Part 9 Snap out

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After a few minutes, Zelena came back with a happy Gideon, who grabbed Zelena's hair tight and played with it. "Look who's back all freshened up." She tried to get Gideon out of her hair but couldn't be bothered. She put on a fake smile, you could see she had been a little emotional while she was away.

"Zelena are you okay?" Regina noticed the fake smile.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Zelena ignored all her mixed feelings. She switched Gideon from her left to her right. "I'm sorry for before... I'm happy for you two."

"Thank you." Regina knew there was still something off about Zelena but she rather not get into it right now.

"Thanks Z" Emma smiled happily. "So.. what should we do now? Where are Gold, Rumple and my parents by the way?"

Chad stood up. "They went to the castle with Neal. He really has the perfect ago to walk around the park." He smiled and packed up everything of Gideons before they walked along. "Zel, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I am." She chuckled softly.

Robin let her parents for what is was now and turned to Emma. "Well, we could go to the Discovery Island? There's a short movie of Pirates of the Caribbean. Any good?"

"Sounds good! Gina, you coming?" 

"Yea, of course." Regina walked with Emma and the other to the Discovery Island.

"I seriously love this entertainment park. We should've went her waaaay sooner." Alice held Robins hand.

"I think it's the perfect timing." Robin smiled. "I mean, I'm here with you, my aunt just came out just like we did years ago." She chuckled and kissed Alice gently on the lips. "I have everything I ever dreamed of."

Zelena overheard her daughter. She really was happy for her sister and best friend but it also bothered her very much.

"Well that's very true." She loved to see her girlfriend this happy.

Regina decided that she wouldn't show how much it hurt her that Zelena was acting like this. First make this a fun day with the family she loves.


They all arrived at the little cinema. Chas took his phone out and messaged everyone who was at the castle that they were at the movies.

"Oh the others are at the movies. Should we head over there too?" Snow asked when she read Chad's message.

"Wait, is Gideon with them at the movies?!" Belle panicked at once. "He's just 2, he cant handle that!"

Nook laughed. "Keep calm, love. You know they know what's best for your boy. I would like to go to the movies."

"Belle they know what they're doing with your son don't worry." Snow chuckled.

"Yes, come on let's go to the movies." Charming added.


The witch stared at the instruction icons next to the  ride information. She wasn't allowed in... "I-I think I'll stay here with Gideon, he's too young to go in." Zelena lied and isolated herself from the rest. She took a bottle of water out of the bag and drunk from it. She felt a little light headed.

"Really, Zel, what's going on?" Chad asked concerned.

"There's Nothing. I just need to watch Gideon, I know Belle wants it."

"Zelena seriously, if something is wrong just tell us." She was worried about her sister.

Zelena's mood changed. "The last time I checked, you spent days at my place because you mourned over the loss of your beloved Robin." Zelena snapped but she didn't stop. "Does Snow know her stepmom and her daughter are together?!" she didn't think about the consequences or what she just had said.

"Zelena Green!" Chad spoke against her. "You don't mean that, that's a horrid thing to say to your sister." He protected his sister-in-law and her girlfriend.

"Mom... how could you?" Robin had never seen her Mom like this before. "This is not who you are, you always support us, your own family. Your own flesh and blood!"

"I-I. You know what, fuck you." Regina wasn't thinking about what she was saying anymore. Tears were in her eyes "I'm just gonna go and I'll talk to you when you can act fucking normal again." She walked away, now crying.

"Zelena..." Emma couldn't find the words for what she wanted to say. Instead she went with Regina. She found her not far away, crying. Emma immediately pulled her in a hug and tried to comfort her.

Alice just watched what was happening. She didn't know what to say or think in this situation.

"Are you happy now?!" Robin scoffed towards her Mom, something she had never done before but she didn't care what her mother thought. She stormed away to find her aunt and Emma.


Chad took Gideon from Zelena and placed him back in the buggy. He took Zelena by her shoulders and sat her down on the bench next to the buggy. "Where did this came from?! Don't you want your sister to be herself? Don't you want her to be happy?!"

Zelena realised what she had done. "I-I don't know... What did I do?" It looked like her mood had changed in one snap.

"You just literally ditched your sister and hurt her feelings?" Chad was surprised Zelena hadn't noticed. It were her words.

Zelena didn't know how she would react. Words just couldn't form. "I'm sorry..." She whispered and looked around her. When they were alone for just a second, she used her imported magic to disappear from the place to be alone in the hotel room.

Chad sighed. He could never get used to all this magic in the family he was married into. He took the buggy and walked to Alice and Henry. "I'm sorry you had to see that..." He hung his head, a little ashamed of how his wife behaved. Why was she acting so weird?

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