Part 5 the idea

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Robin held Alice's hand walked back to the livingroom. It just took too long for her Mom and Stepdad to come downstairs. "Okay, I'm not gonna go up any more..."

"Oh, you don't have to. They'll be down soon I'm sure." Regina smiled.

Emma on the other hand was getting tired of waiting around. "ZELENA, CHAD! What's taking so long!?"

"Emma!" Regina hit her soflty.

"What's going on with them?" Alice whispered to Robin as she looked at Emma and Regina

Robin was glad Alice had distracted her a little bit from what had happened upstairs. "Oh, you'll see." She smiled at her happy looking Aunt.


Chad came as first downstairs. He wasn't ashamed for Regina and Robin to walk in on him and Zelena. "We're here Emma," he put on a real big smile. He turned around. "We'll at least, I'm here, Zel will come in a minute." He smiled. "Anyone coffee? Cocoa?"

"Well you know I'm always in for a cocoa" Emma laughed

"I'm fine, thank you, Chad." Regina smiled at him. It felt weird to act so different with Emma when someone was around. It didn't feel right and Regina wanted the feeling to stop as soon as possible.

"I'll take the cocoa too"

"M'kay. And Robs?" Chad turned to his stepdaughter.

Robin looked away from Chad. "Uhm, a cocoa á la Chad..." she replied nervously.

"You sure? It's still early?" Chad said before he left off to te kitchen.

"O yeah, now I'm really sure." Robin stated and turned back to Alice, she smiled weakly and sat down on the couch. Trying to get the images out of her head but she was unsuccessful.

"2 cocoas and the cocoa á la Chad? Coming right up." Chad smiled and went to the kitchen and heard Zelena coming down the stairs.

She went directly into the kitchen and just watched Chad preparing the drinks. She wasn't able to say anything yet.


"Aunt Regina, Emma?" Robin asked.

Emma looked up "Yes?"

"What's going on?" She smiled at Robin.

Robin chuckled before she asked her question. "Did... Henry, not wish realm Henry but your Henry when he was young, ever had the situation with you and Killian or Dad that I just had?" She looked at the not understanding faces. "Did Henry ever walked in on you?"

"He never walked in on Robin and me. I'm very very happy about that." Regina cringed about the idea of that happening

"Uhm.. he did with Killian and me. He would be at Regina's house but came by to pick something up." Emma's face turned red. "Let's just say it was awkward the next time we saw him but it faded away quickly. I don't know how Henry thinks about it now though." Emma chuckles

"Right. Well, I have to face my Mom at some point right?" Robin chuckled and led her head on Alice her shoulder in comfort.


Chad walked back with the 2 cocoas for Emma and Alice. "Cinnamon is on the table." He laughed. He still didn't get this family tradition but he had to admit that it was quite delicious.

Zelena followed with her and Robins cocoa. "Here," She put the cocoa for her daughter on the side table next to he couch. "Although I don't understand why you wanted Chads version?"

Robin took a sip. "Well, I needed a boost."

Emma added cinnamon to her cocoa and took a sip. "So.. how was your honeymoon?"

Zelena sat down next to Chad on the other couch. "Florida was amazing! Did you know they have some sort of entertainment park with fairytales?" She held hands with Chad.

"Wait, really?" Regina knew that fairytales were a thing in the 'real' world but didn't think it was that big that they made an entertainment park

"Oh yes! I've been there once as a kid. It's amazing." Emma exclaimed happily thinking back of the memory

"We should go there sometime!" Alice was enthusiastic immediately.

"It's amazing. I went so many times when I was little as well. Never thought they would be my family now." Chad chuckled and kissed Zelena gently on the lips, her hands resting on his chest.

Robin lightly cringed. She didn't mind them kissing but her memory was too fresh.

Zelena put an arm around Chads waist. "We should make it a family trip. Us, the Charmings, the Golds, your father too Alice. It could be fun." She suggested.

"sounds like a amazing plan" Alice smiled.

"Yes!" Emma couldn't stop smiling. The day she spend there was one of her favorite memories of her childhood and she wanted to see how it was now.

Regina smiled at Emma's happiness. It was absolutely the cutest thing ever. "Sounds like a plan."

"Is everyone free next month?" Chad suggested. "Regina, you're the one with the busiest schedule..."

"yes! I'll call my parents right away." She grabbed her phone and went to the kitchen to call.

"I'll call my dad to see if he's able to go with us."

"Great, I'll call the Golds I'm the other room." Chad gave Zelena one more intense kiss and stood up. He looked at Robin again cringe.


Zelena smiled and slowly let go of Chads hand wen he walked away. How she loved that guy with all her heart.

Robin rolled her eyes. "Okay... mom, we need to talk..." she stood up and sat down next to her aunt. She wanted her support although it was gonna be a really awkward conversation to talk about with her aunt present.

"What?" Zelena laughed nervously.

"Uhm... I don't know how to start..." she looked at her aunt, hoping she would give her a beginning.

"Robin came to me this morning and actually had a plan... to get her own place.. before you say anything just listen to her okay?" Regina added the last part when she saw Zelena's face change.

"Uhm... okay..." Zelena bit her lip. "Go on..." she didn't want to let her daughter go for a million.

"Mom, look now you're married, I thought you could have the place for yourself and Chad? You clearly need more space and I don't want to repeat what just happened." Robin began. "Alice and I are looking for places here in Storybrooke, so we won't be far away, right?" She looked at her mom who didn't looked convinced at all. "Aunt Regina? Help me out..." She whispered.

"I know you don't want to let her go. It's hard to see you child grow up and realizing they don't need you as much as they used to. Robin is ready for this. She'll still be close to you. You can still see her. It's a big step and I get that you're having your doubts about it but this is something Robin wants just think about that for a moment okay?"

Zelena let a little smile appear on her face. "I really have to get used to the idea..."

Robin stood up and walked over to her mom. "and that's fine. But mom. I'm ready for my adventure." She smiled and took her moms hands in hers. "I'll be fine. Everyone believes in me."

"I know... just give me a few days." She laughed.

Regina smiled at the two. She was happy that she was able to help Robin with this.

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