Part 54 the memory potion

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"Finally, you're here!" Regina said happily when Robin and Alice walked into her vault. They weren't late or anything but Regina had just been waiting for a long time. 

"I wanted to go to mom before. She is so happy to have a sister like you." Robin smiled and threw her bag in the corner, placed next to her aunts potions and all. "So, how is the process?"

"Well almost everything is done. There's just this thing we need to do. I needed more people for it." She let them read what they had to do

Robin read the instructions and passed them on to Alice. "Hold on... we have to test it first?" This wasn't really clear for Robin. She watched her mom making potions when she was younger and she never tested. "How many people do you need?"

"All three of us." Regina looked at them hopeful, she knew it was big risk to ask.

Robins eyes widened. "Woah, okay.. What will it do to us? Can't we just give it to mom?"

"Well first I'll make us all forget like something small and then we drink it and see if we remember. Nothing special but memory potions are my specialty."

Robin didn't need long to think of that. "Oh I have the perfect moment I would LOVE to forget."

Alice laughed. "You'll remember it soon after though."

Regina had to think for a second but soon realized what her niece was talking about. 

"Oh... I don't care!" Robin laughed. "Even if I would forget it for a minute, I'll be happy. I regret walking into that room..."

"Well let's try it then!" Regina  erased Robin's memory of waking into that room. She erased Alice's memory of her dad being thrown out of the tower by Gothel, the last day she saw her father as a kid until she was grown up and she made herself forget the day Robin died. Only just for a moment, it still hurt like hell even though she was in a happy place right now.

"Alice, do you remember something?" Robin asked her girlfriend who looked very confused.

Alice pulled a funny face. "No?" She said. "What would I remember?"

Regina nodded. She handed the both a but of the potion. It would be just enough to remember.

Robin took the bottle with the potion. "Is... is it gross?"

Regina shrugged. "It's not the best but it isn't that bad." She got some for herself too.

Robin raised her potion up high in the air. "To mom.."

"To your mom." They all took the potion. At first nothing happened but Regina started to notice changes, just not the ones she was supposed to have.

Robin let the potion fell on the ground. "What the hell! Roni, that's so gross. Don't make us ever drink that again." She coughed.

"Sorry, I thought I made a good drink okay? It's for Halloween, what was it supposed to taste like? Unicorn shit?!" Roni snapped back "It's so fucking gross."

"Just... never give us that... but thank you, I guess." Margot wiped her mouth. "Babe, we should go. I need to clean my mouth with a lot of booze at home."

"Yes that's a very good idea." Tilly pulled a disgusted face. She took Margots hand and left.

"Hey it wasn't that bad!" Roni yelled after the two. She looked at her clothes. "How the hell did I think these clothes would be a good idea." She looked at her dress. The rocker, dressed as a classy woman, searched around the vault for some other clothes and changed quickly, feeling a lot more like herself already. "Where the hell even am I?"


Margot and Tilly walked back home. "Ugh... seriously my aunt is the worst when it comes to drinks and she used to be a bartender..." Margot opened the door of their house and immediately walked to te cupboard. "Want some?"

"Yes please!"

Margot got a chair to stand on to reach for the strongest they got at the moment. "One or two bottles?" She joked but meant it seriously.

"Let's start with one." She laughed as she saw her girlfriend standing on the chair with two bottles of booze.

"Fine..." Margot put the other bottle of Jack Daniels back and filled 2 shot glasses with an double. "Here's to us, and the gross drink Roni got us."

"To us." Tilly smiled and took the shot. She kissed her girlfriend on the cheek and another few shots followed.


Hey!!! I'm really wondering what you think of this twist, personally, I LOVE IT! There's a lot more to come in your way so be sure to keep follow the story haha! xx Zelly 

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