Part 120 preparing the family dinners

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Chad had prepared dinner for the 3. He plated the table like he always had done during their marriage, he knew that when it was plated a little different then usual, Zelena would freak out. But she was still asleep. He tiptoed over to her and stroke her hair gently. "Zel? Wake up." He whispered and kissed her forehead, that always used to work to wake her up but this time she rolled over in her sleep. Chad laughed softly. "I made us dinner." He whispered again and continued to stroke her hair. She still didn't hear him and he took a deep breath before saying the next thing. "I still love you after all this time."

"You love mommy?" Elphie stood in the doorway, sucking her thumb and held her monkey.

A lump formed in his throat, he was hoping no one would have heard, especially not his young girl. "Elphie..." He could not resist the cute look in her eyes. They were really convincing. "I do love mommy, yes I do..."

"Then why don't you live here anymore?" Elphie sat down on the floor next to her father and next to the couch.

Chad smiled softly. "That's something between mommy and me. I might still love mommy but I also hurt mommy..." he saw Elphie pout. "I don't know what mommy feels about me."

"She miss you, daddy." Elphie told her father, she didn't know more. "So can you come back?"

Chad stroke his daughter's long beautiful hair. "Let's just see okay?" He was relieved to know Zelena missed him but it was far from loving again. He had hurt her too many times when Elphie was younger.

"Do we have to wait for mommy? I'm hungry." Elphie whined. She pulled onto her fathers sleeve and dragged him with her to the kitchen. "What did you make?"

"Well, mommy made lasagna and by the smell of it it's your aunts recipe."

"Yes! I love Gina's lasagna!" Elphie run to her chair and took place on top of it.

Chad smiled at his daughters enthusiasm. He placed the lasagna in the middle of the table and then walked over to Zelena, who still was asleep on the couch. He crouched down next to her. "Dinners ready." He whispered next to her ear and then gave her 2 small kisses. 1 on her cheek and 1 slightly on her lips. He just couldn't resist it. He smiled and stood up to return to the dinner table.


Emma knocked on her parents door and waited for someone to open it. "Emma, Regina! Come on in." Snow smiled as she let the two of them get inside. "Why don't you stay for dinner? It's almost ready."

"That actually sounds amazing thank you mom." Emma wasn't in the mood to cook at all and neither was Regina.

"Hey Emma and Regina!" David looked up when they entered the livingroom. "Your daughter is a handful of work you know that right?"

"Grandpa!!" Hope yelled

"Wonder who she got that from." Regina looked at Emma and chuckled.

"Hey!" Emma scoffed. Regina laughed and joined Snow in the kitchen, helping her set the table and such.

"How was your hike?" Snow asked Regina while she continued finishing dinner.

"Yea.. about that something came between that so we didn't go on that hike." Regina looked around and didn't see Emma, Charming or Hope in the room anymore. She figured they must've gone outside.

"How so?" Snow frowned slightly.

"Well, long story short I got turned into a frog and Emma had to kiss me to turn me back to normal." Regina shrugged lightly.

"Okay..." Snow said slowly. "But that does mean you guys have true love, if she can turn you back."

"Ofcourse we have." Regina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Regina I never had a doubt that you love Emma, really but I also know that after Robin you were so scared to not find that kind of love again." Snow said softly.

Regina looked at Snow. "Goddamnit why do you always know everything." She chuckled. "You're right and yes I do love Emma very much."

"Where's Neal by the way?" Regina only just realised she hadn't seen him.

"He's staying over for dinner at one of his friends." Snow smiled at Regina. "Why don't you go get the others and tell them that dinner is ready."

Regina nodded and walked outside. She was met by seeing Emma, Hope and Charming run around on the grass. Regina laughed.

"We're gonna get you for sure Hope." Emma laughed as she was running after hope with her father.

"No, you're not." Hope giggled and ran away. She squealed when she was picked up from the ground.

"See we told you we would get you." Charming said with his granddaughter in his arms.

"That doesn't seem fair, two against one." Regina chuckled and walked over to them.

"No it isn't." Hope put a fake pout on her face.

"Come on let's get inside, dinner is ready." Regina smiled slightly

Charming walked inside with Hope still in his arms. "We are eating your favourite Hope."

Emma watched the two and smiled slifhtly. She loves her family a lot. "Days like this are amazing."

Regina gave Emma a death glare as if she had forgotten what happened earlier.

"Except for the part where you turned into a frog and might have gotten killed of course." Emma chuckled and kissed Regina's cheek. "Come on let's get inside. Once inside the others were already seated at the table. Regina and Emma joined them.


Chad joined his daughter who was already sat down for dinner. As all kids at her age, Elphie played with her food, she was bored and just wanted her Mom to join dinner but she knew she was sleeping and that she had a rough day. "Can I wake up mommy?" She asked her Father.

Chad looked over to Zelena, still sleeping on the couch. "Let mommy sleep for a little while, okay?" He said and took another bite of his food.

Elphie stood up from her chair anyways and walked over to her Mom. She gave a wet kiss on her cheek, all the lasagna was now on Zelena's face which woke her up. "Hi mommy."

"Hi monkey," Zelena mumbled. She felt her cheek that had lasagna all over it. She chuckled as she knew it was her daughter who caused it. She sat up straight and saw Chad as well. "Green?"

"Good evening," Chad smiled at the sleepy witch. "Had a good nap?"

Zelena sat up straight. "Actually, yes." She looked at the blanket that Chad had placed over her. "Thank you for the blanket."

"I didn't want you to be cold." He smiled. "We reserved you some dinner."

"Thanks again." Zelena saw how Elphie enjoyed her food. She joined the pair but didn't eat yet. She was glad Elphie was quiet for once at dinner and just enjoyed the presence of both her parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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