Part 19 everybody knows

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Robin couldn't sleep this entire night. Why could her family not be like any normal family, let alone her own Mother. She was awake for ages and watched Alice being asleep. "Morning bunny." Robin whispered.

"Morning" Alice whispered and looked at Robin. "What's on your mind?"

"Just you looking pretty." Robin smiled. "Plus the fact that Mom and Regina even fight on this family weekend. Can't they just take a break?" She chuckled softly.

"Oh you know them, they'll be fighting one moment and the next everything is fine. Don't worry about it too much"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm glad I don't have a sibling to fight with." Robin laughed. "I have you." She kissed Alice softly on the lops and took her with her to the closet and pulled out an outfit of Alice in Wonderland. "Why don't you dress like Alice today?" She teased as she showed it to her. It was the typical white with blue dress.

"You got to be kidding me." Alice laughed and sat up in bed. "I'll do it only if you dress up as someone from disney too." She smirked

"Already did!" Robin laughed and got her costume as well. "Alice, meet Robin Hood." Her costume had all the details, from the classy outfit till the bowen arrows.

"Oeeh awesome!!" Alice got excited and got up to get dressed too

"Don't you look cute, like a cute cupcake." Robin looked at her beautiful and straightened her uniform. She took her bowen arrow and reached her hand out to Alice. "Are you ready?" She said with a smile.

"Yes I am my Robin Hood." Alice took Robin's hand and smiled.


Regina and Emma had gotten ready and went downstairs. "Morning" Regina said tired.

"Morning lads," Nook said when Emma and Regina entered the breakfast room. "You're looking lovely, don't they Henry?"

"Thanks Nook." Emma chuckled at Regina's confused face.

"They're my moms ofcourse they always look good. Except for when they just woke up." Henry joked.

Robin and Alice stood just behind the door. "Shall we announce our outfits together?" She smiled with the loveliest smile at her girl.

"Yes." Alice smiled back at her girlfriend.

Robin took Alice her hand and walked in. "Hi guys!" She said in a chuckle.

"Let me guess... Alice in wonderland and Robin Hood." She smiled widely at the girls, they were just the cutest

"You are indeed correct!" Robin laughed and let Alice turn around in her arms.

"That's not my daughter, she's far to beautiful in this sparkly dress!" Nook joked when he saw Alice in Robins arms.

"Thanks papa." She laughed. She kissed Robin softly.

Robin and Alice grabbed their breakfast together and sat down at the same table as her family. She discovered her Mom and stepdad again weren't down yet. "Mom and Chad are again not here?!" She sighed. "Where are they?"

"Oh Zelena is probably having morning sickness because of the pregnancy." Snow said nonchalant, continuing eating.

"Snow?!?!" Regina hissed. She couldn't believe her.

"Oh... shit." Snow sunk in her chair in shame.

Nook put down his fork at once. "The witch is what?"

Robin laughed. "Yeah, that's what you get when you act smutty" she said but soon realised about which couple it was about. "Who's what?" She said very confused, she couldn't believe it.

"Your mom, she's pregnant.. nobody was supposed to know but someone can't keep her mouth shut." Regina glared at Snow.

"I'm sorry, it just came out like that. I didn't want to." Snow apologized.

"Like always." Regina scoffed. "but don't say anything to her or chad about it.. he doesn't know yet..."

"But why do you know and not her husband?" Henry asked with his mouth full.

"Wxactly that, Henry. And why can't I tell my own Mom!? Was she even planning on telling me?"

"Robin, listen to me. Your mother is having some difficulty with this. I can explain everything to you. Just not with everyone here. I don't think it's fair to them."

"Well it's her fault she's pregnant." Robin began to react a little bit out of control. "Why doesn't Chad know? You might as well tell the whole family. We'll find out sooner or later and clearly you know why?"


"God, Robin." Regina sighed. She grabbed Robin by her arm and dragged her to Emma and her room. "Chad doesn't want children. Your mother is hurt about it. That's why he doesn't know, okay?"

"Wait Chad doesn't?" All the pieces of the puzzle came in place. "Poor mom... and she's facing this all alone?" She said worried.

"He told her he didn't and he keeps saying it. I hope he'll change his mind when she tells him. I've been trying to help her with telling Chad and the others. It turned into a fight yesterday, we didn't want it to."

"Well, maybe I'll go and talk to Chad today? I can ask him very curiously about having kids and not tell him moms pregnant?" Robin suggested.

"You can, but in no way, not even the slightest bit make him think Zelena is. Snow already ruined the part of no one knowing." Regina groaned. "Does she ever change?"

"I can't believe mom told her in the first place... If she doesn't want Chad to know. And Mom is a gossip herself, she knows she can't trust the biggest gossip of all Storybrooke..." robin rolled her eyes. "I live with Chad in the same house. I know exactly how to win him over!" She said with all her confidence.

Regina shrug her shoulders. "Snow probably figured it out herself somehow and asked Zelena. I trust you, let me know how it goes. Let's get back to the others?"

"Yeah, guess you're right." She stood up and joined the rest with her aunt.

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