Part 13 "Mom, dad?"

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The lot had finished breakfast and walked through the park. "Me and Chad are going to the experience hall. Anyone else?"

"Ehm Regina and me will go with my parents." Emma said and walked over to her parents. They had planned to go somewhere with Neal

"I'll join the lads, some experience is good!" Nook said enthusiastically.

"Right..." Robin laughed. Nook wasn't really one for this kind of excitement level.

"Well let's go then!"


Zelena sat up in the bed. She had still no clue why she felt like this. She stood up and walked over to the bathroom to freshen up. She arrived just in time at the toilet when she felt sick. 'Why is this part of it?' She thought and crouched down next to the toilet seat. She didn't want anyone to see her like this.


The 2 groups each went their way and had each their activities. It was lunch time so the gang gathered at a picnic field to lunch. "I'm gonna check if Zelena can join us... she's all alone in the hotel room." Chad broke the silence of the picnic.

"Shall I go with you?" Robin asked.

"No, it's okay. I think I can handle my own wife." Chad chuckled. "I'll message you guys later. Have fun the rest of the day!" He waved the group, Robin and Alice, Nook and Henry and the Golds, goodbye and went back to the hotel.


"Let's do another attraction." Emma suggested. She led them to 'it's a small world' and they got in

"I love this." Snow looked around in awe of everything.

"Mom, dad?" She waited till she had their attention. She took Regina's hand for support. "Regina and I are dating." She said.

"I KNEW IT" Snow practically yelled. Charming shushed her.

"Wait, what?" Emma looked at them shocked.

"Well your mom suspected it since a few weeks ago, we just wanted to wait and see when you would tell us. We're happy for you both."

They got off the boat. "Seriously? We thought nobody noticed." Regina couldn't help but smile a little.

"I know Emma, and you Regina. I just know stuff about the two of you." She said.

Emma hugged her mom. She really loved how most thing didn't have to be a big deal to her mother and her dad

In Snow's head all the pieces fell into place now. "Is this what the fight with Zelena was about?" 

"Yes, it was. It'll be okay soon though or I hope it'll be." Regina sighed. She missed her sister so deeply.

"She'll turn by eventually" Emma said in comfort.

Regina nodded and took Emma's hand. It felt good not to hide anymore in font of everyone.

Snow looked at the two and smiled. She was glad to see the happiness of the two. She remembered how sad they both were after they had lost love. She was grateful that they found it in eachother again.


Chad didn't bother to knock on the door and used his key pass. "Zel?" He asked through the room and closed the door.

"Hey pretty," Zelena chuckled when she heard her man. Her mood had changed intensely these last 3 hours she was alone. She walked over to him, held his face with both hands and kissed him passionately.

Chad carefully pushed Zelena away. "Woah, what's this? And why do you taste like vomit?" He wiped his lips.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Zelena was disappointed immediately, she ignored his questions.

Chad was confused. "Of course I missed you. I came to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine. Totally fine." She said against his lips.

"Zelena, there is something you're not telling me." Chad again pushed her away, she smelled and tasted awful.

"What wouldn't I tell you?" Zelena lied.

"Is this about this thing with Regina?" Chad began.

"Why would you think it's always something between me and Regina?! It's not always about her you know!"

Chad had no idea what came over her. But he decided to speak against her, she was behaving so rude towards her family. "No, it isn't because now it's only about you. Zelena, Zelena, Zelena! You're on a nice trip with your family and where are you? You're behaving like a little kid. You're not a baby anymore!" When Chad mentioned the word baby, Zelena broke down in tears. 'Oh god...' he sat themselves down. "I'm sorry for shouting..." he wanted to put an arm around Zelena but she pushed him away.

"Just go..." She fell on her back on the bed and sighed.

Chad laid down next to Zelena and held her hand. "I'm not going till you're going to tell me what's going on." He whispered.

"I promise I'll tell you later but I can't... not now." Zelena sounded nervous.


Neal started to whine about being tired. Emma took her little brother on her back, as she knew it was one of his favourite things to do.

Regina smiled as Emma was carrying Neal around. She was the sweetest with kids. She watched as Emma ran forward with Neal on her back and hear them both laugh.

Snow chaught up with Regina "You're really happy with Emma aren't you?"

Regina nodded "Yes, yes I am."


"What ever it is, I'll be there for you." He kissed Zelena on her cheek, following her lips. It still tasted like vomit, he pulled out and wiped his lips again. "Are you sick? Is that why you're not feeling well?" He asked.

Zelena wanted to answer but instead she run to the bathroom. She slammed the door and crouched down next to the toilet, just in time.

"Zel, anything I can do for you?" Chad tried to open the door but Zelena had locked it.

"No, I'm fine," She got sick again. A few seconds later she got out of the bathroom and sat down on the couch next to Chad. "It's all good." She seemed as white as a sheet, she cuddled up to his side.

"I'm worried about you. You've been like this on and off. Gosh, it looks like you're pregnant." He laughed, there was no way that could be possible.

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