Part 24 destroyed

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Zelena and Chad arrived at their home. "It's so empty without her."

"But it's filled with my love for you." Chad smirked and kissed her passionately.

Zelena chuckled. "I love you too, Chad and there for I want to tell you something." She said nervously.

"What is it?" Chad asked loved the surprises his wife got him.

Zelena took a deep sigh. She was ready to tell him, she took both his hands in hers and looked him in the eyes. "I'm pregnant." She smiled.

Opposite of Zelena, Chad wasn't happy at all. He didn't even show a smile. "How many weeks are you?"

"3,5 months..." Zelena said carefully. "Why?" She expected him to be more excited then he showed her now.


Emma and Regina arrived home. "Did you get some food into Hope?" She asked Henry.

"Nope, she's very stubborn." He said while playing with his little sister.

Regina laughed. "Just like her mom." She teased her girlfriend.

Hope stood up, wobbled a bit on her feet and ran to Regina in little steps. "Gina!" She giggled.

Regina kneeled down and smiled at Hope. "Hey little girl."

"Hope play!" She tried to get her way after not eating her breakfast.


Chad sighed. "So, that's too late for abortion." He mumbled.

Zelena released her hands from Chads grip, this was not what she expected him to say. "Woah wait?! You're thinking about that!" She got angry. "Chad, I'm not gonna murder my child! How dare you!" She cried.

"Zelena. We can't have a kid in the house, we simply just can't! How come you are even pregnant? We always use protection to prevent things like this!"

Zelena took a deep breath. "Actually, we never used it. I made you think we have but we don't even have condoms in the house..."

"Wait, what? What are you saying? You used magic on me? While we're married?!" Chad got angry as well. "You promised not too!"

"I'm sorry! But I thought you would be happy if you still had a kid that was all yours!" Zelena wiped away her tears. "Don't you want to be happy?" She said voice broken.

Chad sighed. "I'm sorry but not like this... you have no idea what you're asking of me." He stood up and walked to the closet.

"Babe. Where are you going?" She asked worried while she watched Chad pack a bag. "Chad, talk to me please! Chad!"


Regina couldn't resist the little girl and smiled "sure."

"Looks like we've found the queen her weak spot." Emma smiled lovingly.

"Shhh you."

Hope took Reginas hand and took little steps to her little play castle. "Gina blocks!" She giggled.


"I need to get things straight..." He answered stubbornly and finished packing.

"Chad, please... can't we talk about this?"

Chad zipped his bag. "Sure. We can." He put down his bag in an angry way. "You've lied, you used magic without letting me know and for what purpose? You broke our promise, you broke trust in our relationship, you made a life changing decision without me!" He yelled. "Father was right. You are still wicked. And wicked never changes. I hoped I was the one that you wanted to change for."

"Chad, please!" Zelena cried. "I'm not wicked. I am trying to change, for you and our future..."

"No you're not..." Chad had the final say and left his home without giving one more look at his wife.


Regina sat down on the ground and grabbes the block. "What do you want to build?" She looked at Hope who was trying to build something with a cute concentrated face. Regina made sure the blocks wouldn't fall.

After trying to build for a while hope stood up and yelled happily. "Castle done!" It didn't look at all like a castle.

"Ohhh that looks great!" She looked at Hope's proud face and melted.

"Moms! I'm going over to a friend." Henry yelled.

"Okay, have fun!" Emma joined Regina and Hope once Henry left

"Henny!" Hope cried. "I not say bye!" Tears streamed over her cheeks.

Emma loved to see how close Henry and Hope were. "Maybe he's still outside, run to him." She said.

"Yea." Hope sobbed and run to the front door, she was too small to open the door. "It lock!" She cried.

Emma opened the door for Hope and laughed as she ran outside without her shoes on.

"Hennyyy!" Hope run towards her brother Who almost arrived at his motorbike.

Henry turned around when he heard his little sister scream his name. "Hey Hope!"

"Don't go!" The little one sobbed.

The young man crouched down to hope's height. "I will, I promise."

Emma and Regina watched from a distance. "This is just adorable." Emma whispered.



Hope hugged her big brother tight. "Love you!"

"I love you too." He said and got on his motorbike.

"Bye." Hope took a few big steps backwards because she knew her brothers motorbike was dangerous.

On the other side of the street, Chad had parked his car. He needed to be away from Zelena to clear his mind.

"Mommy, uncle Chad car!" She giggled.

Emma walked over to Hope to just get her a little bit more away from the motorbike just to be save. "What is Chad doing here?" She wondered.

"I don't know." Regina whispered.

Chad saw Regina and Emma looking at him. He doubted to step out of the car. Could they have known it before him? He wiped away his tears, when he saw little hope he decided not to step out and drove away.

Regina saw him looking at them and driving away. She found it quite strange that he didn't even say hi to them. Regina, Emma and Hope went inside again.

"Why Uncle Chad dont Come?" Hope asked while she walked back to her castle of blocks.

"I don't know honey, just go play."

"Okay!" Hope chuckled and hopped to her play corner.

"Something doesn't feel right with Chad." She sat down on the couch and watched Hope play.

"I got the same feeling." Regina leaned against Emma and yawned. Hope had been waking up through the night waking everyone up.

Hope walked out of sight of her Mom and Regina and tried to reach something from the shelf. She almost got her teddy but she slipped and fell. "Mommy!" She cried.

Emma immediately walked over to Hope. "What happened?" She took her crying daughter in her arms and tried to calm her.

"I ouch!" She sobbed and pointer to her knee.

Emma held Hope close as she cried. "The ouch is gone soon."


Nook opened the door "Chad?" He had just woken up.

"Hi, mate." Chad imitated his friend. "I thought I popped by to say hi." He put on a fake smile.

"Uhm, sure..." Nook opened the door wider and let his best friend in.

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