Part 46 the battle part 3

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Zelena looked into Chads eyes she once fell in love with. "I love y-" she felt that Scar squeezed her own heart. When he did, she also squeezed Chads heart and slumbed together with Chad down on the ground in pain, still holding but not crushing Chads heart. It was the thing that was most dear to her. "Get my heart," She yelled to the rest. "Take it and-" she could hardly breathe. "make sure he- he won't get it again..." Zelena whispered in tears. She felt her heart again being squeezed.

Regina realized that there was no way Robin could help her in this state. Regina decided to attack Scar herself. She needed to save her sister. At the opposite side of the Good Queen, Scar enjoyed this. He was very disappointed in Zelena that She didn't do what he ordered her. He held onto Zelena's heart and squeezed it even more. Regina saw what Scar was doing and threw a fireball into Scar's direction. She made her way over to him. "I won't let you do this." She snapped.

"Well well well... look who we have here. The last one left of all the heroes. Are you ready to see the husband and wife die?" Scar smirked evilly.

"They won't die today. The only one who will die today is you Scar." She spit out his name, filled with hate.

"HAH, goodluck with that. If I die, your sister dies and so will Chad... what are you planning on doing?" Scar scoffed.

"Well I'd rather die trying to save them than do nothing!" Regina's mind was racing trying to think of a way to defeat Scar. She realized a trick Rumple had taught her a while ago.

"So be it." Scar wanted to reach out to Regina's heart but she froze him instead. Regina took Zelena's heart out of his hand. Without thinking she ran to Zelena to put is back before she was too late. Zelena breathed heavily but relieved and let herself fall on the ground with her head on Chads lap. She let go of Chads heart that rolled in the opposite direction.

Chad quickly grabbed his own heart, which felt really weird, and kept it close. It was fascinating to see what a real heart looked like, but they were a bit different then the ones in his biology books from high school. How the hell was he suppose to put it back? He stroke Zelena's hair gently. He had his wife back but he still didn't understand all the wickedness that just had happened. He wanted to ask Regina, no one else was around or was too busy on their own but his sister-in-law was a bit busy.

Regina grabbed Chad's heart and put it back. "I'll explain later." She turned back to Scar. It hurt when Regina put back his heart but at least he still had it. 'This fairytale land is so messed up...' he thought. He felt Zelena rilling and kept her close. The love of his life was saved but for how long?

Scar was still frozen. "Congratulations, good queen..." he hissed through gritted teeth, there was not much he could do now. "What are you planning next? Huh? Poison me, abandon me, just like my nephew did to me all those times ago?!"

"First, I'm going to lock you up and later we will decice how to deal with you." She used her magic to poof him into a secure cell where he wasn't able to get out of. She looked over to Chad and Zelena. They would be fine. She got over to Emma again, who was just start to wake up.

"Mom, dad!" Robin run towards the couple and crouched down. "Mom..." she helped her mom sit up straight and hugged her tight. "Mom, I've missed you..." she cried softly. "Don't ever do this again, I was worried sick!"

Zelena was still very weak and could just lift up her arms to hug Robin. "I-I'm... I'm sorry..." She could however not explain how she felt or what just happened. She felt Chads hand rubbing on her back, surprisingly it calmed her. "I'm sorry for existing in this family." She mumbled.

"W-what happened?" Emma tried to sit up but her head hurted a lot. Regina sat down next to her. "We did it, we defeated Scar and Zelena." She smiled and laid Emma's head in her lap to let her wake up slowly.

Nook looked at all the families being reunited and looked at his daughter. "Woah... Did that just happen? For real?"

"Yes it did!" She smiled. Regina helped Emma up after a while and they made their way over to the others.

Robin let go of her Mom and wiped the tears from her cheek. "I'm going to Alice, I love you both guys.." She announced and let her mom rest by Chad. Zelena crawled up real tight to Chad. She was afraid of what was happening next, most of the things she couldn't remember but the fact that she was wearing her wickedly dress wasn't a good sign.

Emma felt dizzy because of the impact she made when Zelena defeated her. "How could this have happened." Regina was annoyed. Zelena would have never hurt Emma, there must be another explanation why her sister was acting like this.

Robin went her way to Alice but her thoughts stopped her from going, Regina needed her more so she felt. "Regina, what's wrong? Aren't you happy Scar is gone and locked up?"

"Well ofcourse I'm happy about that, but fucking hell! How easily can someone be drawn to the darkness!" Regina acted beyond mad when all she actually felt was relief to have her sister back.

"You've been dragged down into darkness before... and you saw how Scar treated mom. She was always sensible for guys like that.." Robin noticed that Regina didn't really listen.

"I know but.." She couldn't really find any good argument to say so she just shut up. "Whatever." Regina rolled her eyes.

"Just go to mom..."

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