Part 78 hide and seek

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Chad still had his hands rested on Zelena's hips. He kept looking at her. "Zelena, we need to have some rules for her, I get it that she has different rules in your place then in mine but she keeps using magic, I thought you said you couldn't use magic outside of Storybrooke?"

Zelena shrug her shoulders and pushed away his hands. "Must be an exception then. Are you really going to ignore the talents of your daughter?"

"I don't want her to use magic while my parents are present. They never wanted me to have a child with you, let alone one with magic."

Zelena scoffed. "Oh my god. Just leave her be. She's just 5! You're like all fathers, they never stay. Mine didn't and look at you." She looked away from his gaze. "Night Chad." She walked away with tears in her eyes. She heard Chad saying her name what got her even more upset. "Chad, I said goodnight!"


Elphie was playing with her niece until she was distracted by her big sister. "Ugh Robin, no please no. Now I'm here it's sister time, not wife time."

Robin chuckled, looking at Alice and then at her little sister. "Yea... coming Ellie." She held onto Alice her hand and walked to her. "What are you guys playing?"

"We wanted to play hide and seek but we need more people for that." She looked at Alice and Robin. "Wanna join?" She used her puppy dog eyes

Robin looked around to find er Mom. She still wasn't here but she needed to give her some time. "Sure, why not." She said when her thoughts were already a bit off. "Who's gonna count?"

Hope kept quiet. She didn't want to count. She looked at Alice.

Alice chuckled. "I will do it."

"Okay!" Before Alice even started to count the youngest one around already run away. She walked up the stairs and wanted to hide in her own room but when she opened the door she saw her mom crying herself to sleep in the bed. "Mommy, don't cry." She whispered. She got on the bed and laid next o het Mother, putting both hand around her neck, facing her. "I love you." She giggled. "Don't cry."

Downstairs was Robin looking for a hiding spot. She couldn't find a good one for her height so she hid behind the curtain.

"1, 2, 3 4..." Alice counted.

Hope ran around the house looking for a good place to hide. She ended up hiding behind a chair in the corner, making herself as small as possible.

"5, 6, 7, 8..." Alice kept on counting

Robin sneezed when Alice finished. 'Shit...'

Alice kept in her laugh when she heard Robin sneeze. She walked in the direction of the sound and it was obvious that someone was standing behind the curtain. She moves the curtain away and finds Robin. "Gotcha." She laughed. "You're not really good at this are you?"

Robin blushed. "Sorry..." She chuckled. "You know I'm not really a game kind of girl." She came from behind the curtain. She looked around and saw just a glimpse of Hopes shadow but didn't tell her wife just yet.

"Yes I know." Alice chuckled. "Now let's find the other monkeys." Alice looked around and saw Hope but pretended she didn't. "I don't know where they could be though." Alice walked the other way. She heard Hope giggle but she ignored it. "They could be anywhere!"

Robin smiled. Alice was so cute with kids.

Hope tried not to giggle again but failed. She couldn't see Alice but heard footsteps getting closer.

"Found you!" Alice looked behind the chair.

"Great! And now, the hardest to find of all..." Robin looked around the room. "Elphie?" She, Alice and Hope kept looking but she wasn't on te ground floor.

"Maybe she went upstairs to hide. Let me check there." Alice quietly walked up the stairs to look in the room where Elphie slept if she stayed at Robin and her place. She opened the door and found both Elphie and Zelena asleep in one bed. Alice smiled and closed the door behind her. "Zelena and Elphie both fell asleep." She said when she got downstairs.

"Awee they are? Bless them." Robin smiled at the thought of them. She knew both had a hard day, it's nice to know that they have a rest now. "We mustn't wake them, but Hope needs another bed to sleep in though. It was actually hers for the next 2 weeks." She looked at the blonde who was as clueless as her.

"Or she can sleep in our bed with us tonight? Just for tonight." She saw Robin doubt it.

"Pleaseee can I?" Hope looked at Robin hopeful.

Robin knee that look on Alice her face. When she had an idea in mind, she always wanted to proceed it even if it was against her own wishes. "Okay, fine. But just tonight!"

"Yash!" Hope said happily.

Alice smiled at the girl her happiness. "Well, let's get you to bed too." Alice said as she saw Hope yawn

The 3 got ready for bed and not much later Alice and Robin fell asleep with their niece in between the pair.

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