Part 54 3 days later

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"Alice!" Robin yelled when she was in the shower.

"Yes?" Alice yelled back

"I love you!" Robin laughed.

"I love you too!!"

"Could you come in please? Talking like this is very exhausting!" Robin got out of the shower and put on a towel.

Alice got into the bathroom. "Hi."

Robin turned around and just started laughing. "Alice, don't stare at my butt!"

"Hey, I can't help the fact that your butt is perfect just like the rest of you." She laughed.

Robin chuckled. "Shush you!" She put the towel around her body and secured it. She walked over to Alice and kissed her gently. "But for serious now... did you what time we would meet-up at Reginas vault?"

"In an hour. She just texted it." Alice smiled.

"Damn... I promised mom to be at hers before I went to Regina. Are you sure it was an hour?" Robin was never good with planning.

"Yes, you can also go to your mom after helping Regina or just come later to Regina's vault?"

"It's just a quick 'hi, bye, love you... I won't be at hers for hours." Robin said in a rush and ran to the closet, she opened her part of the closet with too much clothing. "Why don't I have anything to wear?!"

Alice threw some clothes at her.  "Wear this."

"This? This was from the Hyperion Heights curse! I'm not wearing Margot again!" Robin laughed.

"It looked cute on you." She said with a slight smile.

"Fine." Robin knew Alice had the last saying in things like this. She got dressed and stood in front of her living mirror. "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the cutest of them all?"

"You are." Alice said and kissed Robin on her lips. "Now let's go."


"Regina take some rest you've been working non stop on this potion." Emma tried. Regina was exhausted after all the days she stayed up late.

"No, it's almost finshed. I already asked Robin and Alice to help me today. It'll be fine." Regina reassured her.

"Okay, just make sure you get enough rest tonight." Emma said worried.

Regina chuckled at how Emma was. "Yes, I will." She went to the vault earlier. She got everything they needed for today and waited for Robin and Alice.


Robin knocked on the door of her moms house. It smelled delicious through the door. "She just came out of the hospital and she's already baking?"

Chad opened the door. He looked quite busy with his cute apron and flour covered all over his body. "I'm sorry about the mess!"

Robin gave one quick look at Alice and started laughing. "Oh my god, dad. It's you who's cooking? Does she trust you?"

"Hah, hah... very funny. I can do some things in the kitchen. Your mom is just watching me... come in."

Alice laughed too. "You sure about that?" She smelled something burning.

"Yes I'm sure!" Chad said but knew what she was talking about.

"Chad!" Zelena yelled from the kitchen.

"Fuck... come in..." Chad said and run to the kitchen.

Alice and Robin followed Chad to the kitchen.  "Goodmorning!"

"Morning...." Zelena sighed when she threw away Chads croissants. "You were getting so good... if you want me to trust you in the kitchen, never leave the kitchen!"

"My croissants...." Chad acted very disappointed. "I can start again?"

"Don't bother, I made a batch this morning." Zelena winked.

"Typical mom." Robin laughed and took a bite out of her croissant she took from the plate. "Are your memories back yet?" She asked.

"No..." Zelena walked over to Chad and hugged him sideways. "I guess I have to live with this..." she didn't know about the late nights her sister was making for her potion.

"I'm sure you'll remember soon and everything will be back to normal again."

"I hope so..." Zelena smiled softly and kissed Chad quickly on the lips, following She put one of her croissants in his mouth and laughed.

"So mom, Regina is working on a memory potion for you to remember what happened." Robin annonced. "And she's been working on it since it happened. Alice and I will help her this afternoon. She said it's almost done."

Hope shined through Zelena's eyes. "Really?" She smiled.

"She's been working on it  non-stop. She barely got any sleep the past few days." She chuckled. "When she sets her mind to something it's happening."

"She's the best." Zelena looked Chad in the eye. It won't be long now that she would finally remember what happened.

"Anyways, mom... Alice and I gotta go. But we'll see you soon." Robin gave her mom a hug. "Love you loads." She crouched down to her moms pregnant belly. "Love you too my little munchkin." She gave a little kiss on er moms stomach.

"Be good. You too Alice."

"always." Alice smiled and they went to Regina's vault.


A while later, Zelena and Chad stood in the baby room. "I don't remember decorating this..." Zelena said confused. It was decorated in her style so it had to be her.

Chad stood behind his wife and hugged her. "That's because you don't remember, but it was you who did and it's beautiful." He kissed her on the cheek. He looked over at the IKEA kit for the baby bed. "Do you want me to m-"

"Is that even a question? YES please!" Zelena laughed. "I tried but it was dreadful." She laughed and watched Chad making the bed.

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