?"

"Well, I've lived in Chicago all of my life. I've got an older brother who's a firefighter. My parents are still together. My dad is a doctor at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the head of surgery, and my mom is an interior designer. I went to fashion design school here at the Art Institute of Chicago, opening up my shop nearly a year after I graduated. I'm dating an older man,Jasper, who's an ER physician at Northwestern Memorial, but he's working all of the time. I see him for fleeting moments and those moments are hot," Alice said, waving her hand in front of her face. "Oh, and my birthday is in April. I just turned twenty-four."

"Happy belated birthday," I said, raising my glass.

"Thanks," she chirped. "Now, besides your grandmother's death, why did you move up to Chicago?"

I kept my face impassive. I wasn't about to divulge my true reason to this virtual stranger. Maybe over time, but not tonight."Fresh start. Jacksonville was a bit stifling and my mom and I had a falling out. I packed my car and left when I got the phone call from Mr. Jenks, my grandmother's attorney." I slugged the rest of my martini, making a face.

"Why do I get the distinct impression that there's more to that story?" Alice questioned, arching a brow.

"Because there is but I'm not telling you. Not tonight," I sighed. "Now, tell me more about your Jasper?"

A/N: So, Bella is still being elusive about her past. You will find out what happened, but it will take time. Alice's outfit ison my tumblr and on my Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. Pictures of the bar, The Violet Houris also on my blog, too. It's a real bar on the near north in Chicago. I've never been, but it looks like fun. Leave me some!

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