Part 117 Samdi's part in the game

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Zelena knocked on the outside of her bedroom door and heard someone whispering to come in. She opened the door and found Chad laying on the bed watching My little Pony the series.  "Where's Elfreda?" She asked.

Chad turned around slowly and revealed a snuggled up girl to her fathers chest. "She fell asleep just now." He whispered. "What's up?"

"Can you stay a little while longer? Me and Emma have some business to attend to." Zelena whispered back.

Chad nod. "Of course I will but where's Malerie?"

"She uhm... she left. Something happened but I'll tell you later..." She looked into his eyes. "And I'll tell the truth." Zelena replied. There was no way she could hide this from him.

"Uhmm... okay." Chad said softly. He looked at Zelena and saw some worry in her eyes but he thought it would be best not to ask. "Be careful." He smiled and felt a little hand around his waist and Elphie snuggled up even closer.

Zelena couldn't believe Chad actually was a really good father. "Thank you." She said and joined Emma downstairs again. "Let's go." She said and disappeared themselves from he house.

All Emma could think about was if Regina would be in any danger at the moment. She had heard of some of the things Samdi sometimes did to people and those things weren't too pretty.

"Find Regina." Zelena whispered. "I'll be distracting him."

"Okay." Emma nods and follows Zelena. She hides herself so that Samdi can't see her when Zelena distracts him

Zelena walked through Samdi's apartment, looking out for a man and a frog. How difficult could it be. "Sam?" She had checked all the rooms but he didn't seem to be in any of them. "What the bloody hell!" She had given up hope to look further but then a curtain opened. She knew this curtain but there always was a wall behind it until now. A small gate opened and she walked in. Emma always hid behind every corner possible but kept close to Zelena's side. The witch got to the end of the dark hall and discovered this apartment to be bigger then anyone knew. There were 2 doors at the end of the hallway. She heard a noise coming from one which sounded like Samdi's voice. The other door was quiet and the door was labelled with dangerous animal stickers. "I'm going in the left door, you look for Regina." She whispered to Emma.

Emma quietly went the opposite direction of where Zelena went. No where was a sign of where Regina could be. She entered a room and looked around frowning. All there was to be seen was reptiles. Emma stopped mid track when she saw two frogs. 'He didn't...'


"You can come into the light, Zelena. I know you're there." Samdi said, concentrated on his work. The door opened and the ginger entered. "I knew you would come after me. Let me guess, you're here because of your sister?"

Zelena had no time to be calm. "Why did you take her? The deal was Malerie, not my family!" She snapped at him.

"You don't make the rules, I do." Samdi didn't snap out of his trance. "When a relative gets on my nerves, or most importantly, calls a doctor an idiot, I'm done with them!" He glared at the woman in the room. "You can see Regina hadn't said goodbye to Roni, she still has her temper at some points. Just like you haven't said goodbye to Kelly. You're being too good in your character for a witch."

"You're talking nonsense! Yes, maybe I've kept some parts of Kelly and my sister of Roni but she didn't mean any harm! She freaked out when she saw Malerie on the floor. Give it a rest and get my sister back!"

Emma wanted to go get Zelena because right now she had no idea what the hell she was doing but she knew Zelena was distracting Samdi. Emma slowly walked around the room.

"I think someone is already looking for her." Samdi put down his work and walked over to Zelena. "Want to find out where Regina is? Can't you investigate yourself instead of the wife looking for her wife?" He smirked and pulled Zelena on her sleeve of her vest close to him. He wasn't really gently. "Be careful you don't choose the wrong one!"

Zelena frowned. "What wrong one?" She whispered. She tried to get out of his grip but he grabbed her by her neck, Zelena was defeated for using any magic. "What-are... you planning to do?" She succeeded to say, breathing heavily.

"Emma is going to choose her wife." Samdi smirked and transported him and Zelena in his power to the reptile room. "Hello, Emma. Good to see you here." Zelena tried to communicate with her sister-in-law but failed.

"What have you done?" Emma looked at the frogs and back to Samdi. "I swear to god if you turned her into a frog..." She looked at Zelena and frowned at what she was trying to do.

"Emma! She is-" Zelena's voice had been taken from Samdi.

"You shouldn't have learned me more then I asked for, witch." He threw Zelena across the room and she fell down on the floor against a few aquariums with a rare species piranha's. "She can't help you know. But she knew what I did to your beloved wife."

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