A Random Memory

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Olivia and Elliot sat together in an empty interview room as they went through almost 12 years worth of paperwork and such from a victim's home. It was nearly midnight, both of them were exhausted but they had to do this to try and find the perp.

"Okay, so how many years of paperwork and stuff do you keep?" Elliot questioned, as he leaned back in his chair and tossed the paper he just read through onto the floor.

"I don't know. I guess that I just keep the important stuff." Olivia yawned, as she sat her page down, and ran her fingers through her hair as she started to pull it back.

Elliot watched her as she did that, and she looked at him, she blushed a bit.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, it's just something about you that is making me think." He spoke, and she laughed.

"You should be thinking about your family, not your partner." She spoke, before grabbing another piece of paper before starting to read through it.

"I know," Elliot spoke, as he leaned forward and propped himself up on his elbows.

"You know what? That you should be at home with your wife and kids?"

"Well yes. But I feel like I knew you before you came to SVU. Like I can see your face when you were younger, but I just don't know if I'm exhausted and just trying to focus on anything but the task at hand or what." He spoke, but Olivia perked up a bit and looked at him.

"We had probably seen each other before. We lived in the same city, and I'm sure we probably past each other on the street once or twice." She replied.

"No, okay don't think I'm crazy but I think I actually remember talking to you when we were younger." He smiled, and she laughed again as she leaned back this time. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.

"Okay, I want to hear this story, Stabler. Just tell me it and I'll see if it is one of those things that I blocked out during my childhood." She smiled.

"Okay, I'll amaze you with my storytelling abilities." He smirked.


Many Years Earlier

A young Elliot Stabler strolled through Times Square with his mother in search of another pair of shoes. He had gotten in trouble after jumping into a mud puddle and ruining the pair that she had bought him just the day before.

"Promise to not ruin the pair we get today, alright?" She questioned, and Elliot sighed.

"Mommy, I promise." He spoke, as he looked up at her and smiled. Mrs. Stabler couldn't help but smile back at her youngest and most charming son. She stopped him and leaned down to kiss his messy brown hair, before heading towards a shoe store.

Once inside, Elliot ran to check out a pair of dark blue high tops. They were exactly like the ones his older brother has, but just in a smaller size.

"Mommy, I want these ones!" Elliot smiled, as he looked at his mother. She chuckled a bit when she noticed the gap in his smile was more noticeable when he smiled like that, and since he was missing his two front teeth, it made him harder to be angry at or to say no to.

"Alright, let's look real quick and then decide." She spoke, before grabbing his hand and leading him down an aisle of kid shoes.

They stopped and Elliot quickly got sidetracked when he saw a pretty little girl at the end of the aisle with a large blue bruise on her cheek. He walked towards her, and reached out and tugged on her braid to get her attention instead of just saying 'hello' as any normal person would.

"Ow." The little girl whined, as she quickly turned to look at him.

"I'm Elliot." The charming boy spoke, as he looked at her.

"And I don't like you." The girl huffed, as she furrowed her brow and stared him down.

"Elliot Stabler, get over here now." Mrs. Stabler spoke, once she noticed that her son was gone. Elliot quickly kissed the girl's cheek, before running back to his mother who was staring at what had happened with wide eyes.

"Elliot, do you even know her?" She questioned, and Elliot shook his head.

"No, but she is pretty and I like her." He smiled.


Olivia stood next to her mother while they were waiting to check out. Serena had made herself look presentable to be in public after Olivia's preschool teacher told Serena that either she gets her shoes so she doesn't have to play in the snow in shoes that have holes in them and are barely together, or she'd call CPS on her. Serena didn't want to have someone take away her punching bag, so she did as she was told.

"Mom, thanks," Olivia whispered, as she played with the bottom of her dress and looked up at her mother.

"Yeah," Serena replied as she didn't even bother to look down at her daughter. Olivia sighed, as she felt her braid tugged on again. She didn't turn around because she had when the door opened and Serena scolded her and told her to mind her own business.

"Hey, pretty girl," Elliot whispered, and Serena heard it. She turned around and stared at him with anger in her eyes.

"Mind your own business." She spat, which made Bernie angry.

"Do not yell at my son! You should be worried more about the fact that your daughter has a bruise on her face the size of your hand." Bernie shot back, which made Olivia start to cry. She quickly slipped out of the shoe store as the mothers fought, and Elliot was quickly on her trails.

"Hey!" Elliot called as he got closer to Olivia. She looked incredibly small next to the light pole she stood next to. She didn't even look like the size she was supposed to be at her age.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" Olivia asked.

"Your Mommy did that to you?" Elliot asked as he pointed at her bruise.

"It's going to be worse tonight because she's angry..." She sniffed, before sinking down onto the ground and pulling her knees to her chest. Elliot sat next to her and frowned.

"Come to stay with me and my Mommy and Daddy." He smiled as if it was normal to take a random child home with him and his mother.

"Just leave me alone," Olivia replied, as she finally made eye contact with the annoying blue-eyed boy.



Olivia smiled as Elliot finished the story, and she started to laugh as he grinned at her.

"I got the shit beat out of me that night, just because you said I was pretty." She spoke because she did remember it. 

"Well, I wasn't lying." Elliot breathed, as he stood up and walked around the table to grab another pile of papers.

"You really thought I was pretty?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot smiled.

"I still think that you are incredibly beautiful." He spoke, as he walked back around the table.

Olivia stood and Elliot looked at her.

"What?" He smiled softly. But what happened next happened was just as carefree as when Elliot kissed Olivia's cheek when they were just kids.

Olivia wrapped her arms around her partner's neck before kissing him passionately on his lips. Elliot wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close as he deepened the kiss.

As their lips parted, Elliot placed his forehead against hers and breathed slowly.

"We should get back to work." Elliot breathed, and Olivia nodded slowly, before kissing him softly one last time because she knew it would never happen again.

"Yeah, we should."

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