Part 44 the battle part 1

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Not much later, everyone arrived at the edge of the woods, the area was foggy. Out of no where Robin heard a voice screaming inside of her head. 'Dear god!' She put her hands over her ears but the screaming was too intense. "What the hell is that?!"

Alice saw everyone with their hands on their ears. She didn't know what was going on or what she needed to do. She ran over to Robin and tried to calm her down

"Please, make it stop!" Robin sank to the floor and looked down. "What is this?!" She looked around at the rest of her family who also knelt down. Why did it only didn't happen to Alice?

"What nice to see everyone bow for me, isn't it?" Zelena laughed evilly as she and Scar made their beautiful entrance by broom.

"Zelena!" Regina screamed in pain. The sounds was getting too bad to function.

Robin didn't like what she saw, her Mother would never do that to the family that she loves. "Mom! What are you doing to them?!"

"She isn't doing anything. Zelena was only trigging it. The sound can only be heard by people who fear something and clearly they all fear Zelena but you..." Scar walked over to Alice and stoke her cheek. "You're a tough girl. Sadly the rest isn't."

Zelena looked around her. Seeing her family get tortured actually felt good, she didn't know why but it just did made her feel better then the rest. Alice looked Scar in the eye. "Yes, I am tough! Always was, always has been! I just want Zelena back in our family as she used to be. Scar you're only using the situation to make everyone miserable."

"I don't belong to you, this family is nothing more then a betrayal to all." Zelena scoffed and signed Scar to come back over. "All I need is you." She put her hand on his cheek and smiled when she looked into his enchanted eyes.

Chad broke down. "Zelena! You're wrong, he only makes you believe that." He tried his hardest not to cry and scream.

Zelena didn't listen to Chad. "I'm so done talking to you. You're the worst of all." She snapped angrily and lifted him up with her magic. His feet barely touched the ground, slowly she was choking her husband.

"Don't do this Zelena!" The sound, luckily, was getting less and less in Emma's head. "You don't want to do this."

Zelena threw Chad metres away and he landed on the cold earth and grass. Unable to stand up in one second. "Who's next?" She looked around. "Emma? You want to be next?" She threatened her best friend by making a green fireball appear.

"Fine." Emma raised her eyebrow and prepared herself. "You know that if you hurt me I might not forgive you. All I want is my best friend back but not like this." Emma hated the fact that she might had to fight her bestfriend but if it was the way to save her she would

Zelena fired her fireball but Emma used her magic to fight against it. "You know you can't hold this one for long, saviour... I will always be stronger, just like I am when it comes to my sister and me." She scoffed.

Regina watched the scene happen in front of her. She locked eyes with Scar and knew that if she tried something he would be there to stop her.

"I've gotten a lot better since our last fight Zelena." Emma lied. She could feel herself grow weaker by each second that passed.

"Mom, stop!" Robin stood behind her mother with her bow ready to shoot.

Zelena didn't stop using the magic on Emma, she could feel herself getting stronger, it was a feeling filled with delight. "Oh, Robin... Don't you see this is useless? Everything that you fire on either me or Scar, I'll stop it. You can never stop." She said still her back turned to her daughter. "Already giving up Emma?" She asked lightly.

Emma shook her head even though she could give up any moment. Only a few seconds later she fell on the ground, not moving anymore.

"EMMA!" Regina screamed. Feeling useless.

Zelena walked up to Emma, touching Emma's leg with her foot. She gave no reaction. "Told you... wicked always wins. Especially from heroes..." she smirked.

"Zelena, don't you see what you're doing right now? You're hurting the people you love. They love you and you hurt them. I know everything is rough right now but stop this nonsense. It isn't worth it." Regina tried to convince her sister.

Alice watched the two as she kept a close look on Zelena. Ready to protect Regina at any time needed. She caught a glimpse of Robin who still had her arrow pointed at her mother.

Zelena had enough of her sisterly talk. "It's not worth it?" She said confused but angry. "Says the woman who kissed and slept with my husband? Don't deny it, I know it is true." Her anger got more and more. "You might have Emma now but you couldn't resist me having my happy beginning as well. Why do you always have to ruin my happiness at the cost of your own one! Are you trying to get back at me for what I did to Robin before my daughter was born?! Do you!" Finally, she had said what her wicked half always thought all those years long, she didn't regret it for a second.

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