Part 81 Arrows

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"You two are doing awesome, so I see." Zelena sat on the chic couch.

"We're doing pretty good yes." The queen saw Elphie leave to go look somewhere else or maybe to find Robin, kids are always unpredictable. "Is there a special reason you came by?" She looked back at Zelena and arched her eyebrow slightly.

"Not really. Elphie chose the place she wanted to visit." Zelena looked around. "She always sees the castle from her window and never knew what it looked like." She turned her attention to the Evil Queen. "Last week Emma and Regina got married by the way, I don't know if I told you yet?" She asked. From all the people in Storybrooke, Zelena was one of the few that visited them.

"Oh they did? I'm so happy for them!" The Evil Queen smiled. Sometimes she was amused by how kind she could be to some people.

"Yes, they did. They've been in Paris for over a week now." Zelena looked at the evil part of her sister, she clearly had n idea what a Paris was. "It's a city on the other side of the world. Amazing though, a top city to go to for young love. If you and Robin would get dressed in normal clothes you could go too." She joked, the Evil Queen in Regina's clothing? That would be a kicker.

"Me? In normal clothes? In your dreams." The queen scoffed. "Robin and I are fine here."


Robin finished the cocoa and went to bring it to Elphie. While he was walking to the room Zelena and his wife would be he found Elphie in one of the big rooms near the kitchen. "I got your cocoa."

Elphie got of the couch. It was a perfect trampoline. "I didn't touch a thing!" She quickly apologised. "Do you use all of these rooms?"

"We don't actually, there are a lot of rooms only two people who live here." Robin smiled as he saw the girl look around the big castle.

"Don't you have kids?"

"No, we don't." Robon sighed. He admitted that he wanted a kid but didn't know how to bring it up to his wife.

"Maybe I can have a room?" The young one giggled. "I wouldn't mind."

"I'm sure you wouldn't." Robin laughed. "You'll have to ask your mom that though." He says jokingly

"She would say I'm too young..." Elphie hung her head. "I already see Daddy not that much so I don't think she would be okay with me staying here..."

Robin saw how sad the girl was about her parents. He kneeled in fron of her. "I know it's difficult with your parents right now. It must be difficult not seeing your father a lot but it's going to be okay." He couldn't bear the sight of Elphie almost crying. "I promise."

"Can you also promise that Mommy and Daddy will love each other again?" Elphie tried her hardest to hold back her tears.

Robin shook his head. "I'm sorry that's something I can't promise. You'll understand that later when you're older." He wiped away a tear on the little girls face.

Elphie kept still for 30 seconds. "I'm older now, I still don't understand it."

Robin laughed softly. "I don't mean it like that." Robin wanted Elphie to smile but he didn't really know how. "But both of your parents still love you a lot." He said. "What do you wanna do so that I can cheer you up?"

"I don't know what I can do here. I'm not home." Elphie looked up to the man in front of her. Was he just as sweet as her sisters father? "What do you do when you're sad?"

"When I'm sad I go out in the woods to shoot arrows at trees and such." He left out that he sometimes hunted on animals.

Elphie was geting more reaxed by the minute. "Just like my sister? She's a Hood too and has a bowen arrow."

"Yes, just like your sister." Robin smiled.

Elphie smiled again. "Awesome! Robin teached me too, I can beat you!" She said filled with confidence. She looked at the cups Robin had placed on a side table. "Aren't the drinks getting cold?"

"I'm sure you can beat me and yes they are getting cold. You want to go back to your mother and drink them?" Robin asked

"Yea." Elphie had no more time to say anything more and run back to her Mother. "Hi!" She jumped on her lap. "Have you missed me?"

"Loads, my munchkin! You know that." Zelena smiled.

"Did you know all the big rooms in here? It's like a maze! How ever do you live in here?" Elphie asked the Queen.

"I don't even come in most of the rooms." The queen loved how excited Elphie was.

Robin came in with the cups of cocoa. "Here drink it, you don't want it to get cold do you." He handed one to Elphie and smiled.

Elphie accepted the drink from Robin. "Thank you." She drunk it all at once before the rest could even take a sip. It was still warm but cold enough to drink it. "Mommy, can I go shoot arrows with Robin?"

"I thought, you wanted to explore more of the realms?" Zelena said out of surprise.

"We can do that another time, please?" Elphie looked at Robin, hinting him to convince her mother.

"If that's what the lady wants..." Robin looked at Zelena too.  The queen and Zelena share a confused look. "I'm the lady, mommy." She made sure that her Mother would know it was her. "Can I, please! I'll go to bed soon tonight. I promise."

Zelena took a deep sigh. "Ok, fine but Robin. You better guard her with your life. If something's going wrong, Elphie will only have to yell the name Chistery and help will come." She said worried.

"I'll guard her with my life don't worry Zelena." Robin smiled. "Wouldn't dream of being hunt down by one of your monkeys." He looked at Elphie. "Want to go now?"

"Yes!" Elphie turned around to give her mother a kiss on the nose. "Love you." She giggled. "I promise we'll be okay!" She jumped off her Moms lap and run to Robin. "When will we be back?" She asked him.

"How long will your mom let us?" He looked at Zelena. He didn't want to do anything she didn't want.

Zelena smiled. "Well, what if I go home real quick and I'll be back in 3 hours?"

"That's fine by me." Again he looked at Elphie "You have to show me how good you are." He watched a smile come on Elphie's face

"Of course!" Elphie giggled."Bye Gina Queen, bye mommy! I'll leave my broom in the castle." She said and took Robins hand. "Come on! Let's go!"

"Bye!" Robin yelled as he got dragged out of the room by Elphie.


"Okay but what just happened..." The queen looked at Zelena confused as she could be.

"I-I don't know really..." Zelena gave a nervous laugh. "Elphie usually is a shy kid to people she has never met before... Is Robin usually like this?"

"No.. not at all. He always says he likes the peace and quiet here.." The queen shook her head "It was quite cute though." She admitted.

"It is..." Zelena smiled. 'But that's also what scares me.' The protective mother thought. "I think I'm gonna head home, do you have anything planned today?"

"I don't actually.." she answered. "I'll manage a few hours though." She laughed.

Zelena stood up and magicked her broom in her hands. "Just keep an eye on Elphie when she comes back and I'm still not here, okay?"

"I will." The queen smiled. "Zelena?" She asked before Zelena would leave.

Zelena turned around. "Yea?"

The queen shook her head. "Nevermind. I'll see you in a few hours." She said and smiled

The witch got on her broomstick. "You know where to find me if you need me. I'll be home, unkid myself." She laughed. The queen waved at Zelena as she flew off.

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