Part 101 after school

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It was 3pm and Zelena, Regina, Raven and Robin waited outside the school, it was the first time that the Queen and robin were at a place filled with children. "Sis," Zelena said to Raven. "Do you think you can handle all those kids once the school bell rings?"

"I'm not sure.." Raven said slowly. "I think I can." She smiled and waited for the bell to ring.

Regina looked at her other half. "You can see Hope again, you haven't seen her in a long time right?"

Raven nodded. "She must have grown a lot." She smiled.

Regina nodded. "She did. I can't even believe it myself sometimes."

Not much later the schoolbell rang and Elphie got out first. She searched the schools playground for her mother but first she saw Robin in normal clothes. She run towards him. "Robin!" She giggled and hugged him tight. "Are you picking me up with mommy?"

Robin smiled at the little ones enthusiasm. "Of fourse! And your aunties as well."

Elphie looked to the left and saw 2 people dressed up as her classic aunt. "Huh?" She didn't understand. "Is that you Queenie?" She asked the Regina with long hair.

"Yes it's me." Raven smiled and hugged Elphie. "How was school?

"Mom?" Hope asked confused when she saw two Reginas only one with longer hair.

"Hey princess." Regina smiled. "This is the queen or well Raven as she goes by now. You probably don't really remember her because it has been a long time since you've seen her"

Elphie walked over to her mother and asked to be picked up. "Snow said I'm the best girl in Kindergarten!"

Zelena was really proud of her youngest. "Really? That's great my munchkin! You just look like your sister when she was in school."

"I am just like Robin!" She giggled and hugged her mother tight around the neck.

"Uhmm hi." Hope said awkwardly.

"Hey." Raven smiled at Hope. She had changed so much over the years.

"Did you had a good day at school?" Robin asked the youngest of the school children.

"I did! And I am really good in crafts!" Elphie chuckled. "Tomorrow I take my birdhouse home!"

"Oh Elphie, before I forget... daddy and Malerie are picking you up." Zelena said to her daughter.

Elphies expression changed instantly. "I'm not going home then?" She pouted.

"Well, you're going home with daddy. The entire weekend." Zelena said.

Elphie wrinkled out of Zelenas grip. "But I don't want too! I never go a weekend!" She got angry and stormed off to the klimrek, leaving her mother and family behind.

Zelena sighed. "Just promise me, when you get a kid. Don't get divorced..." she said to Raven and Robin and walked away to her daughter.

Raven looked at Robin with a worried look on her face. She didn't know why exactly she was worried.

Hope followed to who Raven was looking at. She recognized him from old pictures she had watched with her moms. She walked over to him. "Hi, I'm Hope." she smiled

"Hello Lady Hope, I'm Robin. Nice to meet you." Robin took out his hand for a handshake of the 9 year old."

Hope shaked Robin's hand. She didn't really know what else to say.  (Joe sorry ik weet legit niet whahah)

"Mommy, I really don't want to go to Daddy. Malerie isn't nice." Elphie said disappointed.  "I don't want to go!"

"I get that Elphie, why don't you tell daddy tomorrow when he's picking you up? Okay?" Zelena tried for the last time to get Elphie out of the klimrek.

"Okay." Elphie said and got down. "Are we going to the baby office?" She asked her mother after holding her hand to stay close to her mothers side.

Zelena laughed. "Yes, were going to the baby office. For Queenie and Robin but they're not getting a baby right this second. That will take a while."

Elphie frowned her eyebrows. "But why are we going then? And why has Queenie Ginas clothes?"

"Queenie and Robin can't go in their beautiful forest clothing so they have to be stylish." Zelena explained. "Are you ready?" She picked up her daughter and rested her on her arm.

"Yes, I am!" Elphie smiled again. She and her mother walked up to the rest. "Are you ready too?" She asked the to-be-parents.

Raven noddes. "I think we are yes." She smiled and looked at Robin. She held his hand and squeezed it softly.

Hope found it weird to see almost an exact copy of Regina with Robin. Her moms had talked about the queen before but Hope never really cared about it.

"You guys will be fine." Regina looked in her purse. "I have your fake ID." She mumbled and handed them to Raven and Robin.

"Thanks, Regina." Robin looked down at the card he had accepted. "What is this exactly? Can't they just see that me is me?"

"It's basically a way to confirm that you really are who you are." Regina tried to explain but frowned at her own explanation. "Don't even try to understand it."

"Just show it to the interviewer and you'll be fine." Zelena added and together with the 4 adults and the kids they left off to Storybrooke adoption agency.

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