Chapter Eighty-Three

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Eighty-Three


Edward blinked at me, shocked at what I was suggesting. I'd seen him naked but we hadn't crossed the boundary of me being bare in front of him. However, as soon as I said it, I wanted to take it back. Making love in the dim lights of candles and underneath covers was far different than being underneath bright lights and slick skin. With a slow, disarming grin, Edward leaned forward, barely kissing my lips. "How about a bath? Bubbles? Candles? Romantic music?"

I must have nearly collapsed with his suggestion. "That sounds better than a shower," I sighed.

"Stay here, love," Edward cooed, kissing my forehead. "I'll get everything ready." He got up and went into the adjoining bathroom. I heard the water start. Getting up off the bed, I picked up the grey camisole pajamas that Edward gave me. Feeling bold, I decided to not wear anything underneath. Padding into the bathroom, I put my clothes onto the counter. Edward was shirtless, filling the tub with bubbles. All around the room, there were candles lit and the overhead lights were dimmed.

"Very romantic, Lieutenant," I chuckled. "It seems like you had this planned from the start."

"I may have asked the management to leave the candles," he smirked. "They're not Yankee Candles, though." He picked up one of the unlit pillars. "Some local company or something. I like how they smell."

I nodded, agreeing with him. The bathroom was filled with the aroma of vanilla, lavender and cedar. Edward lit the candle he was holding, placing it on the window sill and stood up, taking my face in his hands. He leaned down, brushing his lips with mine. My hands traveled up his muscled torso until I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands took purchase on my ass. His thumbs slid underneath my tight gray shirt and caressed the sensitive skin on my back. Pulling back, I looked up at my boyfriend and smiled shyly. "I know it's a bath...but, I'm nervous."

"Why?" Edward asked, cocking his head to the side.

Dropping my gaze to his chest, staring at his pectoral muscles, I blushed deeply. "What if you don't like what you see?"

He gently cupped my chin, forcing me to look into his warm, loving green eyes. "My Bella," he whispered. "I love you. You are beautiful, perfect and amazing. I'm so happy that you're with me, love."

"I'm far from perfect," I snorted.

"No, you are," he argued. "Perfect for me..."

"I'm so afraid that you're going to see me as damaged. I don't know if I'll ever be able to have a baby. I have scars," I pouted.

"Bella, regardless of anything you say, it will not stop me from loving you," he said, looking directly into my eyes. He began inching my shirt up. "We all have our scars. Some are outward, while others are inside. You are battling both. Regardless, I will wait as long as you need me to..."

"I don't want to wait," I replied as he removed my shirt. "In my heart, I know what I want, but my head is taking forever to catch up."

"Well, don't think," he quipped, crushing me to his chest. His hands tangled into my hair and tenderly he kissed me, sliding his tongue between my lips. Languidly, we made out as our clothes fell to the floor. Soon, we were both standing in our underwear. Edward had on his boxer briefs and I wore my lacy panties. He smirked as he dropped his underwear, climbing into the old-fashioned claw tub. While his back was turned, I slid my panties down my legs and kicked them on top of my skinny jeans. I took a quick look at my reflection, frowning slightly at what I saw. Edward was settled in the water when I climbed in, sitting between his legs. "I saw that look, Bella. I also saw the most gorgeous woman in the world..."

"You need to get your eyes checked," I quipped, pulling my hair up into a messy top knot.

"I have perfect vision, love," Edward said, nuzzling his cheek against mine. "I don't understand why you think you're this atrocious monster when all I see is beautiful curves, alabaster skin and perfect woman? And if it's you thinking that you are less of a woman because you may not be able to have children, that's BS. There's adoption, foster care, surrogates..."

"Who knows if you even want to raise a family with me?" I shrugged.

"Bella, I've told you time and time again. You are it for me," he murmured, turning my head to face him. "I've never felt a connection with anyone like I do with you. I will do anything to ensure your happiness. Just let me..."

"I'm it," I whispered.

"I'd propose right now if I knew you wouldn't run away screaming," he snickered. I arched a brow. "But, you're not ready. All I know is that you are my future, in any way shape or form. I love you. Adore you, really. We barely know each other, but I want to know everything about you. I want to share every moment with you, with Charlie, with my family."

Turning in his arms, I slid my hands up around his neck and hugged him tightly. The water sloshed over the sides of the tub as he pulled me into his lap. "I want the same things, Edward," I murmured against his shoulder. "I'm sorry that I'm an insecure mess."

"My insecure mess," he said, his hands rubbing my back. "But, in reality, you're not insecure. In so many ways, you are strong and confident. It's James' voice that tells you that you are not good enough. Soon, you'll have to listen to me, the man who loves you more than his own life, and realize that you really are amazing, perfect, beautiful, sexy and smart. James does not matter. Neither does Renee."

I nodded, blushing and my heart warming at his impassioned speech. As I listened to him, I knew that I could give him all of me and whatever happened, I would be okay. I stared into his warm, evergreen eyes and cupped his slightly scruffy chin. "I love you, Edward. Thank you for believing in me and for arranging all of this."

"Thank you for coming," Edward said, kissing me swiftly. "My favorite birthday girl deserved to be spoiled and spoiled you shall be."

"Just be prepared when it's your birthday, bub," I quipped. "Turnabout's fair play, Lieutenant."

A/N: I'm thinking that the next chapter will be a little longer...if you catch my drift...Pictures of the room are on my tumblr and blogs. Leave me some!

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