Part 99 the shirt

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Zelena looked at Chads shirt that her sister was holding. "That's uhmm...." She mumbled.

"That's uhmm??" Regina asked. She was getting an answer from Zelena no matter what.

"That's mine..." Zelena lied and bit her lip harder then before.

"No, it isn't. First of all it's not even your size or style. Secondly, why would you even try to hide it if it is yours." Regina rolled her eyes, still holding the shirt.

Zelena took a deep breath. "Because I must have forgotten it was there, I can be very messy once in a while." She just didn't want to admit that Chad spent the night.

"Just keep denying it even though I already know the truth, fine." Regina dropped Chad's shirt on the table.

Zelena stared at her sister. She hated the fact that Regina was right. "How are you so sure of yourself, you don't have any proof!" Zelena scoffed.

"I went here because Elphie didn't have a shirt at our place. So I said I would get one from here. Nobody opened the door when I knocked." Regina could see Zelena starting to slightly panic. "I went to the window of the livingroom to check if you were there. Well you were, to be precise you were all over the father of your daughter! After that I left."

Zelena's eyes widened by what her sister told her. Now she had no way around. "You spied on me?" She let out a frustrated sigh. "Haven't you heard from calling someone before visiting them?!"

Regina rolled her eyes. "I just wanted to pick up a simple shirt for your daughter." Regina said annoyed. "And I think you've forgotten what I said. I don't give a fuck whatever you do. Have sex with your ex or whoever you want."

Zelena let out a final sigh. "Okay, fine it's Chad's..." She rolled her eyes. "Was that all you wanted to hear? Is that why you came? To lecture your sister it's wrong for one time?!"

"Do you even listen to me?" Regina questioned. "I don't want you to get hurt and I think that's exactly what's going to happen when Chad is with that Malerie and meanwhile he does you. Zelena, I care about you."

Zelena shook her head. "And I don't get hurt." She put on a fake smile. "We just got sucked into the moment. He told me last night that he doesn't even know why he's with Allergy and that he can't stand her at most times. I mean, things might be getting better?"

"Zelena you do get hurt. I mean everyone gets hurt from time to time." Regina shrugged. "And that includes you. I just hoped you would talk to me about it but oh well.. If you need me just call me." Regina made her way over to the front door.

"Gina, wait!" Zelena stopped her little sister in her tracks.

Regina turned around. "What?"

Zelena stood up and walked to the table where Regina placed Chads shirt and grabbed it on her way to her sister. "I'm sorry, I'm just still not used to people who want to help me."

"Come on, I'm your sister. Of course I want to help you, you idiot." Regina smiled at Zelena.

Zelena let out all emotions. "I'm sorry." She sniffed into Chads shirt. She didn't care at the moment to grab a tissue.

"Hey.." Regina said softly. "Come here." She hugged her sister, knowing that talking wouldn't help right now.

Zelena wrapped both her arms around her sister and accepted her embrace. "How come you always see the best in people when they can't see it themselves?" She sobbed softly.

"Because I know how important it is for someone to believe in you when everything looks hopeless. I've been there many times believe me and you know this might be a hard time but you'll pull through just like you always do, with the help of your family." Regina smiled sadly

Zelena dried her tears with the fabric that she held. "You're an idiot." She laughed through new tears.

"Hey!" Regina chuckled. "I know I'm an idiot but you're too so I think we're even." She joked.

Zelena reached out for Reginas hand and sat her down again on the chair, opposite of her chair she took place in after. "Wanna join me today?" She asked out of the blue. It was best just to change subjects.

Regina smiled. "Yes! What do you want to do today though?"

"Uhm... I'm helping out the Queen and Robin for their adoption interview. She has some trouble with everything..." Zelena could laugh again. "She needs clothes, a proper name, I don't know if she has a passport but she and Robin both need to face some changes if they want to adopt."

"That's gonna be a real challenge." Regina laughed. "I'm in. What time are you going there?"

"I don't know... Robin said when he was done shooting." Zelena shrug her shoulders. "Won't be long because he always shoots in the early morning."

"I mean the queen can just use my clothes if she wants that will already change a lot." Regina imagined the queen walking into the adoption interview in her evil queen clothes and couldn't help but laugh. "And I think we might be able to fix some ID for them Rumple is quite good with that stuff I heard." Regina knew almost everything about everyone.

"Can't you fix it? You're mayor and Queen..." Zelena pokes her sister jokingly. "Well at least she needs a new name. Robin stays Robin Hood but she can't keep her name as Evil Queen Hood.."

"No she can't. We'll figure out a name and I will let Rumple make the IDs. When do they have the interview?" Regina asked

Zelena looked in her phone on the calendar. "At 4:30pm so we have 5 hours?" She said nervously. "It's short notice I know but they asked me a few days ago..."

"Rumple should be able to get it done by then." Regina got out her phone and started typing an e-mail to Rumple. "So... let's call the queen Raven Hood" She typed some more and send the e-mail. Immediatly after sending the e-mail she called Rumple to make sure he would do it.

"Regina, your e-mail just came into my inbox, what's the hurry Dearie?" Rumple asked immediately when he picked up the phone.

"You have 3 hours maximum to make 2 fake IDs. Can you do that?" Regina asked.

"I can. They'll be ready in time." Rumple didn't ask any more questions and hung up the phone.

"Okay so that's fixed." Regina put her phone away and looked at her sister

"I'm impressed. He never really is that quick, he's old." Zelena said.

"Well he better be quick today because otherwise Robin en the Queen have a huge problem." Regina sighed. "Let's go get everything we need and go over there?"

The doorbell rang. "There's no need, I think there they are." Zelena said and stood up to open the door. They weren't that late, but being on time was always an issue for her sisters evil half.

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