Part 45 the battle part 2

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The words gazed through Robin's head. 'What did mom say?' She lowered her arrows. "Aunt Regina, is this true?" She was shocked about what she just heard from her mom.

"Slept with your husband?!" Regina cringed at the idea, she didn't believe what Zelena just told the group. "Such a thing never happened! First, that's disgusting, he's my family! Second, I would never take away your happy beginning, you know that deep inside. Third, that kiss was forced by Scar. He made Chad do that, he loves you sis. Do you really think I would let him kiss me in the first place? He's not even my type, Emma is! Don't you see that the lion is using you." Zelena's words hurt badly by the Good Queen.

"Scar would never use me. He's honest and wants the best for me, unlike what you all do!" Zelena said filled with believe, it was after all what she was told and nothing more. "I've seen you kissing Chad, and I can tell when Chad likes something and he clearly did by kissing you!"

"I know you, Regina. Deep inside you just wish it was you who raised my Robin. Just to keep the memory of your own Robin close." Zelena had no idea what she just said but she was forced to say it in her trance.

"Why would I've let you keep Robin as a baby then? I trusted you to do it because I knew you could. I wouldn't change a thing." Regina didn't want to show Zelena how badly her words hurt her but she also got a feeling there was no way getting through to her sister.

Scar got unnoticed Zelena's red heart out of a pocket sack. Her heart was since her happy beginning red but because of Scar's evil actions, a spot on her heart had blackened and it only got worse. And that all just by the lies that he had told her.

Regina had convinced Robin again to pick up her arrows and pointed them towards her Mom. "You don't mean this, mom. He's getting into your head!" She looked at Scar and the heart he was holding. 'Fuck... that's moms heart...' She thought. "Mom! You know this isn't who you are, you can stop now, fight against your will."

Zelena had enough of the hero thoughts of her daughter and smashed her down next to Emma. Usually it hurt her to see her daughter in such a pain but Scar forbade her to show even one emotion. "I guess it's just you, me and the pirate, aye..." she had forgotten about Alice for just a second.

Alice realized Zelena had forgotten about her. She had to bring her father to safety, there was no way he would be able to protect himself against Zelena. She hesitated for a moment when she saw Robin being smashed against the ground by her own cold hearted mother. It hurt to see. Alice silently made her way over to her dad. Before Zelena could do anything she gave a blast with her magic, just distracting Zelena long enough for Nook and her to get to safety.

"Starfish, what are you doing?" Nook was confused. "I can do this." He said filled with confidence.

"Papa, even the ones with magic have a difficulty defending themselves against Zelena. With only your gun you don't make a chance! I don't want anything to happen to you too."

"Stay here... I don't want to lose you." Nook looked around and saw the magic battle Zelena and Regina were in. It was a 1 against 1 battle. He looked over at Chad and he saw him slowly waking up.


Zelena was being thrown in the air by Alice but she rebuild her power quickly. "Stupid child!" She looked around her but didn't see Alice nor Nook, only her sister who stayed as strong as ever and her husband who still said down on the ground. "So now it's just you- and me, sis..." she smirked. "I've waited all week long for this."

"Well do what you so desperately have been wanting to do for the past week." Regina said with all the confidence she has. She didn't see any other way than having to use her magic.

Chad winched with his eyes. For the first time he could actually see what was happening but he was distracted by his wife for just a second. Even though she had returned to the dark side, he still couldn't get his eyes of her dress. 'Damn, that's my wife, she's so pretty.' She looked quite hot in the black dress with a beautiful neckline, it fitted every part of her body. Something he never saw in the movies from the Wizard of Oz movies from his childhood.

"You're just like Emma, sis. You can't hold this forever!" Zelena warned her, not noticing that Chad had stood up again.

"I can hold this longer than you think Zelena!" Regina knew Zelena's magic could be reckless sometimes but also knew she was strong, at least this time. She knew her sister kept using her magic while she used it less.

"We'll see about that..." Zelena fired another fireball at her sister, Regina just could escape it.

Chad limped to Zelena. "Zel, please... I just want you to listen to me!" He hoped he could get through Zelena one last time and came closer. He didn't care what she would do, she's his wife. Fight or not.

Zelena stopped her magic and saw Regina running to Emma. "What?" She snapped in a scared tone she hadn't shown before. She saw Chad limping which worried her a little but she was too scared to show any emotions.

Chad took a brave step forward. "Zelena, you know deep inside that I love you, more then anything in the world. But Scar, he's using you for his own purpose." He now just stood inches away from her. "I never had the intention to hurt you, as for our child-" he began to speak and looked up in Zelena's eyes. She teared up but he saw the struggle she had by doing so and Chad held a hand on her cheek to let her know it was okay to be with him. "I'm sorry for what I did and I'll explain why I did this but at home, where we are safe, okay?"

Regina let herself fall on her knees next to Emma, who still hadn't moved. Regina saw a wound on the side of her head, which probably happened when she fell down on the ground. With a shaky hand she still managed to quickly heal it. She looked at Chad and Zelena. Was he able to convince her to stop in this fight?

Zelena broke. He emotions were visible again after this long week. "Chad?" She said happily but scared as hell. "You're not save here... go."

"No, not without you." Chad looked Zelena into her eyes.

Scar didn't like where this was going. Chad blocked his plan. He whispered something to Zelena's heart and Zelena followed the orders. She clutched their heads together. "I'm sorry but I have no choice." She said sobbing. She led a hand on his shoulder.

"Zel, you know this isn't who you are... you can fight against it." Chad sobbed along.

"I don't want to do this but he makes me..." Zelena's voice shivered.

"Makes you do what?" Chad didn't understand and looked in the corner of his eye and saw Scar whispering again. In no time he felt Zelena's hand reaching for his heart in his chest. "Agh!" He screamed in pain. "Zel..." the pain went through his entire body, he couldn't pay any more attention to what was going on. He couldn't see a thing.

"Mama, no!" Robin broke down in pieces. "Mom- please no......" She slumbed down on the ground. "Mama...." She sobbed, knowing her mom was being forced but she just couldn't look at this, not her family. Seeing love being tearing apart like this, this couldn't be the end of it.

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