Part 48 the diagnosis

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An hour later, the doctor came out. "You're here for Zelena Green?" Everyone was already tired, Robyn had laid her head on Chad's shoulder and her legs rested on her girlfriends upper legs. When the doctor came out of the room, Chad stood up immediately. "Yes, we're her family and I'm her husband.. Is there a diagnose?"

"Indeed there is, it could be a huge shock to the system." The doctor explained. "She's been infected by dreamshade, it has been injected into her heart. It's spreading quite fast. If we don't find a way to save her soon. We can't save her at all."

Regina stood up. "Dreamshade?" Her heart broke into a million pieces. "but how? She's never been outside of this realm in a long time?" She whispered. Then she remembers they lived in the United Realms so Neverland wouldn't be that far away, she could have visited it without letting anyone know..."

"W-what's this dreamshade?" Chad was worried sick when he saw Regina's reaction.

"It's a poison.. it actually always kills the person that has it in them..."  Regina couldn't hide how terrified she was. It felt like the world stood still for minutes. "Is-is there a cure for? Please tell me there is..." Chad got emotional.

"Is mom gonna die?" Robin seeked for comfort at her stepdads.

"I-I don't know." Regina turned to Emma. "What do we do?" Emma shrugged. "I don't know either." You could hear the sadness in her voice. Regina walked over to Emma and put her arm around her. Holding her close.

"WHY DOES NO ONE GOD DAMN KNOW!" Chad teared up, he didn't know why but he his anger began to show, he didn't want to lose her. "Haven't you got some magical stuff that can cure her!"

"Wait remember Rumple once had a cure. I wonder if he can make it or know another way." Regina realized.

Alice stood up. "I'm on it!" "I'm coming along..." Robin spoke and hugged Chad. "Be with mom. Maybe she will feel you are present." She smiled and left with Alice to rumple.

"I hope we'll find a cure in time." Regina failed to have hope right now. "This can't be the last time I've talked to her"

"It won't be."


Some time passed and Robin and Alice came back. All the hope they had when they went to Rumple turned into a huge disappointment. Robin saw Chad sitting at Zelena's bed. He looked tired and he was right to be. She opened the door and Chad looked up. "And?" He said desperately.

Robin run into his arms. "I'm sorry." She cried on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry..." she felt Chads arms surrounding her. Regina had gone to go get Chad some coffee and food. When she got back she saw Robin and Chad both crying. That had been enough information for Regina. The cup of hot coffee fell out of her hand and hit the floor.

Chad looked over to Zelena. The black veins that the poison let behind were slowly showing now in her neckline. He couldn't stand to see her like this and sat down with Robin on the chairs not far from the bed. "What did he say?" He wiped away one single tear.

Robin dried her tears. "There is a cure for it but it's in Neverland and it can only be used in Neverland. Sadly it's too risky and Mom needs to stay connected in this hospital bed... he said there was no other option." She cried again on his shoulder. "I do-I don't want to lose mom. Then it would just be the 2 of us..."

Regina walked over to the two, she didn't care about the fact that she dropped the coffee. "So there isn't a way to save her..? There's no hope?" She looked at her sister and tears started to form in her eyes. This couldn't be happening, she regretted her fight she has with Zelena, she would stay in this state for ever. There was no more time to say how sorry she was, she wouldn't hear it anyways.

Robin shook her head. "It'll take ages to get the cure done..." her tears kept coming. "Rumple said she won't even wake up for one last time."


"Anything I can help you with, love?" Nook asked Emma while Hope and Henry were playing monopoly with Snow and David.

"I can't find anything.  This is fucking useless." Emma closed the book and basically threw it around the room. She leaned her head in her hands and sighed deeply.

Hope got bored of the board game. Who would even let a 4 year old play such a long game anyways. She slid of her chair and went to her mom and Nook. "Mommy cry?"

"It's okay princess." She said through her tears. She knew it wasn't.


Regina looked at the remaining family of Zelena, it hurt to see them forcing to say goodbye to her sister. "I-I better call Emma and tell her to bring everyone here. It won't  be long till..." she couldn't say the words. She walked to a quick place in the hospital to call Emma. Her breath was shaky and it seemed like every word didn't seem right.


What I should be doing around this time is studying for a test I have in the next couple of days ( I don't even remember which day it is) but I just needed to upload this chapter, just takes off my mind for a second. Love you all xx Zelly

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