Part 15 the little Snow White

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Regina went to get Emma and Robin and found them both in Robin and Alice's suite. "Hey, Zelena wants to go to the park? You guys coming?"

"Are you and Mom okay again?" Robin asked concerned. She didn't like her family fighting.

"Yea, we just had a talk and all is good now."

Emma smiled at the girls. "Well, that's good. I'm in for going to the park again."

"Hell Yeah, me too." Robin quickly grabbed her stuff together again and followed her aunt and Emma to the exit of the hotel where she saw her Mom. She run towards her. She hadn't seen her for literally 24 hours. "I've missed you mom!"

Zelena put her arms around her daughter. "Missed you too." She smiled. "Shall we get going?" She asked the girls.

"But wait! What about Chaddy? Maybe he wants to join?"

Zelena stopped her daughter immediately. "I just want to be with my daughter, my sister and my best friend. There's no room for a fifth wheel." She joked but meant it from the grounds of her heart.

"Well let's go then." Regina said happily. She had missed her sister and was happy they weren't fighting anymore.

Emma was confused about how quickly everything changed but she just shrugged it off and followed the others outside

With almost every kid the girls passed, Zelena felt she began to feel emotional but she wanted to stay strong for her daughter.

"Mom, why don't you want to go in the Hollywood Tower? It's a free fall! You'll love it!"

"I just want to see you enjoy the trip." Zelena put on a fake smile. "I'll be fine."

"please mom..." Robin tried to convince her. "It's not that scary. There's a beautiful story inside and then you enter the broken lift with free falls. Just get in! The row isn't long."

"No Robs, really..." Zelena didn't want to explain more. She looked down to her shoes. "You go with Emma and Regina."

"No I also want to go with you."

"Robs, she still is feeling a bit sick so I think it's good if she doesn't take this ride. We'll go and do one later that your mom can join." Regina helped Zelena.

Robin sighed. "Fine. But mom, you owe us one." She said jokingly but serious.

"Just have fun." she smiled weakly and sat on the bench with the view on the tower.

"Just see our awesome faces okay!" Robin said enthusiastically and run with Regina and Emma to the fast lane.


Zelena watched her family go and was left alone in the park. She tried to stay strong but when she saw a little kid dressed as Snow White she broke down.

"I kinda feel bad for leaving mom... if she's sick, she mustn't be alone."

"It's okay, we'll be back to her soon." They got into the ride

They walked over to the bench and Emma realized Zelena was crying. Before she could do anything Regina was running to her.

When Regina arrived at Zelena's bench, Zelena tried to hold back her tears but there was no end to it. "I don't want this anymore, I don't want to be pregnant." She whispered through her sobbing.

"You don't?" She tried to comfort her sister but didn't quite know how to anymore.

"No I don't..." Zelena didn't care anymore that Emma was standing there and looked over at her daughter who stood in front of a merch store not far from them. "How can I when my other half doesn't want too.."

"I'm sure if you tell him that you're pregnant his mind will change. I know you want this. I know you."

Emma now realized why Zelena's behavior was like that the past few days. She sat down next to Zelena. "Chad loves you. I'm sure he'll be okay with it, even though you might've discussed not having kids."

"I don't know what I want... when he came to me this afternoon, he reminded me that he doesn't want kids and never will have... maybe he's right. Robin is 22 now and then she gets a brother or sister. I don't think I can..."

"Don't let him get into your head. If you want this you'll do this. Ofcourse you'll have to talk with Chad about this but it is not only his decision."

Zelena started thinking. "Maybe I could tell them all tonight at dinner? Then he knows it the same time as the rest?"

"I actually think that's a great idea." Regina smiled, it was so nice to see her sister again, and this time in a better mood then before.

"What's a great idea?" Robin asked when she arrived at the bench as well.

"That-I'll be joining dinner tonight," Zelena said the first thing she could think of.

"Yes, I think everyone had missed you at dinner and today." Emma helped Zelena when she saw Robin's doubting look.

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