Part 77 8pm

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The rest of the family had gotten home. Alice and Robin dropped off Zelena at her house before going to the cinema. "Bye mom, seee you tonight! Don't forget to message him." Robin yelled after her.

Zelena sighed. "Thanks for the reminder..." She got I inside and poofed on the couch. The house was so empty with all Elphie's toys just laying around the house. She couldn't be bothered to clean it up just yet. She took out her phone and saw a kind message from her sister. The former witch smiled at the kind words, she and Emma would probably be in the sky now. She opened her chat with Chad, they were all nothing but arguing about raising their daughter and how he accused her for doing it all wrong. "Chad. I'm eating at Robin's, do you want to drop our daughter off at her place? Then she can join for dessert at 8. Zelena." In no time she got a reply back.

"Hi babe, that's fine. Elphie is having a great time here. She's trying to make friends but by far she's just a little shy. Xx"

Zelena rolled her eyes while reading the message. "Elphie isn't shy usually. You know why she's having a hard time, because her Father left his family. That's why she's so shy, she's embarrassed about her parents divorce that you caused. See you tonight Chad and don't ever try to call me babe."

Zelena had to wait for a while before Chad replied. "I'm sorry, it's just a habit. See you tonight. Xx"


"Why doesn't barely anyone here speak english or barely." Emma groaned when they finally reached the hotel they would stay in for the next week.

"Don't overreact so bad, it was fine." Regina laughed. Emma was clearly tired from the long flight. Regina had slept most of the time so she felt okay. She walked up to the counter.  "We made resevations on the name Mills."

"Millz..." the lady looked in her computer. "Ah yea." She handed Regina passes for the door. "Your roomnumber is 203, it's on the sec'nd floor. Le breakfast is from 7:30 till 10:30." She searched for something else. "This folder has information about the hotel and the city. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here."

"Thank you." Regina nodded. Both Regina and Emma stayed silent till they reached the hotel room.


Dinner was coming to an end. Zelena looked impatiently to the clock. "Where the fuck is he... he is already 20 minutes late."

"Mom, don't worry. You know he's always late." Robin looked over to Alice and Hope. "Why don't you clean up already?"

Hope noticed that Zelena was angry but didn't really get why she would be. "I'll help clean up.'' She dragged her with her to the kitchen, wanting to cheer Zelena up.

Zelena didn't even had the time to take the plates with her. "Hope, what's up?" She acted confused but tried not to show it.

"I don't want to see you sad." Hope shrugged. She hated when anyone in her family was sad

"I'm sorry Hope." Zelena smiled weakly. "It's just that Elphie's father would bring her back by now but he still isn't here."

"I'm sure he'll be here soon auntie." Hope hugged Zelena

"I hope so." Zelena put both her arms around Hope. She knew her ex, he wasn't planning on coming in the next hour at least. "How was the movie?" She asked and put on a fake smile like usual.

"I loved the movie." Hope smiled brightly and left. She wasn't really one to talk to tonight.


"I'm so tired." Emma yawned as she kicked off her shoes. She let herself fall on the bed, closing her eyes.

"How tired can you be after traveling?" Regina said with an amused smile.

"Says the one who slept through most of the flight except for when we got food." Emma groaned. "And someone kept me awake most of last night." Emma chuckled

Regina went to brush her teeth and when she came back she saw Emma asleep on the bed still fully dressed. Regina chuckled softly. She pulled off some of Emma's clothes to make her more comfortable while sleeping.

"What are you doing." Emma whined half asleep. She felt Regina tugging on her clothes. 

"Making sure you can sleep comfortably." Regina smiled and pulled off the red leather jacket.

"kay." Emma mumbled softly. She felt the covers being pulled over her and she snuggled into them. "Come cuddle with me." The words didn't sound clear.

Regina smiled again, Emma became really clingy when she was tired but Regina loved it. "I'll be there in a second." Regina changed into her sleeping clothes and got in the bed next to Emma. Emma cuddled up close to Regina. Regina softly ran her hand through Emma's hair.

"I love you." Emma whispered before giving in to the sleep.


Robin heard something at the door. "Mom, do you want to open the door?" She didn't need to say that twice.

Zelena let go of Hope and got the the door. She opened it and saw Elphie stepping out of her fathers car. She walked up to her daughter. "Hi my pretty, go quickly inside. Hopes inside." She smiled and when her daughter was inside she turned to Chad. "You're late. Again..." she sighed.

"Yea, I'm sorry we just had a really great time." Chad smiled. "I was wondering when I get to keep her for a weekend instead of a day, she's my daughter too you know."

"When she's ready for it. It's totally upto our daughter what she wants and she said 1 night." Zelena wanted to go back inside but Chad stopped her from going. He rested his hands on Zelena's hips. "Chad, don't..." she looked away from his eyes but his hands she kept on her body.

Robyn watched the pair from behind the window. She saw how uncomfortable her mom was getting. "Ali, should I do something?"

Alice wrapped her arms around Robyn's waist. "I think it's best if we let them figure this out toghether. It hasn't been easy on Zelena but it also hasn't been easy on Chad, remember there are always 2 different stories to tell." She sighed.

"You're right." Robin turned around in Alice her arms and smiled, looking her in the eyes. "You're not going to get rid of me. Ever."

"Who said I wanted to get rid of you?" Alice kissed Robin's lips softly. Robin led her hand to Alice's neck, pulling her even more close. She smiled against her lips and kissed her again.


Swan queen is in Paris! Yay! We didn't write this with the 6 hour time difference there is officially between France and the USA but we really couldn't be bothered... hope you enjoy the story! Xx Zelly

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