Part 1 The reception

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Archie closed the ceremony book. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Chad and Zelena Green!"

Chad laughed and held his hand on Zelena's cheek. They shared a passionate kiss, following a few little kisses. "I love you Mrs Green." He whispered.

"And I you." Zelena smiled as their foreheads clutched. She looked down to her wedding ring, it was a silver ring with an emerald stone in the middle. "I don't deserve this." She whispered.

"Yes, you do. This is your happy beginning." Chad lifted up her chin and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. He took her hand and smiled when he heard all the cheering from their family and friends.

Zelena looked at the beautiful setting of her wedding in nature. Trees decorated in white and green. The white chairs, decorated with a green bow at the back. She looked around in the crowd and saw her daughter, her sister, Emma with Hope and the Charmings. She smiled when her eyes met Regina's.


Regina couldn't help but smile at her sister's happiness. Zelena deserved nothing less than her happy beginning. She felt a hand on her thigh and looked over at Emma with a sly smile. It had been going like this for a while now, touches here and there but nothing more.

"Come with me?" Emma asked in a whisper. She turned her attention to her daughter. "Hope, could you go to granny?"

"Yes, mommy!" The 4 year old giggled and run to Granny and Ruby.

Emma smiled at the little toddler and stood up and walked away, taking a look back at Regina before she disappeared out of sight.

Regina raised her eyebrow at the request but still decided to go. She waited a few minutes before making her way over to where Emma went. She looked at Emma and smiled. Emma grabbed her hand and dragged her even further away from everyone. "What are we doing here?"


"Mom!" Robin run to her Mother and her now stepdad. "I'm so happy for you, the ceremony was so great you guys." She smiled and hugged her mother tight.

"Thank you Robs." Zelena smiled and held hands with Chad. "Have you seen your aunt?"

"Uhm.. no, haven't paid attention to her. Need to find Alice soon." She smiled.

Chad put his arms around his newly wife, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "Go. I've seen Alice just a few seconds ago, she can't be that far away."


Emma crashed her lips against Regina's. She realized Regina's hesitation. "Wha- I'm sorry" she mumbled. She met Regina's eyes and before she realized Regina kissed her passionately.

Emma immediately responded by kissing her back. "Maybe we should get back" The only thing she got as a reply is a quick nod.

"You have lipstick on your lips" Regina said with a chuckle. She wiped it off. Emma smiled at her and Regina couldn't help but smile too. She let go of Emma and makes her way back.

"Mom! Have you seen my other mom?" Henry run towards her with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, no I haven't seen her." Regina said, a blush appeared on her face.


Zelena saw her daughter being reunited with her girl and smiled. Those two were perfect for each other. She turned round in Chad's arms. "What are you thinking?" She smiled as she rested her arms around his neck.

"Tonight." Chad smirked. "All alone. One room. One bride and One groom is all it takes." He kissed her teasingly.

"Easy monkey." Zelena chuckled. "Robyn stays over at Alice's tonight," A finger went over his nose, ending at his lips. She kissed him intensely. "In fact, she's staying over for a few days so we're all alone until our honeymoon." She chuckled and kissed him passionately again.

"Those are the best times with you." Chad whispered and traced Zelena's outlines of her body with his fingers. He didn't noticed his facing red sister-in-law trying to interrupt the pair.

Regina cleared her throat. "Hey... uhm... congrats on your marriage." Regina smiled happily.

Chad released his lips from Zelena's. "Thank you, Regina." His head clutched with Zelena's. "I'm happy to finally have found a woman as beautiful and kind as your sister."

Zelena couldn't be happier to hear those words coming from her husband. To prevent him from saying more kind things, she shushed him by kissing him. She laughed softly when she heard her sister cough. "Have you ever met such a wickedly handsome guy?" She asked her sister.

Regina laughed awkwardly at Zelena's question. "Sure, Zelena. I'm just glad you two found eachother. I'm happy to see how far my sister has come in life." Regina realized she was rambling so she stopped herself, her sister giving her a weird look.


"Mom! I was looking for you!" Henry exclaimed to Emma. "Where were you?"

"Hey kid! I was here the whole time. Have you seen your grandmother and grandfather?" Emma said without paying much attention to Henry. She was looking at Regina who just hugged Zelena. 

"They're over there." Henry said and pointed somewhere in the crowd. "But I wanted to ask if  Violet could stay over tonight?"

"Yea sure..." Emma said as she made her way over to her parents.

"Where have you been Emma?! I've been looking al over you but nobody knew where you were." Snow's expression is extremely worried.

"Sorry Mom, I'm here now." Emma chuckled at her mom's reaction.


"Thanks Sis. It really means so much to me coming from you." Zelena smiled. "But, are you okay?" She asked. There was something She knew her sister was hiding.

Chad looked around and saw his parents waving at him. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to my parents." He smiled and gave his wife a quick kiss.

"Of course." Zelena smiled and turned back to her sister. "Are you okay?" She asked again.

"Yes Zelena, I am. Now stop worrying about me and enjoy your day." Regina shot a smile at her sister. "Come on let's get something to drink." Regina grabbed her sisters hand and dragged her with her.

"Yeah, let's get drunk!" Zelena laughed. The sisters met her daughter with her girlfriend at the bar. "You're here early, Alice."

"Hey! You're here too and as a matter of fact your daughter brought me here." Alice laughed as she smiled at her girlfriend.

"Zelena, can't even teach your kid not to drink early." Regina said jokingly as she got Zelena and herself a drink.

"She looks like her mom." Zelena laughed took the drink and shot it. "Hit me another." She put the glass down.

"Woah mom, slow down. It's still early in the evening." Robin laughed. She put an arm around Alice. "I am going to the other side of the bar." She whispered. "I don't want to be around my mom when she's starting to act like this, trust me." She chuckled and took Alice her hand.

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