Part 49 a little tear

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It felt like the hours just flew by. Everyone had gotten to Zelena's room. Chad broke a long, long silence. "It's all my fault... if I hadn't left her last week, Scar wouldn't be here and Zelena would still live."

"It isn't one of ours fault. This happened because of Scar, he would have been here with or without your fight. There's nothing we can do to change it now." Henry tried to comfort his uncle. His mothers had told him everything by now what had happened.

Regina looked at her sister, then to Chad and back to her sister, it looked worse and worse. Hope looked at everyone in the room. Most of her family was crying, others were sobbing softly. She didn't understand at first but then she looked over at Zelena. "Mommy, why is auntie Z sleeping in the big bed?" She whispered trying not to wake Zelena.

Emma kneeled in front of the 4 year old, for who this was probably difficult to explain. "Auntie is very sick. She might have to leave us to go to a better place." She tried to explain.

"Is she live with daddy?" Hope asked.

"Yes, she'll live with daddy." Emma whispered in tears.

"Oh..." Hope said softly. She slid of her chair and hopped in a very cute way to Zelena. She climbed onto the bed and sat down next to Zelena. "Hi auntie Z." She began to mumble a lot of things about her little but big adventures to Zelena.

Chad cried softly when he saw how sweet Hope was. He would never get the chance to see his child grow up like Hope can. How could this life go so quickly. It was not even half a year ago when he got to marry the love of his life. Robin sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder and his hand in hers.


Regina started to sob harder when she saw Hope next to Zelena. She hif her face away in Emma's chest, she was the only one who didn't judge her for the things she said. In between all the mumbles from Hope amazing but not understandable story the monitor gave a long beep that made Hope jump. "Auntie..." She sobbed, she didn't understand what happened.

Robin sank to the floor. "No mom..." She cried. "I love you, you can't leave us, come back!" She sobbed. "I need you..."

"Wobin, auntie Z still here." Hope said, sobbing as well. She didn't really understand Robin because she clearly saw Zelena not leaving. Because everyone cried, she cried as well. One little tear slipped her eye and felt on Zelena's heart.

Alice walked over to Hope, trying to keep her tears from falling down. "Hope, come here.." she said softly. She knew that the kid didn't understand what was happening.

The doctors came in quickly, they saw they were already too late. They unplugged Zelena from the last line she was attached too and only then turned to her family. "I'm sorry for your loss, we'll let you all say goodbye." He said professionally and walked out of the room.

"No, no, no!" Regina whispered into Emma's chest as she felt her knees get weak. She felt Emma's body shake with sobs and they both sat down on the floor, comforting each other. "I love you Zel..." she cried.

Alice walked with Hope over to her girlfriend. Sitting down on the ground next to her. Trying to comfort her as best as she could. She let her own tears escape. Hope climbed onto Alice her lap. She felt the sadness that had hit the room, she just couldn't explain it.

Chad walked up to Zelena in tears. She looked so peaceful but so lonely. This was Scars doing, he could only blame him. He sat down next to her and held her cold hand close, hoping to keeping her warm one last time. "Zel, I'm sorry I didn't support you the last weeks. I must have never gotten angry with you about your pregnancy in the first place, I love you so, so much and still I chose my own situation before you and for that I'm sorry. You were there for me whenever I had a fight with my family and I never was there for our starting one. You are the bravest person I know." He sobbed. "I love you." He gave her one last kiss goodbye, softly on the lips but didn't want to let go. He just couldn't.

Regina just watched Chad and Zelena with a immense pain in her heart. Inside kept repeating the last things she said to Zelena. They were terrible. How could this words be the last she had ever told her sister?


Chad released his lips from Zelena's and stroke her hair. "Bye my pretty." He sobbed. A few moments later the monitor started beeping again.

Emma looked up in confusion. "What the hell is going on?"

Regina watched the monitor. "S-She's alive?" It was more a question than a statement.

"Zelena?" Chads voice trembled, he looked at his wife, she still had er eyes closed but he saw her chest going up and down. "She... she's breathing." He cried tears of happiness.

The doctor came in again the minute he heard the beeping. "Please out of the way!" He commanded. He studied the situation but he couldn't explain how this could happen. He felt Zelena's pulse and indeed there was a heartbeat, weak, but at least she breathed. "This must be some miracle. You must give her some space to rest completely." He said some more information to Chad in a private corner in the room and then left.

Regina walked over to the bed. "But how?" She dried off her tears. Regina didn't understand how this happened. The cure for dreamshade wasn't true loves kiss.

Robin studied the situation. She was happy to have a positive signal from her mom but Regina's question razed through her mind. She started thinking and researching in her mind what had happened the last hour. "The tear..." she mumbled.

"What tear?" Alice asked when she hear Robin. This whole situation was getting more confusing by the second.

"Hope's tear..." Robin stood up and walked over to her mom and Chad. "When the long beep went off, Hope cried and I saw a tear slipping her eye. It needed a substance from Neverland to cure Dreamshade but what if it also could be cured by some other substance. Hope is the daughter of the saviour and that makes her special..."

"That could be possible, combined with true loves kiss it was enough to cure Zelena." Regina whispered. "It might sound crazy but I think it could be possible."

Chad chuckled softly. "It all sounds too crazy."

"Well that's what you get when you marry into a family of fairytail characters Chad." Regina felt a whole lot better knowing Zelena was at least living.

A smile glowed on Chads face. He loved his wife's family and the way they made him feel like he belonged somewhere. Hope saw it all happening but it was all too much to process. "Is beep gone?"

Regina picked up Hope. "Yes, beep is gone." she said with a smile.

"Phiew!" Hope chuckled and lightened up the room. "And auntie Z sleepy?"

"yes auntie Z is sleeping. She's gonna be alright."

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