Part 28 the skinny man

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A little while later the 3 had looked everywhere, they were unable to find Zelena until Robin saw some winged thing flying through the forest. "Wait... isn't that moms monkeys?"

"Yes... it is. I haven't seen once of them since.." Regina thought back to when Zelena was pure Wicked.

"Since when..."

"Since she had just arrived in storybrooke." Regina whispered.

"Lets just follow where they coming from..." robin suggested

"Yea, let's go." Alice followed the flying monkey, running through the forest

"Mom?" Robin seeked through the woods. "There." She pointed to a monkey who just took off.

"shh.." she shushed the girls. If they walked up to her all at once she would disappear again.


"Alright my monkey... you know what you have to do." Zelena let go of the last flying monkey and turned to the skinny man. The man was tall and had black hair. A scar covered his right eye. "Is that all for now?"

"Yes, it is... once it's succeeded, I'll be king again..." The man smirked.

"Who the fuck is that." Alice asked

"Oh, I know." Regina groaned.

Robin shook her head. "I don't trust this.. I'm going to them." She whispered determined.

"let me come with you." Regina insisted. She didn't want her niece to go alone.

"You're not leaving me here!" Alice whispered in panic.

"Fine, but maybe 3 people will scare them off..." she doubted. She thought for a second. "I could play out the worried daughter and see how she's playing the game along?You guys just stay back and keep watch..."

"If that idiot tries one thing I'll end him." Regina groaned "but fine, go"

"Who is that then?" Robin whispered before she would go to her mom.

"Don't worry about for now. We'll talk later."

"Aunt Regina, who is my mom working with?!" She said a little bit too loud and distracted the evil couple.


"Hear that?" The skinny man looked around when he heard a voice in the far back.

Zelena looked in the direction the sound came from. She looked straight at her daughter. She only saw her. "I don't know...." she lied. "Don't you worry. Go to your place, people can't see you." She magicked scar away. "You can come out now Robin!" She yelled.

Robin looked scared at her aunt. "Wish me luck..." she said with a vibrating voice.

Regina watched as Robin made her way over to the two. She prepared herself for a fight.

"Hey mom..." Robin began.

"Robin, What are you doing here?"

"I was just walking around the forest, you know how it clears my mind.. just like dad. I was wondering how you were? Everything okay at home?"

Zelena put on a fake smile. "Yes, of course. Me and Chad are fine. I was just catching up with an old friend."

Robin kept silent for a while. She knew her mom was lying.

Regina's phone started ringing "fuck" she clicked it away immediately.

Zelena looked over Robins shoulder when the phone went off. "Who's there?!"


"What?" Robin acted like she had no idea.

"Are you alone?" Zelena hissed.

"Oh come on... You know I always walk alone." Robin tried to distract her mom. "You haven't answered your phone lately. Are you sure everything is okay? I would be happy to have dinner tonight with you and Chad?"

"Heh? No really. We're fine. We actually have a little alone time tonight..." she smirked, she needed to be alone tonight and could not be distracted.

"... great..." robin stopped asking. "If there's anything I can do, you know I'm there for you."

"Yea...." Zelena kept looking around. "I gotta go. It was great talking to you!" She said and immediately disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


Regina let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding in. Luckily they didn't get discovered.

Robin walked back to her aunt and girlfriend. "What the hell was this? She denied everything about her and Chad."

"I think she just isn't ready to face the fact that he left.. but with scar here we have another problem. "

"Wait... Scar? As in lion Scar from The Lion King?" Robin lifted up her eyebrows. She remembered watching the movies when she was little.

"Yes, this is his human form." Regina answered and decided to call back the person who called her ealier. Who was obviously Emma.

"Wait? Who is scar?" Alice asked confused. She had never really heard of him. "What do you mean by human form?"

"You remember that movie we watched with the little lion who became king. Was friends with a warthog and a meerkat..."

"Ohhh that one!" It all became clearer for Alice.

"What the fuck is going on Regina? I arrived at your office and you weren't there, they tell me there was  family business and then you hang up on me when I call you? What the hell?!" Emma yelled through the phone.

"Woah babe, calm down. I went to Zelena with Robin and Alice.  She was acting weird. We found her in the woods and Scar was there." She tried to explain

"Wait? Scar?" Emma lifted an eyebrow.

Robin took Alice by the hand. "Simbas uncle... he's scar. The vile one..."

"Oh shit.." Alice looked down "but how is he able to be in a human form? I'm so confused"

Robin looked Regina who was in a deep conversation with Emma. "I don't know... Maybe mom made him human, I've heard stories she did that too when she arrived in Storybrooke. All the citizens she would transform into flying mokeys including the Wizard of Oz..."

"Okay, I'll see you tonight." Regina hang up the phone.

"I still don't understand what he has to do with mom..." Robin questioned.

"I also don't know. I met him once back in my days as the evil queen but what I know from him is that he's not here for something good.. we just gotta figure out what." The sigh that Regina let out was needed. How did her sister went back to wicked just like that?

"Do we-" Robin throught out loud. "Do we need to warn chad?"

"I think it'll be the best if we warn him. Just to be sure." Regina started making her way out of the forest.

"Alice, could you help?" She turned her full attention to her girlfriend. "We can just visit your dad and tell him. If Chad is there as well, he's immediately warned as well. chad doens't have to know that we know moms behind this right?"

"Yes, of course. I just don't like the thought of anything bad happening in this town."

"Let's just hope there won't..."

"Yes. I hope so." Alice grabbed Robin's hand and they walked in silence to the car.

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