Part 71 welcome back

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"There you are!" Roni said happily when she saw Margot again.

I told you I'll be back!" Robin smiled and entered. "So you have it?"

"Jup!" Roni got the lighter and the joint. "I'm your mom so thankful for this one. This is exactly what I-we need right now."

Robin fell on the comfortable couch. "Perfect. I really needed this."

"Same." Roni lit the joint and took a hit before handing it to Margot.

"AYE, safe some for me!"

Roni laughed. Soon they had finished the joint together. Robin took the last hit and put the joint in her glass of water. "That was... some good stuff." She laughed stoned.

Roni burst out in laughing too, without any reason. "Yes it was." She leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.

"I haven't had this fun for such a long time!" Robin acted like Margot but to be honest, she didn't need to because Roni was way to stoned to see the difference between Margot and Robin. "Hey, that blonde girl, remember her?" She slipped in the conversation.

"You mean Emma? Yea I do. Why?" Roni didn't really think much of the question

Robin shrug her shoulders. "Oh, nothing... I just thought she was pretty cute."

"Yea.. she is pretty cute and nice I just got scared." Roni was a lot more honest when she was stoned. "Just... it felt so right and it scared the hell out of me."

Robin smiled. "That's a good thing though! What if you had a solution to make you feel mooore comfortable around her then now?" She tried to sneak in her plan.

"That'd be great..." Roni thought about it but none of her thoughts were really clear.

"I-I'll be right back!" Robin stood up and staggered to her bag. She got out the flask. She didn't need to pour it in a glass, Roni was so stoned, she wouldn't see the difference. "Here, try this..." she handed her the flask and sat down again.

"and what's this gonna do about it?" Roni laughed. Still she got the flask and emptied it within a matter of seconds

Robin sat with her stoned ass on the end of the seat. This has to work. It was the same as she drunk. "You'll see..."

Suddenly Regina remembered everything. "Robin? What is this? What's going on?" Regina started to panic as the memories filled her head again

"Shhh...." Robin presses her finger against her lips. "calm down." She said with a mellow accent to her voice. "How do you feel?" She asked feeling lightheaded.

"Terrible, please tell me I didn't call Emma my fuckbuddy and please tell me I didn't kiss Ruby." Regina started to panic and being stoned made it even worse, she started to shake

Robin bit her lip. "Yes you did..." she nod her head. "But it's okay," she answered slowly. "You were cursed."

"No, it's not okay. It's not. Emma hates me I'm sure." There was no way stopping Regina's panic

"O well... she knows you were cursed, it didn't mean anything." Robin chuckled. "Just like I snapped at my mom.." she laughed, but didn't know why.

Regina looked at Robin and started to realize she was right. "Yea.. ofcourse." She whispered

"Exactly," Robin poked her aunts nose. "Nothing to worry about." She chuckled.

Regina smiled at Robin. "Still... I feel terrible." Regina didn't know how she could face Emma after this

"Don't be..." Robin sighed. "If you're insecure, just go to her, be with your girl!" She giggled. "Tell her how you feel."

"Yea, let's go to them?" Regina still was feeling quite stoned but she knew she had to see Emma eventually

"Sure, we'll go.." Robin straggled to her bag and knocked on the door. "Why isn't it open?!"

Regina chuckled and opened the door for Robin. "It's open."

"Thank you door." Robin strike the door gently and grabbed for her aunts hand. "Come, let's get go to Emma... do you know where she is?"

Regina started laughing when she saw Robin stroke the door. "I hoped you would know. Let's try Zelena's house?" Regina could function a lot better when she was stoned than Robin could. Now she could really see how life expectancies worked. "Robin, need any help?"

Robin laughed. "Oh no! I'm fine!" She chuckled and slowly made her way to Zelena's.


Happy Valentine's Day! Let's be lonely all day long! Haha xx Zelly

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