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Olivia stood up slowly from where she had dozed off next to her son's crib, and she walked towards his bedroom door. She wanted to stay and watch him sleep, to make sure the pain from his ear infection didn't wake him up... again. But instead, Olivia walked out of the room and quietly shut the door behind her, before heading to the front door of her apartment.

She was hoping and praying that whoever stood outside of this door wasn't going to be yelling, because she couldn't risk a fussy baby.

Olivia stood on her tip toes to get a view out of the peephole, and she was surprised to see Amanda Rollins standing outside of her door.

She slowly took the chain off the door before unlocking it, and once the door was open, Amanda was walking into Olivia's apartment, and waiting for her superior and dear friend to turn around.

"Is something wrong? You are never here this late." Olivia spoke, as she took the clip from her hair, and let her damp brown locks roll down her back.

"Liv, you gotta help me." Amanda spoke, and Olivia felt concern grow inside of herself. Olivia was always the last one for Amanda to come to, so this must be serious.

"What happened?" Olivia breathed, and Amanda quickly wiped a tear from her cheek before speaking.

"Three weeks ago I was raped." Amanda spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide as she thought of what the poor thing must've been going through, yet she managed to hide it.

"Amanda, why are you just now telling me?" Olivia whispered, and her shock was evident from the look on her face and the tone of her voice.

"Because I'm scared to death about what is coming from it." The blonde detective choked out, before sitting down on the sofa, because if she didn't right now, she'd probably collapse. Her legs where like noodles, and her head pounded.

"What do you mean?" Olivia whispered once again, and Amanda shook her head as she tried to deny the fact that she was raped, and that rape was going to be the reason why she was becoming a mother.

"Oh, Amanda." Olivia spoke, as she slowly sat down next to the younger detective, and she started to gently rubbed her back.

"I don't want a child. Not now. Not this way."

"If only my mother was here to sympathize with you." Olivia sighed, but she wasn't angry at Amanda, she was more angry at the situation. Good people getting forced to have babies that they didn't even want, just because a man couldn't keep it in his pants long enough to get back to the privacy of his own house. Instead they use the wrong head and rape women who don't deserve it. But this time it was different, Amanda didn't have to have the baby if she didn't want it.

"I feel like you are the only one that I know that can understand." Amanda whispered, her words barely louder than a breath.

"I'll help you in anyway possible, Amanda. Just name it." Olivia spoke, as she wrapped both of her arms around the scared woman, and held her close. 

Amanda clung to Olivia, and wasn't planning on letting go, but then the loud cries from the back room broke their embrace apart.

"I'm going to go check on him, but once I get back, tell me everything. We can still file a report."


The next morning Amanda woke up on Olivia's couch, and she found her friend sitting a mug of steamy hot tea in front of her.

"When did we fall asleep?" Amanda yawned, as she tried to put everything they had discussed the night before, behind them.

"Around 2. I already called Fin and told him we'd be in later, because you barely got any sleep."

"You must be exhausted too, Liv. You dealt with two crying humans last night." Amanda sighed, a small smile lingering on her lips. Olivia nodded, the same small smile on her face.

"I'm fine, motherhood has led me to the ability to deal with a crying tiny human all night, and not be extremely exhausted in the morning. Anyway, like I said last night, you name it, and I'll do it for you."

"So you'll drop this if I ask? Or take me to my appointments?" Amanda questioned, and Olivia just stood there staring at her.

"You're keeping the baby?" She asked slowly, and Amanda bit her lip, as she realized what she had said.

"I don't know. I don't think I can stomach the idea of abortion. Maybe this baby will turn out as amazing as you did." Amanda sighed, and Olivia shook her head.

"I'm not as amazing as you think. There are so many issues that I deal with on the daily, but I guess from everything I've went through, I've gained strength and compassion." Olivia breathed, so sat down next to Amanda and let out a sigh.

As if on cue, Olivia's son, Noah cried. Olivia stood and left Amanda in the living room for a few minutes, but once she came out, Amanda had her eyes glued to the small boy who was loved by the entire crew.

"Do you think Ellie ever thought about not having Noah?" Amanda questioned, because she needed answers. She need help deciding to either keep this baby or not. Abortion was out of the question, but some adoption stories, like Noah's, made Amanda want to have the baby and give it to a parent who desperately wants a baby, no matter what was the force behind its creation.

"If she did, I'm glad that she didn't go through with it. If she had, I wouldn't be a mother to this wonderful baby boy, who I'd give anything to be with. He's the love of my life, which I know sounds stu-"

"It doesn't sound stupid. You were meant to be a mother, and now you are. Now I am too."

Olivia and Amanda sat together in Olivia's living room for most of the day, discussing small, pointless things, but also just being there for each other. If Noah could bring Olivia so much happiness, Amanda knew that her child could do the same for herself, and it was this important friendship moment, no matter how long it was, that led Amanda to deciding quietly on keeping her child.

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