Part 66 'buddies'

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Roni hadn't been able to sleep at all that night while Emma was sound asleep. It all felt too natural. She stayed in bed until she couldn't take it anymore. Roni got out of bed and took a quick shower. Emma woke up when she smelled coffee. She thought back to last night and couldn't help but smile. She got dressed and got to the kitchen. ''Good morning Blondie.'' Roni smiled at the blonde. She needed to say something else but she waited just a little while longer. ''You want coffee?'' She asked

''Yes sure.'' She sat down across from Roni while Roni poured a cup of coffee. Emma added sugar and wrapped her hands around the cup.

''There is something I want to talk to you about.'' Roni started. She watched as Emma raised an eyebrow in confusion. ''Last night was fun but I think we should leave it just at that. Like... fuckbuddies.'' She named it.

''Uhm okay..'' Emma said unsurely. She didn't want to show Roni how much it actually hurt her. Zelena had already told her that Roni was like this but still it hurt a lot.

Roni saw the hurt in Emma's eyes and deep inside she felt guilty, she never feels guilty. ''I just think it's better, for the both of us. I just don't think I'm ready to have a real relationship with someone who already has two kids.'' She lied. She loved children but a kid from 2 years and a kid that goes to college that was just another piece of cake.

''Fine, I gotta go pick up Hope though.'' Emma hadn't even finished her coffee as she stood up. ''Bye, Roni.''

"Emma?" Roni asked before she left. She waited until Emma turned around. ''I'm sorry.''

"It's fine, see you later." Emma replied dryly.


"Mooning auntie Z!" Hope jumped up and down the master bed. She had been awake for what felt like ages.

Zelena rubbed eyes and yawned. "Morning little monkey." She opened her eyes and saw Hope sitting on Chads back, she rested from her jumping on the bed, it was exhausting for the 4 year old. Chad woke up as well from the little girl jumping on his back. "Wait! Hold on, I need to take a picture for Emma. You're cute now." Zelena took her phone.

"Zel, I don't have a shirt on..." Chad tried to explain but she already had taken the picture. He felt the weight of Hope falling off his back and laid down next to him.

"Mooning uncle Chaddy."

Chad poked Hopes nose. "Morning Princess. Let's get you dressed and downstairs." He stood up and felt 2 little hands on his shoulder, stopping him from actually standing up.

"Piggy back wide!" Hope chuckled and held onto Chads shoulders.

Zelena smiled at the 2. Chad was the cutest guy she has ever met, plus he was the best when it came to little children. "I'll come right down. Could you start making breakfast? Prepare for 4 though..."

"Uhm, okay?" Chad wondered who the fourth one would be because they were just with 3. He and Hope left off to the kitchen.

Zelena turned around in the bed and took once again her phone and sent Emma the picture with Hope jumping on Chads back. 'Hey, you might be busy but we weally miss you! If you want you can join breakfast? Love Hope and the Greens'


Emma got outside and got a text from Zelena. "I'd love to join you guys for breakfast. I'll be there in 20." Emma first had to get home and drive there.

"Hope, we need those bread slices. Please give the bag of bread back. Pretty please." Chad run after Hope playfully.

Hope run around the kitchen and the living room. "I got the bread! I got the bread!"

Zelena laughed and picked up hope who stumbled into her. "Gotcha!" She smiled and returned to the kitchen. "Babe, Em is coming in 20 minutes, at least put on a shirt..." Chad sighed but knew it has to be done. She watched Chad going up the stairs, she couldn't believe one could be that cute in the morning.

Emma walked home, since Roni drove her yesterday. When she got home Henry was still sleeping. She quickly showered and put on some clean clothes. When she checked the time Emma realized she would be late.

Hope heard Chad turning on the shower. "Can I let uncle Chaddy scream?"

Zelena crouched down to Hoped height. "Sure." She laughed at the little ones idea. She picked up Hope and sat her down on the counter next to the crane. Hope opened the crane that run with warm water and not much later she heard Chad scream like a girl. She giggled loudly.

"Zel! Really! It's cold AF!" Chad yelled from the bathroom.


Emma drove over to Zelena's house she waited a while before she actually got out of the car. She felt like crying. She eventually got out of the car and knocked on the door.

"Chad! Can you answer?" Zelena was too busy with Hope in the kitchen.

Chad sighed. "I'm half naked, I can't answer the door like this..." He yelled downstairs.

Zelena smirked. "I don't mind you being half naked..." She mumbled and looked down at Hope. Luckily she didn't hear it, she was too busy with her beautiful creation of a croissant tower. "I'll get it! Just get your butt dressed!" She yelled and got to the door. "Woah, you look terrible..."

"And thanks Z." Emma tried to laugh. "I'll tell you later." She said with a sigh.

Zelena showed a little smile. "Take your time." She let Emma in and closed the door.

Hope recognised the voice of her mom anywhere. "Mommy!" She run towards her mom and hugged her tight.

Emma smiled and hugged her princess. "Hey princess, did you have a good time?"

"I bakes cookies!" Hope smiled proudly.

Zelena walked back to the kitchen. "We saved them especially for you."

"Uncle Chaddy wanted to take them all, Mommy!"

"Oh did he?" Emma smiled at Hope. "Good you made sure he didn't."

"Hungry Em? Hope and Chad made a special breakfast." Zelena smiled at the 2 being reunited again. "Chad, you ready?" She yelled upstairs.

Chad already came downstairs. "Hi Emma," he walked up to Zelena who pinched him jokingly in his butt when he walked by. "I'll get you later, stop it..." He whispered teasingly.

Emma pretended she didn't see anything just for Chad's sake. "Let's eat breakfast then huh?" She wasn't hungry at all.

Hope led Emma down to the breakfast she and Chad had prepared. "Look, you sit next me!" She giggled.

"Oh I am? That's amazing princess." She put Hope in her chair and sat down too. She smiled at her daughter, she could make even the worst day better. Hope sat down on her chair and pointed at the chair that faced the kitchen. "There you sit mommy. Next to Hope!" She chuckled and her mother took place next to her. Emma missed her loads and was glad that after being with Roni, it was this not cursed family she could return to.

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