Part 39 the soup

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Nook sighed. What could have possibly happen to the lad? He decided to get the food out of the fridge and rode around town to ask if people wanted some. Regina wasn't at home. The next house was Emma's. He got out with his pan of soup and knocked on the apartment door. "Emma, you home?"

Emma opened the door. "Hey Nook, what brings you here?"

"Soup... want some?"

"Sure, I didn't have time to cook anything yet. You want to come in?" Regina and Emma had talked about the situation and it was fine between them again. She hoped Regina wouldn't mind Nook coming in.

"That would be great, thanks love." Nook entered and set the pan with soup on the stove. He looked around and saw Regina still crying softly on the couch. "What's wrong with your girl?"

"Something happened with Chad and her." Emma walked over to Regina again. "Do you want some soup? Nook is here and brought it with him.."

Regina nodded and wiped her tears away with the back of her hand.

Nook nod. "Aye, Chad isn't himself at the moment, I don't know what happened or what came over him."

Emma came back to warm up the soup. "I don't think it's my place to tell ehat happened. Let's just say this whole situation is just messed up." Emma answered. 

"You can just tell him he'll find out eventually." Regina sighed loudly.

"Tell me what, love?"

"I went to talk to Chad because I know he's hurting and he fucking kissed me." Regina wasn't in the mood to explain the whole situation again.

Emma looked away from Nook his eyes and looked down at her hands.

"He did what? He's gotta be mental." Nook was flabbergasted. "Maybe that explains why he came home drunk..."

"Probably." Emma felt incredibly awkward in this situation.

"Enough about him." Nook stated. "Let's get the queens some soup!"

Hope got out of her bed herself and went off the stairs. "Nookie!" She giggled. "Look!" She twirled around in her beautiful princess dress. Regina smiled Hope. She looked adorable.

"Hey! I was just about to go wake you up Hope."

"Mommy, I dress myself! I'm bootyful!"

"You look amazing princess!! Most beautiful in all the land!"

"Are you hungry? Uncle Nookie made tomato soup."

"Yes!" Hope chuckled and stood on the wiggly chair to look at the amazing smelling soup.

Regina got up from the couch and walked over to the three of them. Moments like this made everyday a whole lot better

Hope looked at the soup and back at Nook. "Nookie make this?" She said in doubt. She always loved to joke around with people at this young age.

"Aye, I made this!"

"It smells great!" Regina got the soup bowls and placed them on the table.

"Let's eat!" Hope chuckled and all started eating.


Chad had a sleep from 30 minutes but it felt like a whole night sleep. He stood up to get dressed and went downstairs. He rubbed his eyes when he saw a figure standing right in front of him. "Scar...." he reacted scared.

Scar leaned against the door of the fridge. "Chad..."

Chad couldn't hold himself in. "What did you do to Zelena?!"

"I haven't done anything, it's your wife you should be angry at. Ever since you were on a break, she tries to win me over. Honestly, what's up with that?"

"You're lying! Zelena wouldn't do such a thing! I know her." Chad grabbed a knife from the counter and pointed it to Scar. "You made her like this... last night when you forced her to kiss her like that. Didn't you see the fear in her eyes! Yes I saw! That's pathetic, I'll get her back!"

"After you've kissed her sister? I highly doubt it. She saw it all." Scar wasn't scared at all about the knife Chad was holding. "Do you know how much you broke her heart? Betraying her by kissing Regina, not accepting her pregnancy... She's on the path of revenge again thanks to you and this time, good luck getting her back when she doesn't remember a thing."

Chad got emotional but tried not to show it. "Why are you like this... what have I ever done to you. Or Zelena?"


Regina still felt incredibly bad about the whole situation. She couldn't shake off the feeling even though Emma reassured her that it was okay.

Emma sighed as she saw the spoon hit the floor. "Hope don't throw your stuff on the ground." She muttered annoyed.

"Hope don need spoon!"

Nook chuckled. Looking at Hope reminded him of him and Alice together in the tower.

Regina picked up the spoon and placed it back on the table. Keeping silent the whole time.

"Gina, are you okay?" Emma noticed the staying sadness in Regina's eyes.

Regina nodded softly. "I'm fine."

Nook put down his fork. "Should I go and play with Hope for a while? Do you need some space?"

"No, it's fine. I'm fine." Regina snapped. She didn't feel fine at all but she didn't want Hope to notice anything was wrong. She was too little to be dragged into all this drama. Regina left the table and went upstairs.

Nook stopped Emma from going after Regina. "I'll talk to her, you stay here with your daughter.

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