Part 8 holding hands

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Not much later when the groups were splitted in 2, Belle walked next to Rumple and held his hand. "Snow and I want to walk around the castle with Neal while Gideon stays with Zelena and Chad. You want to join us or stay with them?" She looked over at the recently married couple. They were really great with her son.

"I'll join you two." Rumple answered as he walked with them. He knew gideon was in good hands with Zelena and Chad.

Belle handed the baby bag over to Zelena. "Just feed him every 2 hours, he sleeps when ever he wants and in the side bag are his toys he'll play with in the buggy and-"

"Belle, calm down. We can handle this, you know that I raised Robin on my own." Zelena laughed. "Gideon will have a great time with us, don't we monkey?"

"Uhuu!" Gideon giggled. "Bye mommy." He waved at his mom as they left.


"Come on Regina get in." Emma said.

"Fine but do I need to remind you that I have never been on a rollercoaster." She said while she got in

"Aww.. is the evil queen scared?" Emma teased her

"It's not scary aunt Regina. If you're scared, just hold on to Emma." She winked.

Regina laughed. The ride started and to her suprise it was actually fun.

At the end of the ride, Nook stepped out and felt a bit sick. "I think I'm calling it..." he tried to smile but his expression said otherwise. "You girls go." He said to his daughter and Robin.

"Okay dad." She hugged him.

Without thinking Emma grabbed Regina's hand. "Come on I want to go see the rest." She said while she dragged Regina with her.

Regina laughed "You're an actual child oh my god."

"Robin smiled at the happiness of her aunt. 'They're so cute.' She thought and took both Alice and Henry's hand and followed the pair. "Where are we going?" She yelled at the childish Emma.

"I don't know, somewhere!" She yelled back and run very childishly around, not noticing everyone she stumbled into.


Zelena just had gotten Gideon out of the buggy and held him in her arms. She sushed him asleep. "Someone's sleepy." She smiled at her husband when she saw Gideon slowly falling asleep. "Do you want him?"

"Sure." He smiled and took the little one in his arms and sat down on the bench.

"You're good with kids." Zelena spoke softly to her husband but he didn't hear. She wanted to pack the bag but Emma crashed into her. "Woah Em! You okay?"

"Oh hi! Sorry I'm just really excited." She smiled. She didn't realize she was still holding Regina's hand until she saw Zelena looking at it.

"Uhm.. there is also something we want to tell you." Regina nervously bit the inside of her cheek.

"You want to tell me... what?" She looked at her sister and Emma, to her husband and back to her sister.

"Well.." She looked over to Emma for some support.

"Regina and I are dating." Emma managed to get out. She didn't know why this was so hard to do.

Regina looked at her sister looking for any sign of a reaction but she couldn't figure it out.

"You're dating..." Zelena couldn't quite place it.

"Yes.. and I get that you need to get used to it.. and- well-" Regina couldn't think of anything to say

Emma squeezed Regina's hand for support.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you girls!" Chad said a bit too loud and Gideon woke up. "No no no don't cry.." it's just my voice." He tried to calm the little boy down but he was unsuccessful.

Zelena took Gideon from Chad and succeeded in calming him down. She laid his little head in her neck. "So, my best friend-" She looked at Emma. "And my sister..." she looked at Regina. She wanted to be happy for them but she couldn't quite express it just yet.

Regina felt kind of sad after Zelena's reaction. "I-I know.." Regina deciced that it would be the best not to say anything anymore.

"It'll be fine, I promise." Emma whispered

"Excuse me, someone needs a clean diaper.." She got a diaper out of the diaper bag and went with Gideon to the bathroom.


Chad stood up. He hadn't expected this reaction from Zelena. "Just give her time... a lot's happening at the moment." He smiled. "But really, I'm happy for you!" He hugged the pair, which was very rare for him to hug someone else then his wife or Robin and Alice. "For how long have you been dating?"

"Thank you!" Emma accepted the hug. "Well.. actually since your wedding.."

Regina looked down and mumbled a thank you. She felt bad about how it went with Zelena.

Chad couldn't help but laugh. "Just don't let Zelena hear that! I honestly can't remember a thing from that night... I mean I remember Zel looking beautiful but after the ceremony, everything is a mystery thanks to uncle Alcohol." An awkward silence fell. "I'm sure Zel will accept you two." He saw Regina getting down.

Robin joined the group. "I saw mom running off again, what's going on now?"

"Well, uhm your mother has to get used to the idea of her sister and best friend dating I guess." Regina felt like she was about to cry.

"Wait, you guys are together. That's adorable." Alice smiled and held her girlfriends hand.

"I knew there was something going on between you two. I'm happy for you." Henry was actually way more excited for his moms to be together than he showed

"She'll turn by. Moms very supportive of the LGBT community." Robin smiled at her beautiful girlfriend. "Where is she actually?" She looked around.

"She's with Gideon to the bathroom but we changed his diaper just 10 minutes ago." Chad sighed.

"Again? She already went like 15 times today and it's just 3..." Robin questioned.

"I'm sure she'll be back soon."

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