Part 87 see them flying high

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There was no day that went by that Zelena wasn't proud of her family. Just like this one. Their love kept up the hope they have. "Malerie isn't worth is. I mean, am I deeply hurt that he chose her ugliness over me? Yes. Am I depressed that Chad decided to leave his family with then a 3 year old? Beyond depressed. But our family kept me alive and strong." She chuckled. "You made it possible to make the Wicked Witch inside of me a bit less harsh. That took a while you know."

"We're always here if you need us sis." Regina smiled at her. Her anger wasn't completly gone but it was less. "She was so scared of you though."

Zelena laughed. "Well, she better. No one just insults my family like she did. And no way I'm gonna let Elphie close to her. Chad only can have her a weekend if Allergy is dead."

"But atleast Chad and you really talked this time" Regina smiled slightly "that's a good thing."

"We didn't shout... that's one thing that's certain." Zelena looked at her sister. "I just wish he could see how special and beautiful Elphie is. She really has a gift that won't be respected by her father."

"I get that that hurts but I also remember when I came into this world. It was so hard to get used to magic being around. Just the whole fairytale thing it was weird. Still it doesn't justify his behaviour. It seems like he didn't really try.." Emma sighed.

"Chad is a good guy." Zelena defended her ex. "And for years, it seemed he had accepted the magic. Look at when we just got married. In his vowes where he said to me to never change... I didn't change, he did. That Malerie is changing him."

"He was a good guy indeed." Emma didn't know what else to say.

"Maybe he accepted the fact that you have magic but had hoped his daughter wouldnt." Regina frowned.

Zelena looked out of the window of the livingroom, she could see the top of the Queens castle above all the trees. "Speaking of the little one. I might pick have to pick her up now or later. Do you want to come along? The Queen kinda missed her other half." She smiled.

"Oh yes! Missed visiting her too if I say so myself." Regina chuckled softly.

"Do you perhaps know how to fly a broom? I need to because Elphie is by broom as well.." Zelena said while she flicked her wrist to set all the dishes in the sink.

"I do because you taught me when I taught you how to drive." Regina laughed. She looked at Emma.

"I don't know how to." Emma looked at both of them. "And I'm not going to either."

"You can hop on the back."

"I'll just teleport there." Emma said quietly. She didn't really want to fly on a broom.

"Okay, we'll see you there then won't we sis?" The witch was really looking forward to see Regina fly again, it had been a long time since she had.

"Yes we will." Regina smiled at her sister. The last few months she hadn't spend a lot of time with her sister as she had liked so this was perfect.

"Okay, see you there." Emma smiled.

"See ya Em!" Zelena put on her fancy black vest and got ready. "You ready for the heights?"

"Hell yes." Regina grinned. She had forgotten all about her anger by now.


"Sis, come on! I've learnt you this. Don't fall behind!" Zelena laughed, they flew meters above the ground.

Regina sped up. "Yes yes, just need to get the hang of it again." Regina laughed.

Zelena sped up her speed. "Try to pass me, Queenie." She yelled over her shoulder.

Regina sped up even more. They nearing the Queen's castle. Regina looked at the ground and got a glimpse from wish Robin. Suddenly all the memories of her Robin came flooding back and she lost control of broom.

The witch on the broom saw the idiotic action of her sister. Regina fell off her broom. "Oh, for gods sake..." She rolled her eyes and dove down after her sister but couldn't be fasted to pass her.

Regina felt terrified. They were really high and she was falling all the way down. How could she be so stupid to lose control of her broom.

The queen watched it all happen. She couldn't help but laugh. She snapped her fingers to make sure Regina would be save.

Suddenly Regina went from the sky safely on the ground. She let out a deep breath of relief.

A minute passed and also Zelena arrived at the palace. "Thank god you have your other half that could save your arse." She said sarcastically.

Regina sighed, she didn't even want to begin to explain it to Zelena. "Yes."

The queen appeared in front of Zelena and Regina. "Going great I see." She looked at Regina sitting on the ground.

Emma ran through the woods searching for Regina. She had seen her fall down. Finally she saw them. "Are you okay Gina?" She asked worried.

"I'm fine." She took the hand that was reached out to her by Emma and got up.

Zelena let Regina coming to senses with Emma and walked to the Evil Queen. "How was the little munchkin?"

"Sweet as always. Robin and Elphie seem to like eachother more everytime they see eachother." The queen smiled slightly.

"How the hell did you fall of your broom?" Emma asked. She was worried but it sounded rather angry.

"I don't know, okay?" Regina knew this wasn't something she needed to discuss with Emma. How could she explain that she fell because she thought of Robin?

"I'm sorry. I'm glad that you're okay." Emma kissed Regina softly.

Zelena saw the Queen smiling at her other half and the saviour. "They're cute aren't they?" She chuckled. "Did you leave your husband somewhere in the castle, looking for more rooms with my daughter?"

"They are." The queen admitted. "I'm glad they found eachother and I think Robin and Elphie are on their way back to the castle now."

Regina and Emma walked over to the other two. Regina overheard them "yes, I saw Robin walk through the woods earlier." She said.

"You did? How?" Zelena said, not fully paying attention yet.

"I looked down and saw him" Regina shrugged

"That's a pretty clear explanation...." Zelena shrug her shoulders. She could have thought of this herself. Emma looked at Regina confused. She wanted to ask Regina something but saw her looking at the ground and decided to do it later.

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