Part 20 it's a waiting game

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Everyone kept quiet for a while. "Sooo... what is everyone planning on doing today?" Charming tried to break the awkward silence

"I'm gonna have a dad day with Chad. A little bonding won't hurt." Robin smiled.

"Sounds like a great plan." Emma looked at Regina. "I don't know what we're gonna do yet. Henry any ideas?" She asked

"Duh, more rollercoasters." Henry said enthusiastically.

"I'll join the lad. I am used to them by now. Anyone else?" Nook said, he gave a glimpse at his daughter. Hoping she would go as well.

Alice laughed. Her father wasn't really a rollercoaster guy. "I'll join you guys as well!" Alice smiled at her father.

"Yasss!" Nook put his hands in the air like victory.

"Good morning." Chad and Zelena entered hand in hand.

"Good morning!" Everyone greeted the two happily.

"I'll be right back." Chad whispered to Zelena and got his and Zelena's breakfast.

Zelena felt a certain awkwardness in the room but she thought it was about her on and off fake fights with her sister. She sat down next to Snow and Emma. "Hi.." She said in a tired mood to Emma.

"Hi Z, you don't sound so well rested? Bad night?"

Zelena bit her lip. "Quite... the opposite." She whispered and glimpsed at her husband and back to Emma who was cringing. "Em, I can't let him suspect a thing!" She chuckled.

Emma shivered. "I know, I know enough... just spare me the details." She chuckled.

"I will." Zelena winked.

Chad came back and put Zelena's place in front of her. "For my lovely wife." He kissed her cheek before he stood up again.

"Thanks." Zelena chucked. She watched Chad go around the table and sat down next to Robin.

"Sup Chaddy! You-me.. dad day?"

Chad looked at Zelena, he actually wanted to spend the day with her now she was finally joining the family for once. "Why not," he laughed and he did his secret handshake he had with Robin.

Zelena smiled at her little family. Why was Chad so chill with robin but doesn't want one himself? "Hey sis, can I join you today?"

"Yes, ofcourse." Regina smiled at her sister. She was actually quite looking forward to today. She hoped everything would go smooth.

"Everyone wanted more rollercoasters and by everyone I especially mean Henry but we don't have to." Emma said.


After a while, Nook saw everyone had finished breakfast. "Everyone back in 10?" He suggested.

"Yes!" Everyone agreed and left to get their stuff

Regina, Emma and Henry waited for everyone downstairs.

"they're taking too long. I wanna go." Henry said impatiently.


Chad had packed his bag for his day with Robin. He saw Zelena panicking over which stuff she needed. "Don't miss me too much." He placed a hand on her stomach and held her close.

Zelena quickly pushed away his hand, does he know? "I won't miss you. I won't miss your personality, your humour... your body..." She teased her husband. "Just have fun with Robs." She smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. "I will miss your lips though." She whispered.

"Chaddy! Go!" Robin said when she came around the corner. "Mom, let go of him!"

Zelena chuckled against Chad lips. "See you." She whispered and saw the two off. She walked up-to Regina and Emma's room.


"We're here, lads!" Nook came with his too happy face around the corner, followed by his daughter in a distance. "So, who are we still waiting for?"

"still waiting for Zelena." Emma said.

"I'll go look for her." Regina walked around the halls.


"G? You ready?" Zelena again knocked on the door of her room but she got no answer. "G? You said I had to go to your room!" She sighed and searched the halls. After a while She got tired of looking for everyone, she sat down on a chair. "Why is this always happening..."

Regina kept looking and finally found Zelena sitting on a chair. "Zelena? I've been looking for you everywhere. We were waiting for you."

"Well, I've been looking for you for the last few minutes! You said meeting up at your room?" Zelena complained, even though it wasn't true, she had just forgotten.

"I didn't say that. We would meet up downstairs. Come with me?" Regina held out her hand.

Zelena rolled her eyes. "Yes you did..." She mumbled and took Regina's hand and they walked back to the rest of the group. "I'm not late... you're all simply too early."

"let's gooo." Henry said and started walking.

"He's way too excited about the rollercoasters." Emma laughed

"Says the one who was running around the park as a child a few days ago."

Regina stayed with Zelena while the others were enjoying the rides. Regina liked them but didn't care so much if she went in them.

"Look what I got!" Emma came walking up with a big teddybear. "For you." She gave it to Regina.

"What the- I thought you guys were going on a ride." Regina laughs. She held the teddybear. It was adorable but what the hell was she supposed to do with it.

"We were and then we wandered off... Emma couldn't resist getting this. It's cute!"

"God, my moms are the most cheesy couple I know." Henry almost made it sound serious but the smirk on his face gave him away.

Zelena stood up slowly from the bench they sat on. "You know what? I'll give us all a drink. On me." She laughed but soon felt a sickness coming. She tried her best to ignore it.

"thanks Zelena." Regina wanted Zelena to have atleast one good day at the park.

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