Part 43 prepare for the battle

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"Alice, well be late!" Robin hesitated to put on her coat. She looked around the corner. "Babe, leave Pua and Hay Hay... Chads up front to pick us up!"

"Fineee." She put down the rabbits. "I'm just not looking forward to today."

They cleaned up Hope's mess and got ready. "Henry Hope? We have to go to Snow and Charming!"

Henry walked in with Hope in his arms. "We're ready. "

"Alice, we're getting my mom back today. We for once will be fighting with the heroes to save another. Robin walked over to Alice when she saw her getting emotional. "Hey, this is not like the curse you mom made for Hyperion Heights. You defeated your mom because she was cruel but my mom isn't... you can save her." She kissed her on the head.


Hope wiggled in Henry's arms and tried to stand on his arm to turn to his back. "Piggy back wide!"

"I know I'm sorry." She apologized to Robin

Henry made sure his sister could do a piggy back ride and made sure she wouldn't fall.

Henry took Hope with him to his grandparents.

Regina and Emma waited for the others to arrive.


Robin took Alice her hand as they made their way to Chads car. "Hey Chaddy."

"Hi..." Chad smiled softly. Like Alice he hates a day like this. The four of them made their way to Emma's.

"I guess we'll never get ready for this fight..." Nook said nervously.

"Come on, Nook. You're just like your daughter. "We can get ready and do you know why? We're bloody heroes! We can defeat Scar and save Mom because we believe in her. We're believers and never stop!"

Chad smiled at Robin. "Spoken like a read Hood." He was so proud of Robin. In the last few years he had seen her grow up into this beautiful young lady.

"Thank you... dad." It was the first time Robin ever called Chad like this. She hugged him tight before she knocked on the door.

"Any time Robs." Chad kisses her on her forehead. "You really make your parents proud."

"You're my parent too." Robin smiled and knocked on the door.

Regina opened the door. "Hey guys." She let everyone in before closing the door. "We need everyone at top focus today."

"I am on it! I got my bowen arrow plus we picked up the guns at the station for our dads." Robin smiled when she referred to Nook and Chad.

Regina smiled when she heard Robin call Chad dad. "Okay awesome!"

"We're most definitely ready to get Zelena back."

Chad sighed nervously. He had never seen his wife in her Wicked stages and had no idea what to expect.

"It's going to be alright." Robin put a hand on his shoulder. "Mom will be fine." She kept encourage him.

"We've done all we could to prepare and now all we can do is try."

It was the middle of the afternoon and the heroes had prepared themselves for what may come. Emma had learnt Chad and Nook just a few more extra tips on how to handle a gun safely and not childishly like they behaved earlier. "I guess well be ready?" Nook put his gun in the holder.

"Well if you keep in mind the trics I thaught you we are ready." Emma said jokingly to Nook who forget things easily.

The closer it got to sunset the more nervous Regina became. She couldn't sit still for a moment. She didn't want to fight Zelena, but she did want to save her.


She put on her red lipstick and looked into her shining emerald green mirror. "Hello my pretty." Zelena said to herself and put on her green necklace. It was such a long time ago she had put on her wickedly beautiful dress and hat. She saved it for a special occasion but this time, it was worth taking it out the closet. She put on her frog and the corset on top of it. "Scar, you're ready?" She said as she walked downstairs.

Scar sat on the table, admiring his view. "Oh my goodness... you look-"

"I know." Zelena laughed evilly. She pulled him by his collar close to her. "Now, let's take what is ours..."


"Hey, it'll be fine. How many times have we fought bad guys and defeated them?" She asked Regina

"Everytime," she mumbled. "We've also lost people.. I can't lose anyone. Not again." She thought back of Robin.

Robin know exactly about who Regina was talking. She walked up to her and rested her hands on her shoulder. "My dad gave his life to protect you. He was and still is a hero. No one will get hurt only Scar." She said filled with love for her family and hate for the one who is trying to tear them apart.


Scar rested his hands on Zelena's hips. "Once it's succeeded, you'll rule over all. You will get the life I promised you all those years ago." He kissed her on her cheek.

Zelena flinched at his touch. Her eye still was as blue as yesterday. "Why does it has to be blue? Green is such a nicer colour." She joked to cover up her immense pain she actually had.

Scar didn't feel sorry for Zelena, he caused her eye after all. "Shall we?" He reaches his hand to the witch.

Zelena tried to fix her wound one last time but still it was the same. "Yes, lets go."


Regina looked at Robin and smiled. "You're right. Let's do this, we'll show him what we got in this family." Regina was a lot more sure now.

"Let's get going then. I want this to be over as soon as possible."

The heroes walked to the edge of the woods where they would meet the lion and the witch at sundown. "Why am I so nervous to see her?" Chad his voice trembled.

"Because you haven't seen her for 3 weeks and you've don't know what she'll be like right now." Regina could only imagine what Chad could be feeling right now. "It'll be okay." She reassured him and mostly, herself. The last time a fight between her and her sister was this big, she lost. This was hopefully not the case this time but she had to be prepared at all times.

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