Part 30 it's the night

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It was close to the dinner time. Zelena had prepared dinner for almost 2 hours, it was a hell but it was worth cooking again for more then one person for the last 3 weeks. The doorbell rang, she got rid of her ridiculous apron, fixed her hair and answered the door. "I was almost afraid you weren't coming..." She leaned against the door post of her front door.

"Don't be afraid for that... you know how loyal I am." Scar straightened his hair and walked inside. He stopped when he stood close behind Zelena. "I've missed you, my witch." He whispered in her ear and turned her around. He looked her in the eyes and noticed quickly that Zelena was enchanted by his eyes. "What do we have for tonight?"

"Only your favourite..." Zelena chuckled and closed the door. She looked at his manly walk. It really was like a man walking like a lion. "It's steak for tonight. And maybe a little dessert, but I'm not sure what yet."

"Sounds brilliant, and about that dessert," Scar smirked into Zelena's direction, looking her up and down. "I think I know what I will..."

"Scar, please." Zelena went shy. "You know I have a husband and a child on the way."

Scar walked up to the witch. "Oh I know. But I dont see your husband anywhere? Do you?" He said in a seductive way.

Zelena felt his hands resting on her hips. "Scar," Her voice was in a whisper. "Please don't..." She  pushed his hands away. "Let's just eat first okay? Just see how this will work out. We still have to get through our next plans first."

"That sounds like a wicked idea." He lifted up her chin. "Tonight will be perfect..."


Hope tossed and turned in her bed. She had slept the entire afternoon but it was time for her to wake up for dinner. She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them. "Mommy!" Her voice went over all the babyphones in the house.

 Emma smiled as she heard the still sleepy voice of Hope over the babyphone. She went upstairs to Hope's room and opened the door. "Hey princess."

Hope yawned. "Mommy, I want out." She sat up straight in the bed. "It's boring in the bed and I cant sleep!" Emma picked her up and softly kissed her forehead before going downstairs again. "And me wants my Swan clothes!" She giggled.

Emma out Hope on the ground. "Okay! I'll be right back." She got a sweater with a white swan on it. She knew it was Hope's favorite. Emma got back to Hope. "This one?"

Hope our her hands on her cheeks. "Yes!" She wiggled with her little legs.

Emma smiled at her adorable daughter and helped her into the sweater.

Hope loved the sweater her mom put on on her but no way she was going wear trousers. She struggled against everything her mom pulled out of the closet.

 "Come on Hope. You have to wear something or else you'll get cold." Emma tried to dress her daughter.


"Hope! Come on work with me for a second." Emma chuckled at the stubbornness of her daughter. "Or not..." she watched Hope run out of the room

Hope run towards the stairs and gently slid of it like it was a slide. "Ginahaha!" She giggled and poofed on the floor downstairs.

Regina had just put the food in the oven as she heard Hope. Regina made her way over to the stairs. "You're looking adorable Hope." Regina laughed as she saw Emma follow behind with Hope her trousers in her hand. Before she could pick up the little toddler, she had run off to the kitchen and run around the living room with only her diaper and her sweater. She mumbled some words in between. Regina and Emma watched as Hope ran around. "She's so cute."

Emma hummed in agreement. "Just wished she listened more often." Emma threw Hope's trousers on the couch with a smile.


Scar took one last bite of his dinner. "That was delicious, like usual." He cleaned his lips with a napkin. "What's dessert?" He said as he stood up.

"Well, it's not really a dessert but-" Zelena began to talk but soon felt a hand on her neck.

"I can think of an alternative?" Scar smirked as he forced her to stand up, still keeping his hands resting on her neck.

"Scar..." Zelena looked up into his eyes. "What are you up to?"

Scar stroke her cheek gently. "Thats for me to know and for you to find out." He smirked.

Zelena pulled out of his forced kiss. "But what about Chad? I don't want to betray him, I would never..."

"Oh shut up! There is no Chad. Do you see him around? No. He left you because he didn't want to care for you and your little one. Honestly, and that calls himself a husband?!" Scar snapped, he saw the fear in Zelena's eyes. "I'm sorry. That was unkind from me." He put on a fake smile, the one he knew Zelena would trust. 


Chad broke the silence during the game he, Robin, Alice and Nook were playing. "I don't trust this Scar... if he's up to no good, I have to check on Zelena... even though we have a bit of a fight..." he stood up and rang Regina. They both cared about the ginger, maybe she wanted to tag along.

Regina and Emma ate silently, only responding when Hope said something or asked something. Regina wasn't in the mood. She was too worried about what Zelena and Scar were planning.  When she just was about to take another bite, her phone rang. She picked up her phone. "Hey Chad, what's going on?"

"I'm gonna check on Zelena, do you want to join. Something doesn't feel right."

"Uhm yea sure, let me clean up and should I pick you up?" Regina asked unsure

"I'll be at yours in 5. Do you think you can clean in that time?"

"Sure. See you in 5." She said. She and Emma cleaned up. "I'm gonna check on Zelena with Chad. I'll be back later tonight."

"Okay." Emma pulled Regina in a hug. "Stop worrying so much. It'll be fine."

"I know.." Regina mumbled softly.


Chad walked back to the rest. "See you later tonight." He said and took his jacket.

Robin looked up. "Where are you going?"

"Just to Regina, be back before you know it."

"Bring back red apples!" She yelled and continued the game with Alice and Nook.

Not much later Chad arrived at Regina's and knocked.

Regina opened the door. "Hey." She smiled at Chad. It was kind of awkward to see him again knowing what had happened between him and Zelena. She put on her coat and followed Chad to his car.

Chad and Regina rode to the farmhouse. "Thanks for coming... It still feels a bit awkward to not be with Zelena at the moment..."

"I can understand that. I honestly think the situation got kind of out of hand." She said. "but for now let's not get into that."

Chad smiled weakly. "It's my fault that I over reacted... but I really need my time." He said and the two stepped out of the car.

"I get that." They made their way over to the house in silence.

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